Sunday, December 04, 2005

Bad vs. Good Bartending Service

1. When a customer has just been seated at a bar, the bartender should STOP IMMEDIATELY his or her friendly chit-chat(which is PLAYING on the job) and SERVE the customer.

2. When the bartender gets the order, that bartender SHOULD NEVER get ANYONE ELSE'S order such as a beer and serve them BEFORE they start making a mixed drink for a customer that ordered BEFORE that other person ordered. The FIRST person was FIRST, so serve them FIRST. I have had this lady bartender at a night club get my white russian order, then proceeded to the OPPOSITE side of the bar to get another person's order, which happen to be a beer and she even opened it BEFORE she even got the glass out to make my white russian. I ordered FIRST, NOT that other customer. That was just SO MEAN of her to do that. She made me stand there LONGER to serve that other customer a beer, when he ordered AFTER me. ZERO respect for going out of order, so ZERO tip.

3. Don't stop in the middle of making a customer's drink to chit-chat. If the bartender wants to talk, do it either WHILE the bartender is fixing the drink or AFTER, but don't interrupt someone's time that could be drinking their drink faster, that's just NOT right. I had a few times that happened to me. I asked for a white russian, and the lady bartender stops RIGHT in the middle of making my white russian BEFORE she poured the milk to stop completely to just chit chat. She got ZERO tip for being rude to a customer. It's HER JOB to serve the public, NOT to play around. Another time, it was around Mardi Gras time at TGIFridays. I was sitting at the bar and the guy bartender STOPS making my margarita to tell this lady customer that was sitting at the bar about mardi gras stuff. He got ZERO too for PLAYING ON THE JOB. He should be either talking WHILE he makes my drink or talk AFTERWARD, but NEVER, EVER, interrupt someone's order. That's just RUDE and SELFISH. CUSTOMER'S ORDERS COME FIRST!

4. A customer walks in, side work such as filling beers into a refrigerator or bussing the counter should be done AFTER the bartender serves the customer. This lady bartender kept putting in bottles of beer into a refrigerator instead of SERVING the customer. She got zero for putting side work first and the customer last. Customers are FIRST!

5. As far as tipping goes, I think one beer is not tip worthy. All the bartender does it undo the cap. WOW, that's SO much service, NOT! There's more work in filling a cup of soft drink at McDonalds, than taking a cap off a beer. Maybe 3 beers would be enough service for a small tip. It's not like it takes that much to pull a cap off and hand it to the customer.

6. Bartenders SHOULDN'T be taking a shot of alcohol on the job BEFORE serving someone that is waiting patiently to be served. One time a bartender took a shot of some alcohol with a customer, when I had just walked to the bar BEFORE he took the shot. He should have served me(the customer), then took his shot. CUSTOMERS COME FIRST!

7. The bartender shouldn't be making the phone a priority before the customers that are waiting to be served. So the bartender can't get to the phone, he or she is not a super woman or super man. Bartenders can only do so many things at once. If I just ordered a margarita, I shouldn't have to wait for a bartender to answer the phone instead of making my drink. He or she should either be talking on the phone WHILE he or she is making the drink or AFTER, but don't interrupt someone's order for someone else that called AFTER the person that just requested something. I find that to be rude.

8. The bartender shouldn't be making other things more important than the customer like eating or smoking. I have had both things happen to me. It's not right to make me wait for the bartender to finish eating or smoking. They should stop IMMEDIATELY to serve the customer, not to just think of THEMSELF.


Blogger Springs1 said...

"In the places I've worked, you wouldn't be served again for not tipping and would also be referred to as "the cheap uptight bitch drinking white russians"."

This has NOTHING to do with being cheap. This has to do with "HOW" am I treated. If the bartender is mean, I'll be mean back with the NO tip. You can't expect respect if I order a "White Russian", but then get another person's order that came up to the bar AFTER me. That's RUDE and VERY WRONG. That's a STIFF for sure to let that person CUT in front of me basically.

"If I serve you just one beer or drink I am legally responsible for you til you shut your door at home behind you. So yes one beer IS worth a tip."

NO, because there's MORE WORK involved filling a coke cup at McDonald's than grabbing a beer and flipping a cap, which at McDonald's, you don't tip those people for doing MORE work, so WHY for less work? It's just NOT FAIR or RIGHT. The LAW may state that you are responsible for me if I chose to get a beer, but that has NOTHING to do with a tip or what "KIND" of service you are giving me. It's like "HOW MUCH WORK is involved" is basically what I am saying. Is filling a daiquiri cup with one flavor such as "white russian" worth tipping to me? NO, because it's the SAME actions as a McDonald's employee filling a cup with coke with ice instead of a daiquri. Same actions should receive SAME tips.

For instance: at Starbucks if I get a frappacino. I think you SHOULD tip the person because they are mixing a drink just as a bartender does. Now, if I just get a black coffee, then NO, a tip is NOT deserved because it's the SAME ACTIONS as a McDonald's employee and they don't get tipped, so WHY a Starbuck's employee that does the SAME EXACT ACTION. Be FAIR and tip for the amount of SERVICE, NOT just because it's a beer or it's a mixed drink or it's a daiquri, but the AMOUNT of WORK involved.

6:46 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"That the customer requested that the bartender do a shot with him/her. THEREFORE - not only was the bartender DOING his job, but IN ORDER."

Acutally, the manager and owner would NEVER want a bartender to BYPASS a SALE, EVER. If anything, the bar itself wouldn't be OPEN if there are NO SALES. You think that the manager and owner really CARES about the bartender's TIP? HELL NO, he or she cares about the INCOME. HOW MANY drinks do they sell, that is what matters to them, NOT the bartender's extra tip.

Also, when you go to let's say McDonald's, I don't see someone eating instead of serving me, so WHY in a bar? It's STILL "CUSTOMER SERVICE" and the shot of alcohol that the bartender drank was "HIS", meaning he was being "SELFISH" ONLY, ONLY, ONLY thinking of "HIMSELF", "HIS TIP", and that ONE customer, when he should be thinking about ALL his customers. I am NOT going to tip someone that is going to put "THEIR WANTS" BEFORE a SALE, EVER, EVER, EVER. That's just MORALLY WRONG and MEAN. ANY customer SHOULDN'T EVER have to wait LONGER for someone to chat, eat, drink, smoke, etc., at ANY type of business, ANY! I get MUCH BETTER customer service at McDonald's and I think that's TRULY PATHETIC.

It's NOT the bartender's job to take a shot. I bet if you called a manager, I bet he or she would tell you taking a shot of alcohol is NOT a REQUIREMENT. There might be chit-chat that is a REQUIREMENT ONLY when there are NO NEW customers. If a person takes a sip of coke because they are COUGHING, well that's DIFFERENT, because they need to stop coughing to serve me without spreading germs and spilling the drink. Taking a shot of alcohol is PURE PLAY, PERIOD! I bet managers and owners wouldn't want bartenders to drink on the job to make sure that they don't undercharge someone or give them to much change back because they are under the influence. There's a GOOD CHANCE to make MORE MISTAKES when you drink. That is why people don't drink and drive, DUH!

The barterder was ONLY thinking of his tip, NOT the PAYING customer and his NEXT tip. So I just treated him the way he treated me, like crap. WORK is WORK and they are SUPPOSE TO be "SERVING THE PUBLIC", NOT DRINKING ON THE JOB!

It has NOTHING to do with if that person was there or not, it goes by REQUEST, with WHO'S NEXT waiting to be SERVED. Meaning, that guy was served already, there WASN'T a REQUIREMENT to take the shot with the customer. He could have WAITED to take the shot until he served the customer. Then, and ONLY then would he have received a tip. STOP what you are doing, WHATEVER it is, unless it is SERVING SOMEONE ELSE, to SERVE the customer. THAT is the WAY IT SHOULD BE!

When you are in a restaurant, it goes by ORDER OF REQUEST, NOT by each table getting their food, drinks, desserts, and checks before the next person is served. SAME thing with a bar.

10:41 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Because that's exactly what the bartender would be doing if they turned down the shot the customer wanted to buy for them."

They WOULDN'T be turning it down, they should be DELAYING it, meaning SERVING THE CUSTOMER or CUSTOMERS FIRST BEFORE taking the shot. SO THE HELL WHAT if it's NOT at the SAME TIME! He lost my tip for treating a customer like no one. I have NEVER stiffed him before and even given him 20% or more lots of times. So I DIDN'T DESERVE to have to wait. NO ONE DOES anyway whether they tip or not. That's not how anyone gets treated at McDonald's, they get served because they are NEXT, NOT because they want to eat or drink instead of serving someone.

"He WAS serving them - in the way THEY wanted... not by your crazy standards."

NO, the bartender was taking a shot for HIMSELF and HIS tip, NOT by YOUR crazy standards of what service really IS. Service is "SERVING", get this "SOMEONE ELSE" besides YOURSELF. That IS what service is. It's servicing YOURSELF to take a shot that someone wants to buy you BEFORE serving a customer. The customer that is paying for the shot is the CUSTOMER, NOT the bartender that is taking the shot. Customer service is SERVING OTHER PEOPLE, NOT ingesting things into their own system. So it's NOT "My standards", it's the ACTUAL WAY IT REALLY IS. Service is SERVING SOMEONE ELSE.


The definition of service is "Work done for "OTHERS" as an occupation or business. An act or a variety of work done for others, especially for pay."

The shot is NOT for the customer that is buying the shot for the bartender, it's FOR the BARTENDER, DUH!

"Because you can't know what all is going on."

I KNOW ENOUGH to know if they think chatting is MORE IMPORTANT than the customer, they will receive NO TIP for DELAYING my order for "THEIR" converstation. HOW SELFISH is that to talk INSTEAD of SERVE the public? VERY, VERY, VERY, SELFISH!

"Creating repeat business."

WHY would ANYONE want to go to the SAME place to get treated as an "IGNORED" customer? Repeat business means treating eveyone with RESPECT. Meaning the shot can wait until the customer is served. That is HOW IT SHOULD BE! I have had restaurants and BARS that I have STOPPED going to that I COULD have had and HAVE HAD REPEAT BUSINESS because of the LOUSY SERVICE. So, LOUSY SERVICE means NOT as many visits or NO MORE at ALL.

"make judgments about what it is or is not, whether that bartender is or isn't doing their job."

I wasn't born under a rock, I can TELL when the bartenders are chatting, talking, going out of order etc. I can SEE and HEAR these things. I can see my white russian glass sitting and the bartender getting another guy's order at a night club and making "MY" drink take LONGER for a BEER sale. The tip is NOTHING when ZERO RESPECT like that happens. I had ordered BEFORE that person even ARRIVED at the bar as well as PLACED MY ORDER BEFORE that guy did, so it's ONLY FAIR to serve me to it's ENTIRETY FIRST. If he would have been first, then I REALLY HONESTLY HOPE the bartender would finish with him FIRST, but I was BEFORE he was, so it's just NOT FAIR to make me wait LONGER just because my drink takes longer. THAT'S WRONG!

"My bet would be that no one wants your repeat business."

If that's SO TRUE, WHY would I get FREEBIES from restaurants? I had a bad experience recently, REALLY bad at a restaurant I NEVER went to and you know what, I just received a $50 gift card because they saw how upset I was and the waitress verified she didn't do her job. That is what the manager told me she said. The waitress took my margarita order and as I was telling her, she interrupted me to kiss her boyfriend bye and tell him something. She came back with our soft drinks, which one wasn't right and asked me about which drink did I order again, meaning she wasn't paying attention nor did she write it down. That was just the tip of the iceberg. Our food order got messed up also. My point is, if they didn't want my REPEAT business, they wouldn't send me a damn thing. I got $50 from another restaurant also. I got $20 or so from Red Lobster, $40 from Applebee's, and even free desserts when service was bad from other restauants. So, THEY WANT MY BUSINESS! They wouldn't be PAYING ME to COME BACK!

5:54 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Have you ever bought a shot for the bartender?"

NO, I'm there as a CUSTOMER, NOT to buy things for people. ARE YOU NUTS? I'm NOT going to BUY things for people I don't know. I buy things for friends and family. If I knew a bartender that was a friend, I wouldn't buy them alcohol on the job. I'd buy them a drink before work or if they worked during the day, after work.

"You would know that part of what is fun about doing it is TAKING THE SHOT WITH THE F*CKING BARTENDER."

The customer could WAIT until the bartender is ready, meaning, AFTER the bartender SERVES the CUSTOMERS. There is NO REASON to make a paying customer wait, NONE! The shot could be taken right after. It may be what you call "Fun", but that person is WORKING, so they aren't suppose to be having "FUN" unless they think having fun is serving customers. He is serving "HIMSELF" whether or not someone else is paying for it or not. He is INGESTING IT INTO HIS BODY. So in turn, he is serving HIMSELF. The definition states OTHERS that the person serves, NOT THEMSELF.

"Because if so, by all means, interrupt their service so you can get yours."

It's "HIS" service ONLY, NOT the customer that is taking the shot with the bartender, HIS. He was drinking it, NOT the customer. So, I didn't INTERRUPT the bartender. I just gave him zero tip for making "HIS" drink MORE IMPORTANT than the CUSTOMER.

"Maybe you go to these places because you know you can bitch about whatever and they'll just keep sending you your "freebies"."

NO, I MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, RATHER get GREAT service and PAY for it. I am SO MUCH HAPPIER when I get to leave a 25% tip because I was EXTREMELY SATISFIED with the service. You don't know me. I'd rather just be HAPPY than get pissed off with my ruined meal or overcharged check or get a rude server. It's NOT worth my time to get the freebies, it's worth the time to PUSH for BETTER service. I have written to restaurants and specifically stated I didn't want ANYTHING FREE, to please DON'T send me anything, I want to have GOOD SERVICE. I'd rather NEVER, EVER, EVER, get freebies if it meant 100% PERFECT service EVERYTIME. I mean that with EVERY FIBER of my being. I'd rather just be happy. What's the damn point of going out if you aren't happy? I am happy sometimes with the service and MOST of the time with my food, so that is why I go out, for the food, NOT for the service that usually ends up being not so great.

"(1) often, the food is much better."

That's YOUR OPINION. I like chain restaurant food BETTER than fancy crap. You may think it's crap the stuff I eat a chains, but I think it's SO GREAT. I don't care for fancy foods like filet mignon. It's ok, but I'd rather have cheese sticks, burgers, ranch, french fries, etc. It's like WHY eat that if you can eat something that taste better and is just as bad for you. Because steak is bad for your heart just as a hamburger is.

"(2) ownership/management is much less likely to let you treat their staff like shit."

This has NOTHING to do with the service, NOTHING.

"(3) the owners will NOT go out of their way to get your business back by sending you free shit all the time"

Acutually, a local seafood restaurant that is NOT a chain gave us a free dessert and a free white russian. The reason, we had bad service and the owner or manager came up to us and asks if everything was ok, we told him no and what happened. So, NOT always just because it's NOT a chain that you can't get freebies. He decided to give us that, we didn't go up to him to complain. We just weren't going to go back and we didn't because it was our first time being there and we didn't care for the food. So, he basically gave us freebies for nothing. We just didn't like the food either one of us.

"And please - have some respect for those of us that work our asses off behind bars."

HOW can you call "Work our asses off" taking a shot of alcohol? That's PLAYTIME! Working you asses off would be taking orders from customers and fixing them, not worrying about taking a shot and chit-chatting before the customer's order. It sounds like you want to "PLAY" instead of "SERVE." There's a time for play and a time to serve. The time to serve is when customers are waiting, NOT when the bartender feels like it because he wants to take a shot with his buddy at the bar.

"So... you're right. You said "Acutally, the manager and owner would NEVER want a bartender to BYPASS a SALE, EVER."

When a bartender is chatting instead of serving someone, they are BYPASSING a SALE. Also, just because the bartender buys the shot doesn't mean he "HAS" to be RUDE to others that would like to get served so "HE" can serve HIMSELF, which is really NOT SERVING, it's GIVING it to himself. Serving is giving to "OTHERS", NOT to ONESELF.

"I GUARANTEE that NONE of the servers or bartenders you are talking about want you to be a regular."

Well then HOW COME at that SAME BAR that the bartender drank the shot at, one time the OWNER was sitting at the bar and heard me say I didn't like the margarita I had just ordered and offered to pay for it or me to get something else? At first I thought he was hitting on me, but then he told me he was the owner. My point is, he wants to make sure the customer comes back, meaning, I really don't think he'd like knowing that a bartender IGNORED serving a customer that had come in this place LOTS of times considering he gave me a free drink. I even told him that I'd pay for it because I ordered it and that I would drink it because I ordered it, but he tried to convenience me to get something else.

"Who's selfish?"

The BARTENDER for his OWN tip and his OWN drink. He NEVER ONCE considered a customer was waiting to order or even gave a shit, so I didn't give a shit about his tip. That's the way it goes. Drinking, unless it is to stop coughing, should NEVER BE BEFORE a customer's order, EVER. The customer may have ordered a shot for the bartender, but there is NO RULE he "HAS" to do it at the same time or that he has to do it at all BEFORE another customer's order. HE is taking the shot, NOT the customer. The customer is the one that is the customer that is PAYING for the shot. HE is NOT the customer. He COULD HAVE DEFINATELY WAITED to take it. Out of common decency of thinking of OTHERS and NOT just HIMSELF he SHOULD HAVE. He ONLY cared about his tip and the shot of alcohol that he was ingesting, NOT ANYONE ELSE.

8:32 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Let your huge ass grow."

Actually, I went to the mall LAST week and bought a pants that was ZERO size. So you DON'T KNOW WHAT you are talking about. I am a fourth of a pound after 90lbs this morning when I weighed myself naked. YOU must have the HUGE ASS to be saying this.

"I said - "none of the servers or bartenders you are talking about want you to be a regular."

Well howcome they have asked how I was doing? Maybe it's because they CARE about our tip that he was going to receive and the customers at the time. This particular bartender obviously didn't care about his tip or the customer's feelings at the time, so he got NOTHING.


"Nobody wants you around - so stay home and let your huge ass grow with each bite of your deep-fried crap."

I have a pretty SMALL ASS that I actually tried some zero sizes and it was FLOATING on me, meaning I'm NOT FAT by ANY MEANS. BEING under 100lbs at 5'0" is NOT FAT at ALL. 94lbs-100lbs for a small build is average size according to calorie books. I'm BELOW that weight BTW.

"Because until you actually know what it is to be on the other side."

I KNOW what it's like to SERVE people. I STOPPED CHATTING to SERVE the customer as it SHOULD BE MORALLY, NOT EVEN for a TIP, just out of COMMON DECENCY. So, YOU must NOT know WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE A CUSTOMER THAT ORDERS SPECIFICS SO OFTEN, otherwise YOU'D UNDERSTAND. I made SURE I went in order and when I did mess up one time because I was serving drive-thru at the time and didn't notice WHO came in first, I went to the counter INSTEAD of at the booth. The lady and the man at the booth were sitting as well as a man with 3 or 4 kids at the counter were sitting. I happen to go to the CLOSER one, MY FAULT 100%, well DESERVED the comment I got, which was "WE WERE HERE FIRST", from the booth. I MESSED UP BIG TIME. Anyway, my point is, if I was the ONLY person that felt that way, that situation WOULDN'T have EVER happen to me. Also, another time when drive-thru was busy on a weekend and the people that were at the counter that ordered, happen to order AFTER they did, but STILL FREAKIN' BITCHED by saying "THAT WAS OUR DOZEN GLAZE", which they were cooked to order, because this place cooked HOT GLAZE. Anyway, they didn't get it that there WERE people that really ordered BEFORE they did. So, I KNOW what it is LIKE to get people GRIPING at you for something YOU CAN'T CONTROL. The people ordered in drive-thru FIRST, so it's ONLY the MORALLY and FAIR thing to do is to SERVE THEM FIRST. If the people to-go came first, then I would have given them their dozen first. They only see what they wanted to see. I KNOW as a customer what I see. Especially when a server goes to get our order, but then doesn't go to the computer, they go to 2 other tables to get their order, which can consist of 7 or more people possibly.

"(Super classy, by the way.)"

This has NOTHING to do with treating another HUMAN BEING LIKE a PERSON that they are. SO WHAT if it's McDONALD'S or DENNY's, a customer SHOULD ALWAYS BE TREATED WITH "RESPECT." Whether a customer is paying a big price or not. Out of COMMON DECENY. I have better service at McDonald's than at some bars and restaurants. That's really PATHETIC, REALLY, when Chili's and Applebee's are MORE UPSCALE than McDonald's is. I wish that fast food places(excluding Sonic) would he able to ACCEPT tips, because they serve me MUCH BETTER than some wait staff and bartenders do. They are the ones that DESERVE the tip, NOT the ones that treat customers like they are NOTHING. Like that bartender that I made a thread about. She decided "HER" friend's item as well as her CONVERSATION was MORE IMPORTANT than the customer, when the job is to make the "CUSTOMER" the MOST IMPORTANT PERSON. I NEVER get treated that way at Burger King even. That's PATHETIC that they want tips, but NEVER want to actually "WORK" for them. WORK means WORK, NOT so you can chit-chat to IGNORE a sale so the person doesn't want to come back because you IGNORED THEM. FUCK that person that is SO FUCKIN MEAN. I NEVER did that to ANYONE. I treated people as HUMANS, even if they NEVER tipped. Just like this particular woman that won video poker that was a regular customer, but she is almost the ONLY one that had NEVER tipped ANYONE. ALMOST EVERYONE ELSE that WON TIPPED, because we had to count out change TWICE. ONCE in the back like sometimes over $1,000 and count it again to the customer. They, most of the time felt generous to slip us a $10, $5, or $20. That was SO COOL. I don't think I deserved that much, but I WASN'T going to argue with a BIG TIPPER, NOR did I treat them with ANY MORE or ANY LESS RESPECT than ANYBODY ELSE.

This bitch lady was related somehow to the owner I found out that came to order things sometimes. She was an ASSHOLE by trying to CUT, I basically said, WAIT YOUR TURN. I fuckin didn't give a SHIT "WHO"the hell she was. I treated people as if they were in a LINE. I NEVER, except that one time I messed up as far as serving the wrong people first because I was busy serving drive-thru, which I apologized for, but I didn't do it on purpose. I served people in the ORDER they come in. That is HOW it SHOULD BE!

7:33 PM  
Blogger bad kitty said...

The thing is, if springs1 was the one calling on the telephone, she'd want that phone answered BEFORE the person at the bar was served their beer - especially if the phone started ringing FIRST!

And, god forbid, the bartender needs to use the restroom before making a drink for springs1 - clearly she would rather have a bartender piss her/his pants before properly attending to HER needs because we can't have bartenders putting themselves first.

Thanks for the laugh! Cheers!

2:40 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"If one of those people ordered something that required me to walk past you to get, wouldn't you want me to stop ask what I could get for you, even though it would be out of order?"

I know you may not believe me, but HONESTLY, I'd RATHER WAIT for *MY* turn, so when it is my turn finally, someone DOESN'T INTERRUPT MY TURN unless there is a mistake. I can 100% understand if there's a mistake with a drink or a mistake with the check, that they interrupt MY TURN for THEIR TURN, but that would be the ONLY things I could think of that would be really fair to interrupt my turn for.

"(daquiris, cosmos, other labor intensive stuff)"

Daiquiris are usually NOT labor intensive if it's in a machine already made like overhere in New Orleans we have Daiquiri's and Creams and other places such as mexican restaurants that have frozen margaritas already in a machine. Now if you made a daiquiri in a blender, then that would be an good amount of work which would be VERY tip worthy, but NOT to just pull a lever with these PRE-MADE daiquiris which are NOT tip worthy at ALL, because it's actually LESS work than a Wendy's or McDonald's worker having to put ice AND soft drink in a cup. The action of putting ice and soft drink IS MORE WORK than pulling a lever.

Now if they put salt on glass on my PRE- MADE margarita and a lime, then I'll tip for that, but NOT just for someone to pull a lever to put a drink into a cup, that's hardly ANY WORK to speak of. When someone at daiquiri shop gets me a white russian daiquiri at a place that has the daiquiris PRE-MADE with no extra shots, I don't tip for that. They have to actually *MAKE* the white russian for them to get a buck or more to DESERVE a tip from me.

Mixed drinks ARE very much labor intensive. If I knew you were serving some other table that was BEFORE us, that is COMPLETELY FAIR. They were there BEFORE we were. Now if you passed by me, but went to smoke a cigarette(which I've seen bartenders do behind the bar), then that's just SELFISH, but actually *SERVING* people I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND if you ended up taking 7 minutes to greet me if you are the ONLY PERSON. You aren't superman, ONLY 1 person. If I saw you were going nuts with people's orders, I'd COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND I'd have a good amount of WAIT ahead of me, FAIRLY SO!

At the donut shop, during the afternoon shift I worked by myself at the counter, so if it got unusually busy, there wasn't ANY HELP. There were quite a number of times where I could have used some help. A bus of at least 10-15 people came in ALL AT ONCE at 9p.m. at night one time which I also had the drive-thru that had a customer or 2 as well as other customers that were coming in to get stuff to-go. I also remember one time when it was a real cold sunday afternoon, I was SWAMPED with a LOT OF PEOPLE ALL AT ONCE. A lot of people like hot chocolate and donuts to keep warm. In the summer, donuts don't sell as well, ice cream does though. It was hard to run around like a chicken to serve all these people by myself and it was pretty STRESSFUL. Sure, MOST of the afternoon shifts weren't like that, but there were times where I did have that like holidays such as New Years eve when fast food places close around here at 6p.m., but WE WERE OPEN OF COURSE, even CHRISTMAS DAY I've worked a few times even. My point is, I went IN ORDER and I TRULY TRIED to go in order. Sure, I made mistakes and I've went out of order one time I remember(NOT ON PURPOSE), but I tried to go in order, because that's the FAIR thing to do. I got BITCHED out by this lady saying "We were here first!" I told her I was sorry, but I was with drive-thru so I didn't know who sat where first. I 100% COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND WHY she was pissed off. I should have just ASKED who was first, that was *MY* mistake.

There was a time where a lady and a man ordered 2 coffees and 2 donuts altogether(1 coffee and 1 donut a person). These people were sitting at the counter. They had 2 people that were standing getting stuff to-go by the register area. One person I was getting their mixed dozen by the person telling me what donuts she wanted by her telling me which ones she wanted me to put into the box. As I said, they had someone else BEHIND HER WAITING to order also. This BITCH at the counter that just got served with the man that I had just talked about had the AUDACITY to asks "Can I get a buttermilk donut?" If feel if you are ordering something else, she could have asked when you are finished or when you get time, can you get me a buttermilk donut. If there was a mistake in her order, then I would have interrupted this person's turn, but ordering something else is like CUTTING, VERY MUCH SO I FEEL. I feel you order something else, you will WAIT AT THE END OF THE LINE or in her case, wait until after I've served BOTH these customers. Well, you know what, I DID. I did the MORALLY RIGHT THING! I am NOT GOING TO BE UNFAIR TO PEOPLE. I don't care if it costed me a tip at the counter, it's just the RIGHT THING to do to make HER WAIT until I was finished with the first customer and the next customer that didn't even order yet that was WAITING BEHIND this person I was serving.

I REALLY, REALLY HATE people like that, that think "ONLY THEY" count, but NO ONE ELSE MATTERS. Like they are the ONLY CUSTOMERS I had to server you know.

I had told her when she asked that, that I am in the middle of serving someone at the moment. THAT is the RIGHT THING TO DO and the FAIR THING TO DO!

As I said before, if she would have had a mistake, then that would have been COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

At Quizno's, I COULDN'T believe a what a cashier and a customer did one time. I was getting my sandwich rung up with the credit card, so it took about 30 seconds or so to print the receipt out of the machine. Anyway, this man was behind me. This lady that just bought a sandwich that was in front of me decided to CUT and decide to buy a soft drink(which they have self serve), but she still had to ring it up as well as give her a cup. Anyway, if I would have been the cashier, I would have said get behind the man in line if you want to order something else. If I would have been the customer, I would have gotten in the BACK of the guy. That was SO WRONG! The GALL of that lady to literally *CUT* to order something else. Once you lose your place in line, OH WELL, you lose your place. I can't believe the cashier didn't tell her to get in the back of the line, it's like they were BOTH ASSHOLES-the cashier and the customer.

I've even at a bar have been asked "Can I help you" and said "He's next", because that person WAS NEXT, NOT ME. That's the RIGHT THING TO DO, it just IS!

10:36 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

" I lug 30-40 cases of it up to the coolers every night, then I sweep the broken ones up and lug all the empties to the trash. The same goes for "just pulling a tap handle". While it is true that pouring your draft beer is easy, keep in mind that I lifted 14 150 pound kegs onto a shelf then moved another 20 or so around on the floor so that they are ready to go when one blows. So while you only see me pouring the beer, you don't see what I did three hours before you came out to make sure you got that beer as fast as possible. Again please rethink your position on the easiness of beer opening."

You are getting paid at least minimum wage to do this, so it isn't like you're getting $2.13/hr to lift these kegs. Also, I NEVER get beer in a glass and I have bought a beer out of a bottle at a bar about 2 or 3 times in my lifetime. I am NOT a beer drinker really. I love white russians, margaritas, pina coladas, and long island ice teas as far as my favorite drinks. Beer to me anyway, is ok, but I MUCH rather mixed drinks. I've even opened a beer at home and didn't finish it, that's how much I'm NOT into beer.

I will say this, I DIDN'T think about all the work that goes into getting the beer to be ready to serve. I still feel though, you are getting PAID to lift the kegs. You are getting paid to stock the shelves. THAT in and of itself is NOT service. I use to stock milks, orange juice, ice, sugar etc. THAT WASN'T service to my customers that I served, that was work I was getting PAID FOR ALREADY by my hourly wage which was $6/hr, but started at only $5.15/hr because I had no experience back in Jan. 1998.

Do you understand that you're getting PAID to do that *SIDE WORK*, which ISN'T actually *SERVING* the customer, it' *PREPARING* for the customers as I did. I would have to get 2 and a half buckets of ice, meaning, I had to go back and forth to fill the ice container in front when it was empty. If I didn't have ice for the customers, I would have made them wait longer. Well, same thing goes for what you had to do.

I still think that if someone gets one beer, that's NUTS to tip for flipping a cap or even filling a glass with beer. Now, I think after 2 or 3 beers, I consider tipping a buck, but for one, NO. Also, if I would ever get a pitcher of beer, which I have never gotten, I would tip something for that, because it takes a while for it to fill up and the fiss to go down.

"If I pour you a beer, and you leave me nothing, you will always be the last person to get a drink next time, because I am going to help the caring customers before someone who has no respect for me."

You sound EXTREMLEY SELFISH. Also, McDonald's puts coke and ice in a cup, but NOBODY TIPS THERE, DO THEY? So is it TRULY *FAIR* to tip YOU to pour a drink(which it's LESS WORK THAN FAST FOOD EMPLOYEES(putting ice in the cup and soft drink is MORE WORK EVEN than pouring beer into a glass) since we ALL DON'T tip for fast food workers to do *MORE WORK*? HELL NO IT'S NOT!

I'm NOT going to tip someone for POURING ANY LIQUID INTO A CUP. THAT IS NOT SERVICE TO TIP FOR, because it's LESS WORK THAN A WENDY'S WORKER DOES. Tips should be for the *AMOUNT OF WORK* that is done to be fair. So if I get black coffee to go at Starbucks, I wouldn't tip there, because at McDonald's I don't tip for black coffee or ANY beverage that doesn't need mixing there either.


"Sitting at the bar is a social event, not a race you stupid cow."

For one thing, it's NOT good customer service to make a person *WAIT* for YOUR CONVERSATION or make SOMEONE ELSE'S ORDER that ordered AFTER the current customer did priority over the first customer.

NO, I'm actually 91lbs at 5'0", so NO, I'm FAR AWAY from being a cow and I'm NOT stupid, YOU ARE that you can't see that pouring a beer into a glass is LESS WORK than a fast food worker does, but you act like you should get tipped for that, when we ALL NEVER tip for fast food places(excluding Sonic because they bring it out to you, which I DO tip at btw).

"Its morally right to pay for services rendered."

It's morally right to go in order that people are in. Example: True Story: At a night club I ordered a white russian. The bartender gets a glass out, but instead of making it, turns to the other side of the bar and gets another person's order which happens to be a beer and rings it up as well as gets it. She DIDN'T receive a tip. Do you know why? She should have fixed my white russian since I was at the bar BEFORE that person out of RESPECT. She INTERRUPTED *MY* turn for HIS, just because his was an easier. My point is, if a bartender deserves a tip, it WILL be given, but you can't take my order and then go do something else, that's just MORALLY WRONG and YOU KNOW IT. It's saying my order isn't as important as his order, when I did come up to the bar first and ordered first, so mine SHOULD HAVE been made BEFORE she even asked the customer for his order to be FAIR.

Just because it's NOT LITERALLY a *LINE* DOESN'T mean the person can't go in the ORDER THAT CUSTOMERS ARE IN OUT OF RESPECT. You want respect, give it back by GOING IN ORDER. They may not have tipped you the last time because you went out of order, NOT because you wouldn't have deserved it if you would have went in order instead. That's a VERY GOOD POSSIBLITY. I just wouldn't tip for a glass of beer unless it's brought to me like if I'm at a restaurant at a table, THEN, I would tip for them *BRINGING* it to me like Sonic does. Getting a coke at a counter or bar is the SAME amount of effort to hand me as a beer at a bar also.

I feel you treat me like shit, I'll treat you back the EXACT SAME WAY.

I think you should pay for services rendered if the person that is serving you got the order correct and respected your time as long as it's something that we all tip for like when someone makes a mixed drink, that's something to tip for, but for pouring a liquid in a glass is NOT something we tip for at fast food places(excluding Sonic) considering the bartender isn't *BRINGING* it to us, so if we are receiving it like COUNTER service, WHAT'S TO REALLY TIP FOR when someone would get a glass of beer? It's LESS WORK than a fast food worker does, so WHY TIP FOR THAT, when we NEVER tip those people(excluding Sonic), so HOW IS IT REALLY FAIR TO tip a just because the liquid in the glass is *ALCOHOL*, instead of coke or water or whatever drink?

Some people tip for daiquiri's that are pre-made, but if the person isn't making the daiquiri, just pulling the lever, they aren't doing much service and it's LESS SERVICE than a fast food worker has to do.

"you will always be the last person to get a drink next time,"

It's YOUR JOB to serve the person though, so even if you don't get tipped, it's still NOT FAIR to do that to someone. Do you like when people *CUT* in front of you? Well, don't do it to them. I REALLY HOPE SOMEONE CUTS in front of you somewhere.

All you care about is the *MONEY*, NOT people's feelings.

I treated a lady THE SAME AS EVERYONE ELSE that NEVER tipped when they had video poker machines for about a year at the donut shop I worked at. Almost EVERYONE ELSE tipped when they won, HER, NEVER tipped. I still went in order, meaning if she was next, she was next. For me it isn't about the *MONEY* it's about doing the *RIGHT THING*, even if the customer doesn't. It's about RESPECTING THE CUSTOMER and the JOB I had. I feel I wouldn't want someone not to serve me not in order so I don't do that to them. What goes around, comes around.

8:36 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"I DO NOT GET PAID MORE WHEN I AM STOCKING THE COOLERS!!! I make the same 2.13 when I get to the bar and the same 2.13 when I stock at the end of the night.”

I know a LOT of bartenders that make at least minimum wage, that’s WHY I said that you made more than $2.13, I didn’t know you only make $2.13/hr. I am sorry I said that you made more than $2.13 when you don't. I didn't know.

I didn’t say you made more when you are stocking. I said you are getting an *HOURLY WAGE* to stock. Stocking has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the service of a customer.

“If you want to be a cheap bitch.”

I am just treating employees FAIRLY. That if I tipped at Wendy’s for filling a cup with *ANY* liquid, then I would tip for you to fill a glass with beer. But since we DON’T tip for filling a cup with ONLY (1) ingredient such as a coke at McDonald’s, that we SHOULD NEVER, EVER, EVER tip for a filled glass with beer.

Can you tell me what’s the DIFFERENCE that I should tip according to you? I DON’T see a difference to tip, if anything, the fast food workers do MORE WORK by putting ICE in a cup, NOT JUST LIQUID. So if fast food workers(excluding Sonic) do MORE WORK and NEVER get tipped, WHY IN THE HELL SHOULD ANYONE TIP FOR POURING A LIQUID WITHOUT ICE EVEN, WHICH IS LESS WORK? Is that honestly fair?

As far as stocking goes, that’s *SIDE WORK*, which is NOT what service you are providing the customer. That is just like what I stated before that I had to fill the cooler with milks and orange juices as well as fill other things like the ice bin, which the ice bin it took me 2 buckets and a half to fill it. My point is, NO ONE in their right mind considers side work as *THEIR SERVICE* when they tip. People tip for what they actually *SEE* as what their service is, NOT for your side work you do. If you do these things BEFORE the customer arrives, that’s just things you have to get ready for the shift.

I had to also fill jelly and cream donuts in the back as well as serve the front. Do you think the people tipped for me *FILLING DONUTS*? HELL NO, they tipped for the service they actually *SAW* with their own EYES. They didn’t know if they weren’t a regular customer or didn’t see me fill them through the window in the kitchen that I filled donuts even.


McDonald’s employees DON’T get tipped for stocking cups, napkins, ice, etc.

“I care about the money BECAUSE I DO care about someone's feelings, namely my child's.”

Ok, no one told you, that you had to have a child. Second of all, that’s pretty darn *SELFISH* of you to ONLY WORRY ABOUT *YOUR* child. Because it’s YOUR family, other people are supposed to give a shit about your child and include that in the thought of what kind of tip to give, I THINK NOT! That’s just plain NUTS! Service has absolutely *NOTHING* to do with your child. HOW DARE YOU MENTION THAT AS A VALID REASON, because it’s NOT VALID! WHAT A SELFISH PERSON YOU ARE ONLY THINKING ABOUT YOUR CHILD, BUT YOU WANT A TIP FOR LESS WORK THAN A FAST FOOD WORKER. THAT’S FUCKIN SELFISH!

EITHER WE *ALL* TIP FOR FAST FOOD OR WE DON’T. SINCE WE ALL DON’T, NO ONE SHOULD TIP FOR ONLY 1 LIQUID BEING POURED IN A CUP WITHOUT ICE EVEN! WHY ARE YOU ACTING SO SELFISH AND DAMN UNFAIR? THAT IS VERY, VERY, VERY, UNFAIR TO THE FAST FOOD WORKERS THAT DO MORE WORK. As far as you hourly wage being less which is only $2.13/hr than a McDonald’s at least $6/hr wage, well that’s NOT for the *CUSTOMER’S* to have to pay the rest of your wages that you should be paid by your EMPLOYER. WHY should we be responsible for your wages when you AREN’T doing the AMOUNT OF WORK as far as pouring a beer is concerned or flipping a cap on a beer, TO BE PAID FOR BY CUSTOMERS THAT ISN’T PAID BY CUSTOMERS AT FAST FOOD PLACES?

Don’t you get it, it’s all about being *FAIR*, meaning I don’t tip for a coke with ice at Wendy’s for the cashier to fill my cup with ice and fill it with coke, so WHY would I tip someone to fill a glass with JUST beer, which is LESS WORK because there’s NO ICE that has to be put in even? Is that honestly very fair to not tip for more work, but to tip for less work, just because it happens to be *ALCOHOL*? WHO CARES WHAT KIND OF LIQUID YOU ARE SERVING, it’s ALL ABOUT THE *AMOUNT OF WORK* YOU DO THAT YOU GET THE TIP FOR.

So if a person goes to Starbucks to get a frappaccino, that person SHOULD TIP, because we tip bartenders for making a mixed drink, but just because it’s NOT *ALCOHOL* DOESN’T MEAN it’s not the SAME AMOUNT of work.

Do you understand, it’s all about the amount of work you do? If I don’t tip for black coffee at McDonald’s, I won’t tip for black coffee at Starbucks. Do you get that? I AM FAIR, YOU are ONLY THINKING OF YOUR CHILD, BUT NOT ANY OF THE CUSTOMERS. WHAT A JERK YOU ARE TO ONLY CARE ABOUT YOUR CHILD. Whatever happened to people that cared about their *CUSTOMERS* and NOT CARED about my customers I served, NOT just my income.

“I would absolutely serve you last because if someone else does appreciate the work I do and does tip then I almost have to wait on them first.”

What an UNFAIR ASSHOLE YOU ARE! Well then you wouldn’t get a tip when I’d get a mixed drink then if you’d serve me last and I was first, so you’d LOSE the NEXT TIME AROUND DUMBASS! You may win that time, but then if I came there several times and you put me last when I was first, you’d LOSE MONEY DUMMY! You really DON’T KNOW if someone will tip you the next time. I’ve tipped people sometimes and didn’t sometimes, because of sometimes bad service and sometimes good service. Example: A lady bartender that’s nice at the bowling alley didn’t always serve me with respect. One time I was sitting at the bar in the bolling alley and she was stocking beers. She saw me, but KEPT ON STOCKING INSTEAD OF *IMMEDIATELY* STOPPING as I HAVE DONE WHEN I SERVED PEOPLE AT THE DONUT SHOP and she SHOULD have stopped to serve me. I had to wait for her to stock the rest of the beers, then she served me. Well, she didn’t get a tip for making beers more important than the CURRENT CUSTOMER. Meaning worrying about *FUTURE* customers instead of the *CURRENT* customer that was FIRST.

I tip for RESPECT as well as the AMOUNT OF WORK someone does. So if the bartender takes my order, but basically *SITS* on my order in a sense to go do something else either serve someone else first that was second or just do something else like chit-chat, I WON’T TIP for DISRESPECTING MY TIME AND FEELINGS.

I ALWAYS IMMEDIATELY STOPPED when a customer would walk in and NEVER CONTINUED stocking or sweeping OR chatting or eating or whatever. I would INTERRUPT my *SIDE WORK* or chatting or eating for the *CURRENT CUSTOMER*. That is GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE. Basically if the beer wasn’t cold, that had NOTHING to do with my white russian I ordered and it SHOULDN’T. The bartender should IMMEDIATELY serve the customer, NOT worry about side work being top priority over a tipping customer, because she lost that buck tip for DISRESPECTING ME. When a customer walks in, chatting should stop, smoking should stop, eating should stop, side work should stop etc, to act like they are the most important person to you, because that’s your future tip.

So my point is, YOU ARE THE LOSER if you put people last, because the people that tip you always will probably, more than likely, tip you anyways whether or not you serve them first and you KNOW IT! The people that want respect will get respect and tip you more often if you GIVE RESPECT FIRST, that is the KEY. You can’t expect me to respect someone back that let someone else’s order come before mine that ordered AFTER I did. That’s NOT RIGHT and YOU KNOW IT!

“Are you so twisted that you think I should bring home less money for my child to live on simply because you don't think I work hard but someone else does?”

There you go again talking about *YOUR CHILD* instead of the CUSTOMERS. WHAT DOES YOUR CHILD HAVE TO DO WITH CUSTOMER SERVICE? It has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. Am I including my personal life in this converstation about who I have at home to make money for? NO, I am NOT, SO WHY SHOULD YOU?

It’s not that I don’t think you work hard, because I bet you do, but I just try to be fair and square. Either we ALL tip for a coke and ice and Wendy’s or we all DON’T. Since we don’t’, we shouldn’t be tipping for less work, because that would be UNFAIR to the Wendy’s workers for doing MORE WORK. In other words, I would hate to tip someone that does LESS WORK, when I don’t tip someone that does MORE WORK. That’s NOT FAIR to tip someone for less work, that a person that does MORE WORK DOESN’T get a tip.

Side work doesn’t count for CUSTOMER SERVICE. Side work is just that, side work.

I didn’t see people tipping me for filling the ice or filling the donuts. I saw people tipping me for bringing their food and drinks to them. They tipped for getting the donuts they picked for some mixed dozen donuts. I don’t think I deserved a tip for only 1 dozen donuts, but some people tipped me anyway. I feel 1 or 2 dozen donuts is NOT tip worthy, because it’s the same amount of work as fast food places have you do.

BE FAIR AND TIP FOR THE AMOUNT OF WORK SOMEONE DOES AND QUIT PUTTING YOUR CHILD INTO THIS! Your child has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this discussion. If you are low on cash, get another job that pays better! No one is FORCING you to stay at that low paying job.

I really just don't get why just because it's *ALCOHOL* you think people should tip for the action of filling a glass, when we don't tip Wendy's for doing MORE WORK to fill a cup with ice and soft drink?

6:58 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"They will not make small chit chat with you."

I don't care if they talk to me or not. I'm NOT THERE to talk to the bartender. I'm there to be with who I'm with and to drink or if the bar serves food, I'm there to eat also.

"You pay for the service of someone dealing with your pathetic excuse of a person for 45 minutes."

There aren't dealing with me that long if they aren't talking to me. They are only dealing with me for about 5-10 minutes at the most with making drinks and ringing up the bill or possibly handing me a food order. I'm also not a pathetic excuse for a person, YOU ARE!

"I notice you get upset when I mention a child. Do you have a bit of guilty conscience for all the servers you've screwed over in your time."

NO, NOT AT ALL! NO, I DIDN'T "Screw over" anyone. If the service is LESS than what a fast food worker does, then HOW can you say it's fair to tip you for filling one glass with beer, but a Wendy's employee fills a cup with ice and soft drink? Wendy's workers are doing MORE work, but receive no tip, so WHY tip for LESS WORK? You've NEVER ANSWERED THAT QUESTION? A bartender isn't "BRINGING" the item to me, they are handing it to me like at Wendy's. WHY don't you want to be FAIR? WHY if you are doing LESS work do you expect a tip for that when we don’t tip for MORE WORK at Wendy’s?

As far as your child being mentioned, I don't get WHY you are mentioning the child? The child has NOTHING to do with *WHAT KIND* of service a customer receives. You KNOW that's the TRUTH!

"Saying I should leave personal matters out is ridiculous."

Let's say Jane Doe has cancer and she's a bartender. Even if she has cancer, if she's only filling a glass with beer, she's NOT going to get tipped for that from me. Having cancer has absolutely NOTHING, NOTHING to do with the *AMOUNT OF WORK* she is doing for a tip. It IS ridiculous that you are putting personal matters into HOW MUCH SERVICE you are providing a customer. Why should customers care about Jane Doe's cancer if she lets others cut in front of them to get other people's orders before the first customer? If people don't get treated fairly, they are more than likely not going to tip very well or at all, whether Jane Doe has cancer or not. Jane Doe having cancer is IRRELEVANT to how much tip to give. NO ONE in the right mind bases a tip on if a person is sick, that’s called “CHARITY”, NOT a tip.

Putting personal matters into this is IRRELEVANT. I don't know anyone that tips because they know this person has a child or money problems. We ALL have bills to pay. WHY is *YOUR BILLS* MORE IMPORTANT than a fast food worker's(excluding Sonic)bills? They need money too. Are you that *SELF ABSORED* that you ONLY CARE ABOUT YOUR CHILD, but NO ONE ELSE'S BILLS THEY HAVE TO PAY? LOTS of people have children they are struggling to pay for. So QUIT acting like *YOUR* child is more important than anyone else's child. Your customers may be struggling because they are an alcoholic and they have a child they are struggling to support. WHY do you see yourself as the ONLY PERSON that has a child that needs money?

"Which means I get to choose which customers I give good service to."

NO, you SHOULD serve ALL OF THEM with good service out of the kindness of your heart, which you don't seem to have. I hope someone chooses to serve someone else in line before you to show you, you ASSHOLE! You only get to choose to refuse to serve them. The order they arrived in, is how they should order. Meaning if John Doe was at the bar first, I'd wait for him to order, before giving my order. If you tried to get my order first, I would say "He was before me", like I've done MANY TIMES. I would refuse to go first, because John Doe was first, NOT ME. WHY do you want to be unfair and not care about your customers? WHY do you just care about your INCOME? WHY NOT think about people's feelings and time instead? You COULD make more money that way, because as I've said before, people will get pissed off if they were there first and you served someone else that was there second, because those people won't tip you that WOULD HAVE tipped you and the customer that normally tips you will give you a good tip anyway, so YOU LOSE all the way around by doing the FAVORTISM method, instead of going in order. See, I didn't care if I lost a tip. Remember the posts about the donut that the lady at the counter wanted? I DIDN'T CARE if I risked her not tipping me. I had rathered do things the *FAIR* and *RIGHT* way, than to serve her just to get a tip. I was FAIR to people, YOU AREN'T. You ONLY CARE ABOUT YOUR CHILD and YOURSELF. I cared about EVERY CUSTOMER I served and a LOT of times, drive-thru would beep BEFORE someone sat down, so I'd get the drive-thru order as well as their money and if they had any drinks or if their food was done BEFORE I'd go greet the people that were seated. Do you know why? Even though ANY of the workers hardly EVER got tipped through drive-thru, I wanted to be FAIR and do things in the ORDER they came in. Meaning, I wasn't going to ignore drive-thru to greet people faster to get a better tip. You, on the other hand, would ignore drive-thru and only care about people eating inside. You would get the people’s orders inside and the people at drive-thru would bang on the window for service or drive off, because you wouldn’t make a tip from them more than likely. See, I've PROVED I'M NOT THE SELFISH ONE HERE and YOU PROVED by mentioning *YOUR CHILD* that YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT YOUR CHILD AND YOURSELF, BUT NOT ABOUT ANY OF THE CUSTOMERS. WHAT A SELFISH WORLD WE LIVE IN TODAY! I CARED about the order that people came in and did things IN ORDER. SO WHAT if drive-thru was first and I didn’t get to greet people at the counter or booth as fast to get a better tip. I’d rather do the FAIR THING. Ya’ll DON’T want to be fair or do the RIGHT THING.

"I really don't understand why you think you are entitled to good service if you don't want to pay for it."

That's just it, if it's BAD service, WHY pay for bad service only to receive bad service again and again? As far as not tipping for filling a glass with beer, as I've said before we don't EVER tip for filling a cup with a liquid and ice(MORE WORK EVEN), so WHY would I tip for that just because it's *ALCOHOL* WITHOUT ICE(no extra step involved)? You STILL NEVER ANSWERED THAT! There's LESS WORK that you are doing when you are filling a glass with beer than a fast food worker fills a cup with ice and soft drink that DOESN'T receive a tip. I try to be FAIR and tip on the AMOUNT OF WORK that is done. That is what the tip SHOULD truly be based on. Tips shouldn't truly be based on the prices of items ONLY, because I feel that it's unfair to tip all-you-can-eat catfish(NOT A BUFFET, but brought to a person's table)a low tip for MORE WORK, just because the price is a set price like $9.99, when with a soft drink let's say the check is $12. So at 20%, the server only gets $2.40, but they did the amount of work that could be around $4-$5 worth with bringing more catfish to the table a couple of trips as well as bringing cocktail sauce and tartar sauce. My point is, the tips SHOULD truly be based on the AMOUNT OF WORK a person does. It takes sometimes MORE WORK to bring me a $6.99 entree such as a burger(because I order specifics) than it does to bring me a pasta entree that is $9.99. But, just because it's more expensive, we all tip based on the prices. It should be on the AMOUNT OF WORK the server had to do. When the server has to bring me my condiments by making a separate trip before my meal arrives as I've asked them to, they are doing EXTRA WORK when I order a sandwich, but they get a BETTER tip from me, because I base my tip not just on the prices, but that they had that extra work that they ended up giving me. Now, of course, if my food arrives without my condiments that I ordered with my meal and I didn't ask for them to bring them before hand, then of course they will get less tip for them not getting my order correct, which has been prevented by 3 servers I can remember that decided all on *THEIR OWN* to bring the condiments, because they said "I don't want to forget, so I went ahead and brought them." See, you are SO UNCARING, you wouldn't think of that. Those servers DID think of that and CARED if I had my condiments with my meal. You only think of YOURSELF, so you wouldn't think of doing such a thing to up your tip if you were a server or to even CARE about someone else’s wants but your own and your own childs ONLY.

"If you have never ever in your life bartended or waited tables how can you possibly know that it is the same as working at Wendy's?"

I can SEE that the bartender is moving the lever (whatever kind of beer on tap they have) and filling the glass that they got out the refrigerator. So it's NOT the SAME AMOUNT of work as Wendy's workers do and I NEVER said that, I said it's *LESS WORK* than a Wendy's worker does to fill a cup with ice and soft drink. WHY just because it's *ALCOHOL*, that people should tip for the action of filling a cup with ONE ingredient, when we don't tip for a glass of coke with ice at Wendy's? It's still the LESS ACTIONS you have to do to serve the customer. I tip on the AMOUNT OF WORK that has been done and compare it to people that don't get tips. I see if they did MORE WORK, that I will treat people FAIRLY and not tip for less work? Tell me this: HOW is it fair to tip for less work(filling a cup with beer), when we all don't tip for more work at Wendy's to fill a cup with ice and drink?

I KNOW "HOW MUCH EFFORT" it takes to fill a cup with beer. It's a FACT that it's LESS WORK than filling a cup with ice and liquid. That is HOW I KNOW that it's NOT even the SAME AMOUNT OF WORK as Wendy's workers, it's LESS WORK than filling a glass with beer. That's the TRUTH! It's PURE FACT!

"If every single person in this industry say you are wrong, why don't you listen to us."

The people in the industry are MOSTLY LIKE YOU, SELFISH ABOUT THEIR MONEY. That they don't CARE about their customers like penelope said "They do not care about your needs. who the fuck is going to give a shit about your 67th side of ranch, or the fact that the butter came 2 seconds after the drinks.” See, the problem is you people in the industry MOSTLY DON’T CARE about customers feelings, time, or if their order is correct. You see the RARE 3 times I had 3 servers bring out condiments BEFORE my meal arrived(WITHOUT ASKING THEM TO BRING OUT THE CONDIMENTS BEFORE MY MEAL) so they would make sure I had my order correct as far as the condiments go. They actually as penelope would say “GAVE A SHIT” about if my food was correct or not. MOST PEOPLE DON’T CARE TO EVEN APOLOGIZE ONCE, MUCH LESS MAKE A SEPARATE TRIP TO THE TABLE considering those 3 times the SAME SERVER that took our order, brought our food to us, meaning, they made an EXTRA TRIP for *ME* out of their own *KINDNESS OF THEIR HEART* as well as they wanted to get a big tip I’m sure. Those 3 times once at Joe’s Crab Shack(brought out my tartar sauces), once at Bennigans(brought out my sides of bbq sauce, ranch, and mayo) and Copeland’s( a place in the New Orleans area) (brought me tartar sauce) and there was NO FOOD RUNNER involved those times, meaning, they made an extra trip to satisfy the customer. MOST PEOPLE DON’T CARE and are TOO LAZY to care if people’s orders are correct, because it’s NOT *THEIR* food that gets messed up, it’s the CUSTOMER’S food. My point is, MOST(NOT ALL) servers and bartenders only care about the money they make so that is why they disagree with me. A LOT of them are TOO LAZY to bring condiments BEFORE my meal because it’s an EXTRA TRIP from the kitchen to the table. You have to do MORE WORK to care about a customer possibly like the 3 servers did for me. They could have just brought them out with the food, but they made SURE I had my condiments I had ordered, because they actually CARED about my order and their tip. THOSE are the type of servers that should receive A HUGE, HUGE TIP for CARING about their customers and NOT just themselves or their family members. You people DON’T! You just care about the money you make for your child, but don’t care that people that do the MORE WORK than you for filling a glass DON’T get a tip. You don’t seem to get it’s NOT FAIR if I pay you for less work, when NO ONE pays Wendy’s worker to fill my cup with ice and coke(MORE WORK). You KNOW that’s the TRUTH! I am FAIR with the tip. Since we all don’t tip at Wendy’s for getting a coke with ice in a cup, I’m NOT going to tip someone for filling a glass with beer WITHOUT ICE. SO WHAT if it’s *ALCOHOL*, it could be rootbeer with no ice(especially barq’s rootbeer has a lot more fizz than coke) in the glass and still be LESS WORK than a Wendy’s worker does. The Wendy’s worker gets ice, which is an EXTRA STEP that you DON’T have to do with beer, but they never get tipped for doing that. Tips should be for the *AMOUNT OF WORK* that is done. Do more work than a Wendy’s worker and you’ll receive a tip as long as you don’t interrupt my turn for someone else’s like with the white russian story I posted or as long as you don’t put side work such as stocking beers before serving me a white russian. You have to *GIVE RESPECT* BEFORE YOU WILL RECEIVE RESPECT.

“So I have to take my poor sick child to the free clinic today and hope they have a cure for polio. Me to child: "Sorry honey, Load's family thinks I'm a lazy selfish bastard for thinking of your needs and not hers, don't worry though soon you'll be dead and you'll be in heaven, a place that a demonic twisted fuck like Loads will never no" Child: "Cough, Cough, I love.... you.... daddeeeeeee" (child dies, Loads comes to funeral to tell me I'm selfish for taking time off of work to bury my kid)”

This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with service. Customers don’t tip because you have a child that is sick, they tip for the AMOUNT OF WORK YOU DO, DUMBASS! A child being sick would be a CHARITY type of situation, NOT a TIP type of situation.

11:12 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"you HONESTLY think that the 2 seconds it takes a bartender to take a shot are so important that if you are not served first you throw a fit (or stiff the bartender)?"

The BARTENDER is the SELFISH ONE HERE. They SHOULD be CONSIDERATE OF THEIR *CUSTOMER'S TIME* and NOT THEIR OWN TO RECEIVE THE TIP. The tip is TO INSURE PROPER SERVICE. To take a shot or eat a piece of food or to drink a sip of coke(unless they are coughing, then I can understand) is thinking of the BARTENDER, NOT THE CUSTOMER. Their attention should be on the CUSTOMER ONLY! You can't expect to give a tip to someone that DISRESPECTED MY TIME TO TAKE IT UP TO SEE THEM DRINK A SHOT? That's RUDE and I've had BETTER CUSTOMER SERVICE AT MCDONALD'S. It's TRUE, I HAVE!

"comparing a bartender getting you a beer with a mcdonalds employee getting you a coke is like comparing apples and oranges-- it is not customary to tip a fast food employee."

Just because it's NOT THE "NORM" DOESN'T make it MORE WORK TO TIP FOR. If someone pulls a lever to fill a glass with beer, that's LESS WORK THAN A WENDY'S EMPLOYEE FILLING A CUP WITH ICE AND COKE. WHY TIP SOMEONE FOR LESS WORK? THAT DOESN'T FUCKIN MAKE ANY SENSE? Don't you think people deserve MORE TIPS when you have to go above and beyond normal things? Like if the server brings my condiments before my meal without me asking and get my order right as well as everything else went well, you BET I'm GOING TO GIVE WAY MORE TIP than if I just order a pasta dish and they don't have to bring me extra condiments. Don't you think the person that comes to my table more often and has to get me more things SHOULD receive more? If you answer yes, than WHY tip for LESS WORK if we don't tip for MORE WORK at Wendy's? It DOESN'T MATTER to the customer "HOW MUCH YOU MAKE PER HOUR?" It MATTERS "HOW MUCH SERVICE YOU PROVIDED ME" and is it MORE WORK than a FAST FOOD WORKER DOES THAT WE NEVER TIP FOR. WHO CARES IF it's NOT "CUSTOMARY?" I WISH I COULD TIP FAST FOOD WORKERS, because some of them have given me BETTER *CUSTOMER SERVICE* than some bartenders and servers even. It all matters WHAT MORE WORK DID YOU HAVE TO DO FOR ME THAT I NORMALLY NEVER TIP FOR LIKE AT WENDY'S?

It's NOT like comparing apples and oranges, because you are at a counter or bar(same type of way to receive your order) and the bartender is just pulling a lever, big freakin deal, it's NOT WORK TO TIP FOR, because it's LESS WORK than a Wendy's worker does for NO TIP, so WHY BE SO DAMN UNFAIR? Either we ALL TIP FOR FAST FOOD, so then we should ALL TIP FOR a glass of beer or we ALL DON'T. BE FAIR to the *AMOUNT OF WORK* a person does? I tip MORE when I've received MORE WORK. Did you ever hear of a server say "It takes the same amount of work to bring you that entree that's now $2 off with a coupon?" Well, IT IS the SAME AMOUNT OF WORK, but that DOESN'T mean the tip should have the most to do with the price, it should be based on the AMOUNT of work you did. Like if table 5 asks for 4 refills 3 times(party of 4) and table 1(party of 4) asks for NO refills or special requests, then I feel even if table 1's check is higher, table 5 SHOULD give MORE TIP FOR MORE WORK. That's the RIGHT THING TO DO and THE FAIR THING! So if you agree with me that people should tip more when you do more work, then why shouldn't a less tip to no tip be deserved for less work than a Wendy's employee does then? It's ONLY FAIR YOU KNOW!

"get your own beers instead of expecting someone else to get it for you and not tipping them."

WHY tip people for LESS WORK that we normally never tip for MORE WORK? I treat people EQUALLY, that if a Starbucks employee makes a frappacino, they should get tipped like a bartender for the SAME AMOUNT OF WORK.

You aren't treating people fairly at ALL.

6:25 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Would you say that flying a plane is the same as driving a car?"

That is NOT the same, but FILLING ANY LIQUID INTO A GLASS, WHETHER IT WOULD BE BEER OR SOFT DRINK **IS** THE SAME AMOUNT OF WORK AS FILLING A GLASS WITHOUT ICE INTO A WENDY'S CUP. So this comparing a flying a plane to driving is like comparing driving a boat and a car. Driving a car you have DIFFERENT GEARS and the components are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. A cup or a glass is just an OBJECT to FILL A LIQUID IN. I could fill a glass with coke at a bar and it would STILL be just as much work as filling the glass with beer. My point is, filling the glass with ice and drink is MORE WORK at Wendy's than filling a glass without ice with coke or beer. Think about the EXACT THINGS YOU ARE DOING. Flying a plane DOESN'T HAVE MANY SIMILARITIES AT ALL. What if at Wendy's they served beer on tap HYPOTHETICALLY? So let's say a Wendy's employee fills a glass with beer and hands it to you. That Wendy's employee did LESS WORK than when he or she has to fill a cup with ice and coke. THAT IS THE TRUTH 100%! Don't you see where I'm coming from that the more work you do that is MORE WORK than a fast food worker does, then THAT is WHO should get tipped to be fair to EVERY WORKER IN THIS WORLD? If I don't tip that Wendy's worker for giving me a coke with ice, WHY should I give a tip for giving me a beer in a glass that takes LESS WORK? That's Wendy's employee SHOULD be tipped if I was to tip you for getting me a glass of beer, but I should tip that Wendy's employee MORE than you, because that Wendy's employee DID MORE WORK than you did, so it's ONLY FAIR to give MORE MONEY TO THE PERSON THAT DOES MORE WORK!

"you have never worked behind a bar so how can you possibly know what kind of work it is?"

I KNOW *HOW MUCH* EFFORT it takes to do fill a cup with ice and soft drink and HOW MUCH EFFORT it takes to ONLY FILL A GLASS. You are doing LESS WORK, SO WHY TIP, WHEN WE NEVER TIP FOR SOMEONE THAT IS DOING MORE WORK? CAN YOU TELL ME WHY YOU THINK YOU DESERVE MORE MONEY THAN A PERSON THAT DOES MORE WORK? Remember, people tip according to the service *THEY* receive, NOT thinking about you carrying heavy kegs around, which is your side work. People tip according to the actual SERVICE.

7:51 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"You really think putting a few ice cubes in a cup is work?"

That's the POINT, if pulling the lever to give me a beer is LESS WORK, WHY the hell tip for LESS WORK? Give the person that does MORE WORK, the MONEY, DESERVABLE SO! I'd MUCH RATHER see my money go to someone that is doing MORE WORK than doing LESS work.

9:39 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"I care about the server that is earning $2.13 per hour while paying $8 per hour for childcare."

The problem is, the SOME servers DON'T CARE about if they've made a mistake. Like, for instance, when I was brought the quesadillas instead of the bbq chicken nachos to my table, he didn't IMMEDIATELY apologize, he just took it back. I had to GO UP TO HIM to ask him what happened. ONLY THEN, did he say he was sorry. He acted like he didn't give a shit that my meal was ruined and I had to eat by myself for most of my meal, because my husband was almost finished his and I told my husband to eat his while his was hot. Since he admitted pressing the wrong button, if I would have been the server in this situation, I would have first of all PROFUSELY APOLOGIZED IMMEDIATELY and asked my manager if I could get the entree comped for my mistake. THAT would show that he actually CARED about my ruined meal. Don't you get it, if *THE SERVERS DON'T CARE ABOUT ME, WHY SHOULD I CARE ABOUT THEM? It's a 2-way street you know. There are some people that are nice because they say they are SO sorry as well as get things taken off the bill for the customers inconvenience, those are the CARING people, but they don't care if my meal is correct, so WHY should I CARE about their childcare money they need? I will care about them, when they ACT LIKE they care about me. In other words, last night, the server came up to us and asked if we needed anything else before our food came and I had asked her about my margarita. She said she was sorry and that someone else was supposed to bring it out, which she brought it out IMMEDIATELY. Now, that really made me feel not NEARLY as mad, just because I heard her say she was sorry, if anything, I wasn't mad about it, because I didn't wait that long like 25 minutes or something, then I would have been mad, but not as pissed if someone apologizes. It really does calm me down when I know they *CARE* if I'm happy with my dining experience or not. What pisses me off is when people aren't nice or act nice. Like if she would have brought it to the table with no apology, yeah, it would have made me a bit irritated. I didn't wait that long for the margarita maybe 10 minutes-15 minutes, I don't remember. I just know the restaurant was very packed, so I KNEW I'd wait a while for things. My point is, you can't expect people to care if they don't care about you. I shouldn't care about their childcare money if they make my outing miserable by not even saying they are sorry when they make a mistake or if they don't say their sorry, they fix it immediately which actually is preferrable to a sorry, because if they only say their sorry but take 5 minutes to get it to me, that sorry meant nothing anyway. The food runner forgot my 1 side of mayo, but he brought it out REALLY in less than a minute. That's RARE for me to get it that quickly. My point is, if the server is nice to me, I'll be nice to them.

If the service is the exact same with no tip normally, I am NOT going to treat people UNFAIRLY by tipping people that are doing the same or less amount of work that don't get tipped. It's just NOT FAIR. For instance, when I get a white russian daiquiri, the person just fills that cup. That's LESS WORK than McDonald's to fill a cup with ICE and drink for no tip. I NEVER tip for a daiquiri unless I get free samples or mixing the flavors or getting extra shots. Don't you get it's only the FAIR thing to do is to NOT tip for people that do even less work than Mcdonald's? The daiquiri shops actually do make at least minimum wage, because I KNOW, I wanted to switch jobs when I worked at the donut shop to meet guys WAY BEFORE I met my husband. They didn't have any openings available when I called, but they did tell me they make minimum wage plus tips just like I did, except I did get raises, so I got up to $6/hr plus tips at the donut shop.

My point is, even if they only made $2.13/hr, they aren't doing MORE WORK to deserve the tip if I just get a white russian daiquiri. What about when I actually have a bartender MAKE a white russian? THAT is MORE WORK, so I TIP FOR THAT WORK. The tip is for the SERVICE and since we don't tip for MORE work at McDonald's, WHY tip for less work for a white russian daiquiri?

11:00 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"You aren't helping anyone but your wallet with that thinking."

NO, I am treating people FAIRLY. If I don't tip for filling a LIQUID that fizzes WITH AN EXTRA STEP WHICH IS PUTTING ICE IN THE CUP at McDonald's then WHY would I tip for a liquid that fizzes just because it happens to be beer WITHOUT the EXTRA STEP of adding ice? BE FAIR TO EVERYONE. The wage they make per hour has NOTHING to do with the *AMOUNT OF WORK* the person does for a tip or no tip.

"To people that are earning minimum wage, that extra dollar will buy food for the table."

So what you are saying is *THEIR* money is MORE IMPORTANT THAN MINE, I DON'T THINK SO! My money is just as important as theirs. The person working for $2.13 is CHOOSING TO work there, so it's there own fault if they don't make enough to reach minimum wage. I worked at the donut shop, because I knew I'd get at LEAST minimum wage, which I DIDN'T have to depend on customers to make at least minimum wage. If they don't like it, get another job. It's that simple.

"an outing for the server"

Well, if they don't think about my time and go out of order, they aren't thinking of MY feelings or time, so WHY should I think about *THEIR* tip? It goes BOTH WAYS. Let's say I order a beer in a glass, even if they serve me in order, that amount of work is LESS WORK than a McDonald's employee does to put ice and soft drink in a cup, that is the TRUTH. So TELL ME WHY DO YOU THINK IT'S FAIR TO TIP A PERSON FOR DOING *LESS* WORK? People that do MORE WORK than a McDonald's employee should get tipped DESERVABLE SO. Don't you think when I get sides of ranch and mayo delivered BEFORE my meal even and everything else goes well, that I should tip MORE than if I choose to order a pasta dish? If the server has MORE WORK, they DESERVE 25% tip instead of 23% or 20%. Like if I get a pasta dish at Chilis, not only did the server take almost no time taking my order basically, but they didn't have ANY SPECIFICS or ANY 4 sides of condiments to bring to the table. So if I was to do that, I wouldn't tip as high, even if it was PERFECT SERVICE because let's say also if we only had 1 refill each instead of 2 refills, the server DIDN'T do as much, so I'd tip 23% or 20%, NOT 25%, they didn't EARN THAT MUCH LIKE WHEN I GET CONDIMENTS AND SPECIFICS. Tips are supposed to be EARNED. If the server gets me all those condiments, they've EARNED MORE MONEY by getting my order correct and coming to the table WAY MORE OFTEN than if I just order a pasta dish. GIVE PEOPLE THAT DO MORE, MORE MONEY and GIVE PEOPLE THAT DO LESS, LESS MONEY TO BE FAIR! If I don't tip someone for filling a cup at Wendy's with ice and coke, WHY should I tip for filling a daiquiri cup with white russian, which is LESS WORK even than a Wendy's worker? That's NOT FAIR that a Wendy's worker doesn't get a tip for their *MORE WORK*, but to give a tip for filling a cup with white russian daiquiri by just pulling a leaver WITHOUT ICE EVEN. It's just NOT FAIR.

11:21 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"get the entry comped for the mistake....proof that all you want is free food, not the problem solved so that you do not have to go through that hell again."

NO, it DOESN'T prove ANYTHING. For one thing, I WISH I WOULD NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, HAVE ANY MISTAKES AND JUST BE HAPPY AS WELL AS GIVE 25% TIPS. Don't you get it, when someone receives a wrong entree, their outing is RUINED? I couldn't eat with my husband except for the 2 or 3 last bites he had otherwise, his food would have gotten cold, which would have been VERY UNFAIR to him to suffer for *MY* food being wrong. Just as I even asked him if he wanted to wait for me, but he told me to eat my food when his entree was COMPLETELY wrong at Applebee's. Don't you get, if someone is truly *SORRY* they'll do EVERYTHING they can *TRY* to *MAKE-UP* for the mistake. For instance, I told my boss "Do you want me to pay for the HUGE tray of donut holes I dropped?" He said "That's not the point, it's the customer", meaning he really wasn't concerned about the *MONEY*, but about losing a customer from waiting long, which in turn makes other customers wait longer for their food, because it has to be made over, which this lady ordered 5 dozen donut holes. I WOULD have paid for it out of my pocket, that is how horrible I felt and it was a lady in DRIVE-THRU, meaning, it wasn't like I was going to receive a tip or something from drive-thru more than likely. Another time, a lady ordered 3 dozen kastleburgers, but when she came there were only 2 of the dozen and NO ONE was cooking the 3rd dozen, even though I printed the ticket correctly. Anyway, she bitched about everytime this happens etc. , so I gave her the whole dozen FREE as my manager would have said yes to, because this was a regular customer especially. My point is, I HAVE FEELINGS and so do the customers I served. If it's a MAJOR mistake such as the wrong food, it SHOULD BE GIVEN AWAY FOR FREE OR AT LEAST DISCOUNTED. Like something minor like the wrong dozen being given, that can be fixed in less than minute or no salt on the margarita glass is MINOR.

If anything, I make sure to state "DON'T SEND ANYTHING FREE", when I have complaints a lot of times. I do feel though, the server SHOULD TRY to attempt to comp the entree if they printed the ticket wrong.

6:38 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"if I spend three seconds to bus off a nearby table while I am on my way to go get their check or put their dessert in?"

Did it EVER occur to you those people could be in a section they CAN'T *SEE* you do these things? Sometimes, I've been seated where I CAN'T see what the server is doing, other times, I'm seated RIGHT BY the computer, where I can SEE what they are doing. Also, if people are in a BIG group or one first date or something like that, OF COURSE they AREN'T going to notice things like that, because they are busy chatting at the table a lot.


Because these are THE WAIT STAFF OR BAR STAFF, NOT JUST customers. My mother, co-workers, and OTHERS I've talked and READ about on line DON'T like *WAITING* for the check. When a person is ready to leave, don't go to chit-chat and make them wait LONGER to leave, that's just SELFISH of YOU! The people that respond here do this for a LIVING, so OF COURSE ANYTHING that's *LESS* WORK for their money is desirable. If a table tips you 25% NO MATTER WHAT, HONESTLY, are you really going to give them 25% service *EVERYTIME*? I DOUBT THAT, because you'd want to make sure that your customers at the other tables tipped you well also to make a LOT of money.

"And, please find something to bitch about that you can find SOME people to agree with."

Gee, all the people here are all *WORKERS* in the food or bar industry. These people are NOT just customers. So this is NOT a HUGE STUDY of a group of 1,000 people or something.

You CAN'T go ONLY by people that post on here. That’s a bit UNFAIR don’t you think? OF COURSE they want to do *LESS* for their money, DUH! You act like the 50 or so people that posted on here is EVERYONE in the U. S. GET REAL!

WHO THE FUCK SAID *ANYONE* HAS TO *AGREE* WITH ME? I'm entitled to MY opinion. A LOT of people DO want their check as SOON AS POSSIBLE just as I do. I would say when I dine with a huge group, NO, I don't think about the *TIME* factor as much. Think about the fact that if you live with the person you are dining with whether it was with my mother dining with me when I lived there or with my husband at right now 29yrs old, there's only SO MUCH to say. We DO have a LOT of time together, because we have DAY JOBS. In other words, our schedules match and we BOTH don't go with friends very often, because we BOTH WANT to spend time with EACH OTHER instead. My point is, you can talk when you are waiting for a table, on the way there, at home every night, so sometimes people just don't have something NEW to say EVERY SECOND, unless you are either REPEATING something or haven't talked to a person in a while.

It's just hard NOT to notice a person bussing a table and you've asked for the check, especially when it's COLD. It's like, all I want to do sometimes is leave, because of the TEMPERATURE of the place even.

"your kids projects in school"

I DON'T have kids. I waited until I was 25yrs old, the day I got married, to have intercourse even, because I DON'T WANT KIDS, maybe NEVER want any, I don’t want any now that’s for sure. I LOVE my FREEDOM to do what the HELL I WANT TO, WHEN I want to. I am 29 yrs old right now. I don't get *WHERE* you get I would have kids from? Like, really, I'd have the *TIME* to write on here if I had kids. It takes a LOT of time during the week working 40hrs just to do general housework like laundry, grocery store, and vaccuming.

"If I wasn't chit chatty, then you would say I was rude."

NO, I'd give you a *BIGGER* tip for NOT DELAYING my food or drink, so NO, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG ON THAT ONE. I'd RATHER YOU JUST SAY "Can I get you all something to drink?" Instead of saying "How was your mardi gras", like a server did in 2003 on mardi gras day. Delaying my food or drink from getting into the computer is my ONLY concern, NOT chatting with the damn wait staff. I could care LESS ABOUT TALKING TO YOU. I am there to DINE WITH THE PEOPLE I'M WITH, THAT’S IT. I am NOT there to make friends with the people that are serving me, that’s more of a *BAR* thing. Like people at bars chat a lot, NOT at a restaurant.

"Most of you would prefer your waiters to be servers, not buddies. “I really don’t care what my waiter’s name is,” sniffs Chula Vista’s Olin Bjorsky. “I am not interested in what dishes the waiters and waitresses like,” says La Jolla’s Patricia Winter."

SEE, there ARE PEOPLE THAT *AGREE* with me YOU IDIOT! Just because they don’t post here doesn’t mean there aren’t people that AGREE with me.


They WOULDN'T have that article then, now would they?

AnnMarie said: “I can't tell you how many times I don't get the condiments for a sandwich, or I get soup brought over, but no spoon to eat it. HUGE pet peeve of mine, because while I'm twiddling my thumbs waiting for someone to come by (I'll grab anyone at that point to get me a spoon or some mayo) my food is getting cold and ruined.”

GEE, there’s someone here that is bothered by not getting their condiments.

Tres Huevos said: “I hate Waitpeople who introduce themselves by name and crouch/sit down so they're at eye level and just in general test out their method acting by pretending they give a rat's ass about diners, don't write orders down and then (inevitably) get something wrong, blame the kitchen or the management, treat you like shit then try to salvage their tip at check time with a warm smile and goodbye, bring dishes out of order or at different times for different people at the same table, make uncorking a bottle of wine seem like something outside their job description, don't know the ingredients of things on the menu, correct diners' pronunciation when they understand what the person said perfectly well.”

See this person HATES to be TALKED TO. He HATES servers that don’t know things on the menu as I do. He hates people who don’t write down orders and gets orders wrong.

Venus De Mpls said: “For me, it's when the wait person leaves the bill and never returns and I need summon the only person on the floor to retrieve the now glowering wait person who inevitably rolls their eyes, sighs and throws the charge card ticket my way. Grrr.”

This person HATES WAITING for their check, just as I do.

“Never, ever take food out that is incorrectly done (I had a waitress rip me a new one for something I goofed up on as a cook and she demanded I fix it then and there - and she was right and I learned). Explain about and apologize for the delay.”

They have this article NOT to bring food that is WRONG to the table.

“Not providing service in the order of arrival
People become territorial. They expect that if they arrived first, they should be served before parties arriving or seated after them. It is not an unreasonable expectation.”

Skitts in Kitts
“u expect me to tip u for opening a bottle of beer?? kissssssssssss my ass!”

See, ALL people don’t tip for flipping a cap a beer.

“Or why do they not complain when I bring them a refill that they didn't ask for?”

People keep it to them self.

Jun 24 2005, 07:29 AM
i always hate when they ask you if you need anything else, and you say just the check, and they bring you your check AND new drinks. i always feel obligated to drink at least half of the new drink so that they didnt waste their time."

Some people may want another or don’t want to risk getting spit in their food. I don’t complain about it to the server. I just ask to get something else if I want something or if I do want the refill, KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT. I just take it out on the tip. I don’t risks them retaliating against me.

“If that's the case, then why do so many of the customers I have chit chat with me?”

I’ve chatted with them and WENT ALONG WITH IT NOT TO BE RUDE. DUH, just because they chat with you doesn’t mean they want to, I’ll GUARANTEE YOU THAT. I’ve chatted with a server, but didn’t care to. Even the Applebee’s guy that asked us how our mardi gras was, we just went ALONG WITH IT NOT TO BE RUDE AND NOT TO RISKS GETTING SPIT IN OUR FOOD.

“If you want quick, not chatty service, go to Burger King.”

You are supposed to be doing your job and CHATTING is NOT part of a server’s job. It’s part of a BARTENDER’S job, but NOT a servers. I have EVERY RIGHT to expect the person to do their job which is to *SERVE* me, that is WHY hence the name “SERVER.* If you are chatting, you are delaying peoples orders, which is WRONG of you as well as just plain SELFISH.

“why do so many servers (most of which have never met any of the other servers posting here) all say the same thing.”

Because, MOST people are just LAZY. They don’t want to go ASK a table for a refill, because MOST people want refills, so instead of thinking of the *INDIVIDUAL* customers, the servers are thinking of their tired feet instead. As far as going in order, same thing, PURE LAZINESS. There’s less walking back and fourth to get requests, so OF COURSE people want to do the LEAST amount of work for their money. Also, I would think MOST servers that are in college, don’t have the TIME or money to go out to eat as OFTEN as others do or they CAN’T eat at those busy times like 7p.m at night as much as we can, because they WORK THOSE TIMES.

Of course I’d more likely have better service when there’s less customers. That’s just common sense.

“According to you, every customer feels the way you do?”

I can say the SAME THING about you that you feel EVERYONE wants to chit-chat and EVERYONE wants their food delayed by you bussing a table first and EVERYONE wants a refill without asking or it being ordered by the customer. You are doing the SAME THING. LOTS of people don’t like chatting with the wait staff. A LOT of people feel the same about they want their check as soon as they can get it. I KNOW lots of people feel differently, but MOST do want their food in a timely manner and MOST want their check as soon as they’ve asked for it.

1:41 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...


“How do you see it as less work?”

Because if you are chatty, you AREN’T “SERVING”, which this is the TRUTH!

“If I didn’t care about the tables, I wouldn’t be chatty.”

If I was a waitress, I’d care about my customer’s TIME NOT to chat with them UNLESS they asked me something, then I wouldn’t be rude, but at the same time, if they keep making conversation, I would have to tell them “I’m sorry, but I have a lot of work to do.” A CARING server would care about the customer’s wait, especially if they’ve waited for a table for a half hour or an hour.

“If you tell your server that you’re too cold/hot, and they say they’ll take care of it, but nothing happens afterwards….first consider the fact that the restaurant is a big place that takes awhile to heat/cool. If after about 15-20 minutes and nothing happens, ask to speak with a manager.”

ONE time, I’ve asked my server if they could turn down the air, which she did. I gave her a bigger tip for being so caring that I was cold. Anyway, I don’t usually ask them, because I do think of OTHERS in the restaurant that may not be cold or even may be hot. I do ALWAYS bring my jacket and wear pants as well as long sleeves even in the summer time sometimes. I NEVER wear shorts to restaurants usually, because I find it’s usually cold in places.


I didn’t know that it was an example. I took you literally meaning that I had kids. I would think ANYONE WOULD the way you just put that part in your sentence about doing my kids projects.

“And when a server is asking how your day was or if you had a good summer, it’s called being nice.”

That type of talk is fine if it’s AFTER I’ve ordered and BEFORE my meal arrives. I don’t consider them being “NICE” if they are being “INCONSIDERATE” of my being hungry and wanting to just order. People go to restaurants usually to dine with the person or people they are WITH, NOT to make friends with the staff. I know there are people that don’t mind chit-chat, but I think MOST DO MIND, especially if they’ve waited for a table.

“Me- How are ya‘ll doing tonight?
They- good, how are you?
Me- Great! I’m Nini and I’ll be taking care of you tonight. What can I get you to drink tonight?
Them- (Drink order)
Me- Alright, did you want to start out with an appetizer?
Them- Sure (appetizer order)
Me- Alright, I go get that started and be right back with your drinks”

Personally, I’d skip the “How are ya’ll doing tonight” stuff. I wouldn’t bother to ask back to the server, because not that I want to be rude, but I really just want to order and I really don’t care how the server is doing, because I don’t know the server. I don’t mind if you say something small like the rest of what you have written there. It’s when the server asks a question about something. For instance, the waiter that overcharged us in 2003 also was the same waiter that greeted us with “How was ya’lls mardi gras ? and Go to any Parades?” It’s like I understand the person is trying to be friendly, BUT, we waited 15 minutes for a table already and it was PACKED. I feel during those times, NO SMALL TALK should be EVER be done, there’s just NO TIME for that. That was delaying other people that could have been seated sooner or customers that asked for something. Think about if it was YOU waiting for a table. If EVERY server chatted like that waiter did, that’s at least 5 minutes I would think from all the servers WASTED time. You have to understand, not to be rude, we answered him and said something like “No, we don’t go to parades.” Sure, that’s probably altogether under a minute, but when you add up that for EVERY customer, it IS TIME CONSUMING.

“First of all, we are required by management to give our customers our names.”

I don’t really care if they say their name, but honestly, I am NOT good with names. I probably WON’T remember it. I only remember the names when I have looked on my check after I have left or when we asked for the check.


You said: “I agree with you too! But if I am triple sat while I’m in the kitchen, I’m not going to waste more time by going to the host stand and asking them who was there in what order.”

That’s one thing I couldn’t fathom NOT doing. I wouldn’t want to serve people in the wrong order out of COMMON DECENY. So you saying you are agree is a LIE, A HUGE LIE, because if you did, you would do ANYTHING in your power to make sure you are greeting in order that people got seated in.

“YES I’m going to give them their drinks first. Live with it. It’s not being selfish, it’s called being smart.”

NO, it’s called being UNFAIR and LAZY, so you can do LESS STEPS, but delay the first and second table’s orders.

"Once again, we have to pre-bus, it’s apart of our job. If we don’t do it, our managers get on our asses."

All the managers care about is SELLING more, which is seating more customers. The managers don't care about individual customer's time; they just don't, because it's not "THEM" as the customer, so they aren't affected by the situation. Managers don’t give a rats ass about if I’ve waited 20 minutes for a margarita, otherwise, when I waited a half an hour for a margarita a Chili’s, the manager would have said “Have this on the house for waiting SO LONG.” THAT would be CARING. When the manager is the customer, they may have a VERY DIFFERENT VIEW. Sure, there are some people that are VERY EASY GOING and DON’T CARE HOW LONG THEY WAIT, but MOST people DO CARE!

"And it’s not going to delay your food from being put in the computer no longer than a minute."

Actually, it could be a LOT LONGER than that. Let's say Jane Doe is a server. She has table 4 to put in an order of mozzarella sticks and John Doe is a server. He has table 6. He also has an order of mozzarella sticks. The difference is the BOTH had these orders at the SAME EXACT TIME at these 2 different tables. Jane Doe puts the order in right away and is even further away from the computer than John Doe. John Doe decides to buss a table as well as put the dishes into the kitchen BEFORE putting the order in. NOW, table 6 has waited 2 minutes LONGER than necessary, because table 6's order was supposed to be into the computer BEFORE table 4, because the computer is CLOSER to John Doe than to Jane Doe. So table 4 gets their mozzarella sticks 2-3 minutes faster than table 6. WHY is that right or fair to you?

Also, if there's a well done steak entree ordered at one table and the other server at another table decides to WAIT to put a well done steak order into the computer. Don't you think that the person that waited will have their table waiting LONGER for their food? It's COMMON SENSE. The faster the cooks get the ticket, the FASTER the food can get cooked.

Also, this has happened at Applebee’s this year. The waiter came up to us. We didn’t call him to us. We told him we wanted the check, but instead of going to get our check, he bussed a table(NOT just prebussed it) as well as greeted another table, meanwhile making us wait 3 minutes to get our check. Now, I don’t get WHY he came up to us FIRST to begin with, if he was going to “SIT”(in a sense) on our requests per say. Like if he would have bussed the table and greeted the people before coming to our table, then I could understand, but to come to us BEFORE doing all that stuff and NOT going to do what was requested, was to us, VERY DISRESPECTFUL to our time.

“I hate when the meal is ended in a restaurant that you must beg or hunt
down your server for your damn check!
Clearly the meal is over and you want to leave. BUt no, they go off
somewhere and leave you to wallow over an empty wine glass.
So I learned a valuable lesson in reducing my blood pressure...
Ask for the damn check when you order dessert, you won't be upset. And
don't be afraid to ask the server to come back in 2 minutes to pick up
the money/card etc. because you don't want to wait. They are the SERVER
after all.
Mr. Metaxa “

Just look at a couple of opinions on this site.

“One time in Pisa and once in Prague, I had to literally beg for the check so I could get the hell out of the restaurant already!
Posted by: Tanker Schreiber at October 17, 2004 10:55 PM”
“But I'm with you, I hate waiting for the check when we're done eating. If it feels like the waiter is going to be slow I'll just ask for the check when they bring the food. I'm also with you on chatty waiters, no thanks, I'm not there to be charmed.
I waited tables for over a year, so while I know it's hard, mostly honest work, I also know when the service sucks.
Posted by: Beth at October 18, 2004 02:57 AM”

This sentence I don’t completely agree with and MOST people would rather be asked first, but it does point out that the waiter should be seen and NOT HEARD FROM, basically, they are NOT THERE TO DINE WITH THE WAIT STAFF.

“I no longer eat anywhere that has a waiting list. I've never eaten anywhere that was worth waiting for. And I hate waiters who want to be a part of my dining "experience." If I wanted to spend time with the waiter, I would dine with him. My idea of a good waiter is one who never asks if I need more water or tea or coffee--he simply sees when I need more and shows up to take care of it.
Posted by: Mike at October 17, 2004 10:07 PM”

Yes, this particular person is the opposite of my opinion about wanting to be asked if I want a refill, but it does point out the fact that ALL THESE people AGREE they don’t want a chatty server. They want their check as soon as they’ve asked for it and they want not to make friends with the wait staff. Sure, there are SOME people that don’t even want you to come and ask if they want more drink like this person, but MOST people DO want to be asked about tea especially. One of my x-boyfriends said he HATED when a server would just start pouring tea, because he’d have it just so sweetened perfectly, and then they had to ruin it again. I am NOT saying everyone agrees with even these people, but I would say MOST people that are not with a big crowd of people don’t want to be chatty. The reason why I say that is, because it’s not as intimate as if a woman and a man are out on a date for instance. Do you HONESTLY think people that are on a date want to chat with the server? They want to chat with EACH OTHER. Sure, you may find SOME people that want to chat, but it looks like MOST people want to dine and talk with WHO THEY ARE WITH as well as not have a LONGER WAIT for their food and drinks. I would say MOST people HATE when they get more tea poured without asking. Tea is definitely something that I feel SHOULD be asked that MOST people would AGREE with, but as you can see, there are people out there that want SILENT service even MORE than I do, if you can believe that even.

If the server is RIGHT BY a terminal, there's NO REASON( UNLESS somehow they can see someone’s food at the window from the table they just took an order from)NOT to just go to ring up the food first and THEN buss a table.

"And please stop comparing us to fast food service,"

Take-out(EXCLUDING car-side-to-go) is EXACTLY like KFC. It's similar to McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, and Taco Bell. I've seen the KFC employee that took my order and rung up my order, getting biscuits with a thong to put into the container, I've seen that SAME PERSON put macaroni in the container for my side, they put you napkins with ketchup, they put you utensils also. KFC now-a-days usually has self serve drinks, but WENDY'S DOESN'T ANYWHERE that I've EVER seen. Usually if I go to KFC to get something TO-GO, I NEVER get drinks, because it's so close to our house, we don't need drinks unless we are eating inside.


It's like I'm NOT going to tip for a white russian daiquiri with no extra shots in it. If I get a white russian that is MADE for me, then THAT is TRULY BARTENDING. I can fill a cup with some liquid in it with NO BARTENDING COURSE that I have to take to get certified for that. It's LESS work than a Wendy's worker does to fill a cup with ICE and soft drink. So since I'm FAIR and NEVER tip Wendy's workers, WHY TIP FOR LESS WORK JUST BECAUSE IT'S *ALCOHOL*?

I have EVERY RIGHT to COMPARE the *AMOUNT OF SERVICE* I am receiving. I feel like flipping a cap on a beer is NOT MUCH WORK AT ALL and that is the TRUTH! I would NEVER tip for flipping a cap off a beer, because that's LESS work than a Wendy's worker does. I tip according to HOW MUCH WORK did the person do for their money. If you agree that tipping more is appropriate when I asked for 4 sides of condiments, extra napkins, 3 refills, etc., than when I would just get a pasta dish with NO extra napkins and 1 refill, then HOW can you disagree with my logic about comparing fast food service to take-out(excluding car side to-go? NO ONE, unless they work themselves as a server, goes by *HOW MUCH SOMEONE MAKES AN HOUR* as to how much they tip. They go by the type of service it is and HOW MUCH WORK DID THE PERSON DO FOR THEIR MONEY. There's NO WAY I'd EVER give 25% if I only would order a pasta dish and a coke with no refills. WHERE would the extra effort be for that 25% to be earned? 20% would be the MOST I'd consider tipping for a pasta dish and a coke without refills. That is PLENTY for minimal service compared to MAJOR amount of service I get when I get sandwiches with condiments as wells refills also.

““Tres Huevos said: “I hate Waitpeople who introduce themselves by name and crouch/sit down so they're at eye level”

I actually LIKE when a server crouches down at eye level, because they can HEAR ME BETTER under all the people talking in the restaurant. So, I MUCH RATHER them HEAR ME, than NOT to seem caring not to TRY to hear me. Like at Outback recently, we were seated at a table that had chairs and one side that had a cushion, which was pretty big. Anyway, our waitress sat down to get our order, which I liked MUCH MORE than if she made us have to repeat our order or speak louder. I don’t really care for the introducing, because for one, I’m not going to probably remember the person’s name, second of all I don’t really care, and third of all it’s wasting valuable time that I can just order instead. Just like the website said ““I really don’t care what my waiter’s name is,” sniffs Chula Vista’s Olin Bjorsky.”

Really, MOST people DON’T CARE what their server’s name is and it’s not like if we do have a MIA server, that some other server won’t ask the hostess about who’s serving table 4 or even my husband has called over ANOTHER server to go get our server for us when we’ve waited a very long time for something.

“Second, we give you our names, because we don’t respond to “hey you!” or “waiter!”

I have NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, called a waitress by their name UNLESS we are a regular at a restaurant and have asked for this specific server. Normally, 99% of the time, I usually just ask for what I want when they come to the table or put my hand half-way up, meaning I don’t raise my hand like you would at school, I just try to get the server to come to the table, because even if I remembered their name, they MORE THAN LIKELY WOULDN’T HEAR ME over people talking. In other words, I DON’T call them by name 99% of the time. I know sometimes I’ve been at restaurants where it was hard to give my order because there were so many people talking. We, most of the time, don’t ask for someone specific, because we go at times where we have a wait for a table and if we have to wait for that special server, it’s possible we’d end up waiting MUCH longer and possible if that special server does serve us, it may be TOO MUCH on that one server to handle us in his or her section also and end up A FEW TIMES if we don’t have a wait for a table and we know the server by their name. I know a few servers names by memory of people that were good and bad. The reason, it’s on the check, so that’s how I KNOW what the server’s name is by memory. I’ve also tried to keep a lot of my checks, so I can know what server NOT to get.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"I can't stand it when stupid people breed."


7:41 PM

7:42 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

Is it possible that while you do not factor side work such as moving kegs into the service *YOU* recieve, other people in the world DO factor side work into their tip.
Yes or No."

Well OF COURSE they can. I NEVER said EVERYONE feels this way, I said I feel MOST people want things as SOON AS POSSIBLE.

"it would just be *MEAN* to serve anyone else before I did the shot."

NO, because you are serving *YOURSELF*, NOT the customer, so THAT IS THE THING THAT'S SELFISH! So not only would it be mean not to serve anyone else before the shot you are ingesting, but that it is NOT SERVING AN ACTUAL *CUSTOMER.* See, the person PURCHASING YOUR SHOT *IS* the actual customer and YOU are the WORKER. So ingesting ANYTHING whether it's a shot of alcohol, food, or a drag off a cigarette, is ONLY THINKING OF THE BARTENDER, NOT THE PAYING CUSTOMERS. Sure they are paying for you to have the shot, but WHO THE HELL SAYS YOU HAVE TO DELAY AN ACTUAL CUSTOMER TO TAKE IT? In other words, WHY NOT take the shot AFTER you are finished serving a customer? Wouldn't that be the THOUGHTFUL AND NICE thing to do? When I worked at the donut shop, during the afternoon shift, I'd have sometimes where it wasn't busy where I'd eat dinner. MANY TIMES, I'd *INTERRUPT* my meal, for PAYING CUSTOMERS, because that was MY JOB. It was NOT my job to be eating when I was supposed to be serving, plain and simple. Sometimes customers came in and I heard the door open and I jumped right up and they said something like you don't have to get up, but I KNEW I DID, because I was supposed to be working, but since there were no breaks on an over 8 hr shift with z-ing out the register(balancing the register), I would either have to have a heavy lunch or eat at almost 11p.m. at night, so I chose during non-busy hours when my side work was done, to eat. My point is, ingesting things for YOURSELF, is just that, it's NOT SERVING A CUSTOMER and if you were thoughtful of customers, you'd WAIT TO INGEST THE SHOT UNTIL THERE WAS A BREAK IN CUSTOMERS, WHICH USUALLY BUSINESSES GO THROUGH PERIODS OF SLOW DOWN AT SOME POINT, LIKE I HAD.

"In this situation it is physically impossible to meet both of your needs."

NO, one is taking a shot for YOURSELF, which is YOUR NEED, the other is serving SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOURSELF. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DON'T SEE THAT?

Let's say some customer bought me a burger at the donut shop(normally food other than donuts was HALF-PRICE, but there was a time when I started where we got eat completely for free, but that changed after a while), anyway, let's say they asked if I could eat with them. It would still be thinking of MY STOMACH to eat with that customer if I chose to IGNORE a NEW CUSTOMER. SO FUCKIN WHAT IF IT'S ALCOHOL, IT'S STILL THINKING OF YOURSELF IF YOU PUT TAKING A SHOT OF ALCOHOL BEFORE SERVING SOMEONE THAT IS PATIENTLY WAITING. I would tell the customer it would have to wait. If someone takes a drag off of a cigarette BEFORE an order is fulfilled that had been given is SELFISH!

“By your logic I don't deserve a tip for washing glasses before serving you even though there wasn't a single glass to put your white russian even if I did take your order.”

NO, that’s DIFFERENT, because if you don’t have a glass to serve the drink in, then HOW are you going to serve the drink. It’s just like at the donut shop when they’d be a bunch of groups of people leave at once, but I didn’t get a chance to buss the booth and people walked in wanting that booth, well, then I’d HAVE to clean real fast the booth so they could sit, otherwise, well HOW could they sit at a clean booth if I didn’t clean it considering they wanted to sit there and NOT at the counter or little tables. So, NO, if you didn’t have anymore glasses to serve drinks in, then if I was the bartender, I’d tell the customer BEFORE I’d start washing the glass, that I have to wash a glass out, because there are NO MORE glasses. This way, the customer KNOWS that I am putting their needs FIRST instead of clean up work, because if the customer just sees me cleaning a glass, but doesn’t watch me make the drink, then the customer will tip according to what they saw, so at least I’d try to let the person know it may take a little while longer. See, that would also be called being *CONSIDERATE* to tell them it may take a while to make the drink, because of NO clean glasses.

“it's just not that big of a deal that I take all their orders at once.”

I KNOW some people don’t care about their time, but I feel MOST people do, otherwise, WHY people speed, even had a vehicle tailgate me today in the RIGHT lane of all things just because I was going exactly speed limit, even had a guy once asked me at Wal-mart if he could get in front of me in line, etc. I know some of these things are when people have time constraints, but I don’t think people want to wait longer for their drinks. I think it doesn’t bother some people, but I bet some people would say it would be NICER to have their drink SOONER if they could.

This is what happened to me just Saturday night. I was at a little restaurant bar that my husband and I were the only customers there at the moment. Anyway, I ordered a white russian(this was my second drink I ordered). After she made it, before she shook it, she did something that REALLY PISSED me off, a man asked for a beer that had JUST walked in, but instead of just shaking up my drink that was basically made already, she takes about 10 seconds to find the beer, then even rings him up, but has trouble figuring out what to press on the register, meanwhile, I could have had my white russian I had ordered. I waited for 2-3 minutes LITERALLY so someone can be served BEFORE me, even though I had ordered BEFORE that man was even walked through the door. Needless to say I gave her a buck for 2 drinks, meaning, I based my tip on the first drink ONLY. She TRULY COULD HAVE JUST said “One Moment” to the guy and shook up my drink and I could have had that in about 10 seconds, considering my drink had just been made as well as I ordered BEFORE he did, but she let it SIT THERE on the back of the bar where she had made the drink. I don’t get WHY bartenders feel that a beer order is more important than a mixed drink order just because getting that beer to open it is not as long, but to ring him up sure made me wait MUCH LONGER than I should have. See if I was her, out of COMMON DECENCY I would have just fixed the person’s white russian and THEN got the beer for the man and rung him up. In a line at the grocery, people don’t ring my stuff up and then someone else’s behind me, before I can get all of my groceries rung up. People have RESPECT at McDonald’s even. People don’t take a bite of a burger before serving people, so WHY do a shot? Let’s say I pay for a Frostop(fast food place) worker’s burger(let’s say the worker has no discount). According to you, they should DISRESPECT the next person in line just because I bought it for them, so they should take a bite RIGHT NOW AT THIS VERY MOMENT when a person is waiting patiently to order? BTW, Frostop over here has a tip jar. People wait for things in an ORDERLY FASHION IN OTHER THINGS IN LIFE, SO WHY THE HELL SHOULD A BAR BE ANY DIFFERENT CUSTOMER SERVICE, JUST BECAUSE THEY SERVE *ALCOHOL?*

8:16 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Does he not have a right to be served how HE wants?"

But, the point is, *HE* is NOT ACTUALLY BE SERVED WHEN *YOU* take the shot, *YOU* are the person being served FROM SERVING YOURSELF, GET THAT?

So, NO, HE SHOULD WAIT to see you take the shot ONLY if you desire to at a time when there are NO orders that have to be made.

HOW can you see it as *HIS* service, when *YOU* are ingesting the shot, NOT HIM? I bet you will say so bartender and customer can do the shot together, but that is PLAY TIME, actual SERVING PRODUCTS IS what the bartender is SUPPOSED TO BE DOING, NOT FEEDING THEMSELVES WITH SHOTS(UNLESS THERE ARE NO ORDERS).

Don't you get that to you *HIS* service is doing a shot together, which is NOT truly service for the business, it's for your TIP, it's entertainment for the customer, but it's NOT actually SERVING ANOTHER CUSTOMER, IT'S SERVING YOURSELF WHEN YOU ARE INGESTING THAT ALCOHOL INTO YOUR STOMACH, THAT IS *FACT*, NOT A PRECEIVED THOUGHT OF MINE, IT'S A FACT THAT IF YOU TAKE A SHOT WHEN I'M THERE WAITING TO ORDER, YOU ARE ONLY THINKING OF TIP AND STOMACH. You may say you are thinking of that customer's feelings that asked for you to take the shot with the customer, but that's still an ENTERTAINMENT thing, in other words, go to a strip club if you want entertainment, but serving customers is supposed to be *CUSTOMER SERVICE* meaning serving just drinks or/and food, NOT *ENTERTAINMENT.*

"The customer says I have to, because he has a DIFFERENT view of service than you do. here is the difference:
You view me doing the shot as being on MY own time
He views me doing the shot as part of HIS time."

It's a FACT that it DOES BENEFIT YOUR BODY BY MAKING YOU FEEL GOOD. You ARE on your own time when you ingest ANYTHING INTO YOUR BODY. You can decide to actual *SERVE* someone INSTEAD OF ENTERTAIN them. Bartenders should be *SERVING* their customers, NOT making them wait to take shots or take drags off a cigarette or eat.

"I am finishing my business with him."


10:32 AM  
Blogger Kristie said...

first off: friendly chit-chat is a big part of a bartender's job and in some bars- what earns them their tip.

second- have you ever worked in a bar/restaurant? You like to focus on being FIRST (as i noticed in your server blog as well). I ask because, i have worked in both. The places i worked in were BUSY. You didnt have the time to take one order at a time. Often you were encouraged by the owner/management to "kill as many birds with one stone" by taking multiple drink orders from multiple customers and make them at once, and then deliver in the order you took them, cash out in that same order and move on to the next group.

3- again: ever heard that bartenders are "therapists"? They talk. that is what bartenders do. chit chat with ALL their customers. You have a "ME FIRST" complex it seems...a little narcisstic maybe?
4- beleive me - you are not the only customer to not get served RIGHT AWAY. she surely did the same to people some time before YOU could have a cold glass. Of course, a good barkeep would acknowledge you and even maybe take your order, but let you know it may take a moment. --especially if its busy- the bartender may not have another chance to fill those fridges.

5- if one beer is not worth a tip, then get it yourself. you are paying them to get you the beer and open it for you. If you dont want to tip on ALL OF THE SERVICE--stay home and serve yourself.

6-this one i totally agree with you. no drinking before customers. i would say actually no drinking at al while working. leads to problems everytime.

7-this one i understand as well, altho i have worked places where if you dont answer the phone, the owner would have your ass. he never cared if you had customers, you tell them to wait and answer the phone- it could be potential customers. Altho i agree with you that its rude, sometimes its not their decision and since they want to keep their jobs, they do what they can to appease everyone. (while that may not have been the story in your situation, i understand)

8-Once a bar tender knows they have a customer- they should stop eating/smoking and serve the waiting customer. so i agree with you here too.

Overall, you seem like a tense person and i would suggest a chill pill of some sort. Going out is supposed to be fun. Things go wrong, but come on...let it go.

9:45 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"First off: friendly chit-chat is a big part of a bartender's job and in some bars- what earns them their tip."

But, *SERVING* is the MAIN PART of the job where the *SALES* come into the bar, so it's MORE IMPORTANT to *SERVE* that drink to make a *SALE* than it is to just chat with someone just to make money for the BARTENDER and NOT the bar. Also, don't you think it's rather rude if let's say you are at McDonald's and you go up to give your order, but an employee wants to chat with a customer they know and makes you WAIT there for an extra minute or 2 just so they can chat instead of STOPPING IMMEDIATELY(which is what I ALWAYS did when I served people at the donut shop) to make the customer the TOP PRIORITY OVER TALKING. Also, bartenders can continue their conversation and make a drink at the SAME TIME if they wanted to. I would tell the customer I was chatting with at the donut shop, "HOLD THAT THOUGHT" and I'd say "May I help you." CUSTOMERS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN CHATTING. Chatting is "PLAY TIME" when there are actual ORDERS that can be taken. WHY NOT say "Hold on one moment" and get the order while CONTINUING the conversation? Why make someone wait LONGER for their order than necessary? Just because it's a "BAR" doesn't make it right to make "CUSTOMER SERVICE" not the TOP PRIORITY over chit chatting. Serving a customer should take TOP PRIORITY OVER DOING ANYTHING ELSE UNLESS IT’S AN EMERGENCY. My customers I served were TOP PRIORITY as if a king or queen walked in. I treated them with RESPECT as I want to be treated when I got served. I also didn’t expect people to tip for a dozen donuts and surprisingly SOME people did tip for that, which I feel I didn’t truly DESERVE a tip for almost no service like a McDonald’s employee would do. Sometimes people that got full table service at the booths wouldn’t tip and I would give them refills and get the order correct. So I don’t get customers sometimes. Sometimes of course I’d get tips from the booths, but sometimes people just though of this place as “fast food” even though I brought them their food, drinks, got refills and paper plates, sometimes they’d walk to the counter to pay, sometimes I’d give them their check at the booth. I feel those people that actually had table service and got their orders correct with refills SHOULD have tipped me. The person that gets 2 dozen donuts SHOULDN’T have tipped me. People are strange. I don’t think a dozen donuts, even if it’s mixed dozen, deserves ANY tip what-so-ever. Heck, I wouldn’t even tip for that. I hardly ever go to a donut shop though, because they are fattening. It’s strange how people would tip for a cup of coffee with free refills a quarter or a dollar, but not full table service or almost full table service if they went to pay at the counter like Denny’s or Waffle House has you do. I do consider the paying the check, part of my service and I tip a tad less at those places, because they didn’t give me the “FULL” service that other places do like Applebee’s, Red Lobster, Chili’s, etc.

What I don't get is a contradiction here basically?

"8-Once a bar tender knows they have a customer- they should stop eating/smoking and serve the waiting customer. so i agree with you here too."

Basically you are saying to serve the customer right away just because it's not chatting, but if you are in the middle of a conversation for YOUR TIP, it's ok to make a customer wait according to you. That's pretty SELFISH don't you think? Why is it OK to make a customer wait to order if the bartender isn't serving another customer? I don't think it's EVER OK to make a customer wait to order.

Like you said this: "so YOU could have a cold glass."

For one thing, I DON'T drink beer. I have a few times in my life time, LITERALLY maybe less than 5 times at a bar I may have had a beer. I am NOT a beer fan. I like MIXED DRINKS. So that "Cold glass" DOESN'T have anything to do with my service if the server delays me from ordering to put glasses or stock beers in the refrigerator, because I don't order beer.

"You have a "ME FIRST" complex it seems."

NO, I feel a *CUSTOMER* should take TOP PRIORITY over chatting, eating, drinking, smoking, or anything else that isn't another customer that they are serving. Like don't stock beers if there is a customer at the bar. Get that customer's order, THEN stock the beers. The "ME FIRST" isn't what I am. I have made sure that if someone got to the bar BEFORE me, that they ordered BEFORE me by telling the bartender if they tried to get my order, he or she was there FIRST. My point is, orders should go in order like when you are in a line. Who's next, is next to be FAIR! WHY let Joe Smoe cut just because he gets a beer and let my white russian glass sit longer not finish being made? That's NOT FAIR or RIGHT. WHY, just because I ordered a mixed drink, that a bartender decides to get a beer from a customer that ordered AFTER me? WHY make the person WAIT LONGER that ordered that mixed drink if they ordered BEFORE that person did? WHY TOTALLY DISRESPECT SOMEONE LIKE THAT? THAT IS RUDE! People think it's rude to cut in a line, so WHY would it be ok to let someone cut before me if I ordered before them just because it's NOT an actual line? My point is, if a bartender let's someone cut in front of me, I do the same to their tip, CUT IT OUT of their payment by not tipping them for that drink. They want to disrespect the FIRST person that ordered, so I will DISRESPECT their service to make me that mixed drink. They didn't care about MY TIME OR FEELINGS, so WHY should I care about their tip? It goes both ways you know. So like you said about chatting, if they keep chatting and don't stop IMMEDIATELY to serve me, they don't get tipped. So I feel whether they let someone cut in front of my order or they chat, either way, they are DISRESPECTING my time and feelings, so I treat them the EXACT SAME WAY by not tipping them. If they want a tip, treat me like if they were the one that was the customer patiently waiting to place their order. Would they like it if they had to wait for someone to finish their conversation before you would get to order? Maybe it doesn't bother some people, but I still feel it's RUDE to treat people with NO RESPECT like that. Chatting is NOT NEARLY as important as the sales brought in, because if there are no sales, where is the hourly wage going to come from in the bartender's pay check and HOW is the bar going to stay in business? Chat all you want to get a few drinks out of 1 customer, but IGNORE 30 customers the whole shift to chat. That's STUPID!

"Often you were encouraged by the owner/management to "kill as many birds with one stone" by taking multiple drink orders from multiple customers and make them at once, and then deliver in the order you took them, cash out in that same order and move on to the next group."

I can give you credit, at least you delivered them IN THE ORDER they ordered. As I said before in another posts to someone on this blog, I had a bartender make my white russian, but didn't mix it in the container they shake it up in and take an order for a beer for this guy that had JUST walked into the bar. She let my white russian sit behind the bar and bent down to try to find the beer the guy wanted and she took literally at least 2 minutes to ring up the beer, because she seemed not to know what to ring up, because she kept pressing buttons and didn’t give him his change right away, so meanwhile I was waiting for my drink that was made already, just not shaken up. I feel that's RUDE as all hell to do that to someone. I ordered before that guy was even walked in, so WHY do that? Why make me wait longer and it wasn't like she made drinks all at once as you say, she ignored my drink to get his bottle of beer. My point is, THAT is the type of shit I go though sometimes at bars. INCONSIDERATE bartender is what I call that. All she had to do was shake it up and I would have had it in 20 seconds or so, but no, make me wait 2 minutes for a guy that ordered AFTER I did is VERY MEAN and EXTREMELY INCONSIDERATE. Especially that fact that she rung it up too, so it's not even just like if he was just getting that beer without paying right away. He paid right away, so that's what made the delay even longer than necessary. WHY NOT go in order if you can?

I've ordered a margarita and then the bartender leaves my glass with ice and salt, but STOPS to get another order, meanwhile, my glass sat with ice and she got FREAKIN 4 beers. Now that's rude I ordered BEFORE them and I had came to the bar BEFORE them, so that's just WRONG and IMMORAL to do that to someone. She opened all 4 beers of course too. She didn't receive a tip for that. That's MEAN to let people CUT in front of other people. In a line, I doubt you like to be cut in front of, so WHY is it ok to do that to someone else?

"5- if one beer is not worth a tip, then get it yourself. you are paying them to get you the beer and open it for you. If you dont want to tip on ALL OF THE SERVICE--stay home and serve yourself."

NO, for one thing I don't order beer as I said above. I just have an opinion about it as well as I know FACTS about that type of service. For one, opening a beer is LESS WORK(that's the TRUTH) than a Wendy's worker that fills a cup with ice and soft drink with NO TIP for their service, so WHY tip for LESS WORK and be that UNFAIR to EVERYONE? Just because it's NOT A "BAR" doesn't make it RIGHT to treat someone at Wendy's differently than at a bar. That Wendy's worker is working HARDER to serve a soft drink compared to opening a beer and we NEVER tip them, do we? Is that really "FAIR" to everyone in this world to tip someone to "FLIP A CAP?" BE REAL you know. Flipping a cap and getting a beer out the fridge is very MINIMAL WORK and that is FACT, NOT an opinion, this is FACT compared to getting a soft drink with ice in a cup which is MORE work. I am FAIR with my tips, meaning the few times in my life that I have gotten take-out and went INSIDE to pick it up, meaning no car-side-to-go, I NEVER tipped. Do you know why? I am FAIR with tipping. We NEVER tip for KFC to bag our food with utensils, napkins, condiments, and I've even seen the KFC worker that TOOK my order, put biscuits in the container and even put some of things in a box like chicken and some of my sides like beans. My point is, I be FAIR to EVERYONE in this world when I tip. We NEVER tip for people bagging food, so I would NEVER tip for take-out if I go inside to pick it up. We never tip McDonald’s cashier for getting me my condiments and bagging my food as well as utensils, so WHY tip for take-out? Well, same thing, we NEVER tip for a coke with ice at Wendy's, so WHY tip for "FLIPPING a CAP" just because it's "ALCOHOL?" WHY do you consider ALCOHOL in a bottle that you don’t have to mix ANY DIFFERENT than a coke bottle you buy at a food stand at a game, which they did take the cap off. I guess it was their policy, but the cap for the 20 oz. drink was taken off by the food stand attendant at this place quite a number of times my husband and I went to football games. They never let us have the cap for some reason.

For instance, if I got a coke with ice at a bar, but didn't get a refill, there's NO WAY I'd leave a tip. They did the SAME AMOUNT OF WORK that the Wendy's workers do for that coke and ice, because it's COUNTER service, even though it's NOT an actual COUNTER. If I had a server bring me the coke, THEN I tip.

Tipping to flip a cap is RIDICULOUS! Hell, even a LOT of people on this site don’t tip for take-out and that’s MUCH MORE WORK than flipping a cap. Also, making a shake a Baskin Robbins Ice Cream parlor is MORE WORK, even STARBUCK’S employees that make Frappacinos do MORE WORK. These people AGREE with me about tipping for a beer. If you agree that customers should tip more for more work, WHY tip someone for LESS work if we don’t tip people normally for MORE work? Is that really fair to tip a bartender for ONLY 1 bottle of beer or a bartender to pull a lever to fill a glass without ice when we don’t EVER tip Wendy’s employees to put ICE and SOFT DRINK in a cup? It’s NOT FAIR and YOU KNOW IT!

EricAnderson said:

“yeah 'GEE THANKS FOR OPENING MY BEER!!! here is a buck!
honestly... when did we start taking moron pills.
no of course you don't but go ahead and tip those bartenders.. i hear if you tip them all night, they make your beer taste better.... somehow. please...”

‘I can remove the cap on a bottle with my teeth, i dont need some lady with fake boobs and a runny nose to do it for me.”

Discopope said:

“heh yeah i guess you have a point... tipping a buck on that $1.25 old millwalke's best probobly comes off as a little heavy handed.....”

nhluhr said:

“I tip, but ONLY when appropriate. This means no tips for Takeout, no tips for beer, i DO tip for mixed drinks, I DO tip for good service (never for bad), I DO tip the pizza delivery guy, I DO tip a certain percentage on the final bill as well, even if it's just beer, but I don't tip each beer - that's ridiculous.”

“I really dont belive in tipping for a beer.
Here's the reason.
It's not hard work to grab a beer..pour it and give it to me.
If it's a mixed drink, or a bunch of beers, then yeah. But one beer?
If I gave a bartender a buck for one beer that took him 30 seconds to get, then I'm paying him 120 bucks an hour to get me one beer.”

That’s the TRUTH! This says it ALL!

“Tip bar staff based on effort required to make and serve the drink, not on the price of the drink. Yes, last time I went to my neighborhood tap, it stuck in my craw a bit when I handed over a dollar tip for a $2 bottle of beer that the bartender put on the counter. But, if I think about it, the same effort would have been required for him to put a $7 bottle of Belgian Hefewhatever on the bar, and I wouldn't have batted an eye and tipping him a buck for that. So: in a bar, I will henceforth tip based on effort, not price. Now my question is: Is there a tip differential for the cocktail server who brings the $2 bottle of beer to my table? As compared to the bartender who can lift it out of the cooler and put it on the bar without moving his feet?”

Yes, this person does tip for beer, BUT, they see the *AMOUNT OF EFFORT* it takes to get that bottle of beer and COMPARING the amount of WORK they had to do to get it with other situations. This is MY POINT! My point is, I COMPARE the AMOUNT OF WORK someone does for their money and give tips according to “HOW MUCH WORK DID THIS PERSON DO FOR THEIR MONEY AND IS IT TIP WORTHY AT OTHER BUSINESSES THAT DON’T HAVE TIPPED EMPLOYEES OR IS THE OTHER EMPLOYEE HAVE MORE WORK AT THESE OTHER BUSINESSES THAT DON’T RECEIVE TIPS THAT SHOULD.

Honestly, I WISH I’d be able to tip for fast food(excluding Sonic Drive-in, because I already do tip for the employees to BRING the order to my car). The reason, they work HARDER sometimes than bartenders do. These bartenders sometimes are chatting and laughing it up and IGNORING a customer that wants to order something. Bartenders do work hard. I am just saying they sometimes play more than actually SERVING the pubic drinks and/or food.

Honestly, if you gave me a choice and I had to pick between tipping for take-out and tipping for the bartender FLIPPING a cap or filling a glass with beer, I’d have to say TIP FOR TAKE-OUT ALL THE WAY. The reason, it’s MORE WORK, that’s a FACT, NOT AN OPINION, FACT! The AMOUNT OF WORK YOU DO IS WHAT THE TIP SHOULD TRULY BE BASED FOR THE MOST PART. The price is a GUIDELINE to start on, but it’s NOT the MAIN reason that people should get tips just because that white russian cost me $4.50, that I should not even tip a buck or that if my white russian is $9(that’s a big drink), that the tip should solely be based on that $9 price. It should be based on lots of things like the amount of work which IT IS MUCH MORE WORK than 3 bottles of beer even. It should be based on if the bartender STOPPED IMMEDIATELY to serve you as he or she should to be CONSIDERATE of the CUSTOMER’S TIME as well as to get a good tip. It should be based on if the bartender let’s someone else’s drink cut in front of your drink and make you wait longer when you ordered BEFORE they did. There are LOTS of reasons why I either don’t tip or do tip. A dollar for a beer is INSANE! If you told me I would HAVE to tip for a beer hypothetically, I’d give a quarter, that’s about the AMOUNT OF EFFORT the person does for my service. A margarita on the rocks with salt is SO MUCH MORE WORK and YES, they DO deserve a dollar or more for that DEFINITELY for all that WORK. They have to put salt on the rim, put a lime on the glass, ice in the glass, the tequila, triple sec, sweet and sour mix, etc into the glass. Don’t you think that deserves a tip compared to flipping a cap, HONESTLY? If you really thought about this, you’d say “Yeah, I do see your point.” I could see tipping for 2 or 3 beers if I was a beer drinker, but 1 beer for less than 30 seconds to grab it out the fridge and flip a cap is LESS WORK than a Wendy’s worker that receives NO tip for doing MORE work, which just ISN’T FAIR OR RIGHT to tip for LESS WORK. I base my tip on the AMOUNT OF WORK someone does and if they treat me with respect. Disrespect is letting others cut in front of me or chatting instead of making the drink I ordered. That is RUDE! I couldn’t fathom treating another person like they weren’t just as important as the next person. Who’s first should be served first, then who’s second, should be served second, out of COMMON DECENCY. That’s the FAIR and RIGHT thing to do and YOU KNOW IT!

“At a club or bar: Tip the bartender between 10% and 15% depending on the complication of your drink order. If you just order a beer in a bottle, there's not too much effort involved in providing the service, but if you order a mixed drink that takes time and includes a lot of ingredients, then offer up a more sizable tip, somewhere closer to the 15% range.”

See, even this person says “THERE’S NOT TOO MUCH EFFORT INVOLVED IN PROVIDING THIS SERVICE.” There isn’t and that is the TRUTH!

Think about this, when you sit down at a bar and get ONE glass of beer, that’s it, think about that it’s the SAME AMOUNT of WORK that a Wendy’s employee for a person that wanted a coke with no ice. We ALL NEVER tip them, so just because it’s “ALCOHOL” that people should tip for almost no work? Why do you feel that ordering “Alcohol” is ANY different than a root beer that foams in a cup at Wendy’s? It’s the SAME AMOUNT of work with no ice, so WHY do you want to be UNFAIR? If you agree that people should make more tips from doing MORE work, then WHY tip for less work or tip as much for less work? BE FAIR, YOU KNOW! If you agree that when I tipped a server that gave me great service in Nov. of last year received a tad over 28% tip was the FAIR thing to do for her giving me PERFECT service with no mistakes as well as very attentive as well as condiments before my meal, which she even made 2 separate trips to bring the 5 sides of condiments I asked for, was fair because of ALL THAT MORE WORK SHE DID than if I was to have just ordered a pasta dish instead of all those condiments and a complicated sandwich order? See, if I would have just had a pasta dish, but had ordered all the rest of the same things, 22% would be the HIGHEST I’d consider going. Do you understand, I base my tips on AMOUNT OF WORK AND IF I GET RESPECT? If you agree that she did deserve 28% and definitely didn’t deserve just 20%, then WHY do you act like a bartender deserves a tip on one beer then? Do you see what I’m getting at? The MORE WORK I made the server do, the MORE tip she deserved. If you agree with that, WHY are you for tipping ONE beer then? WHY do you want to be UNFAIR to other people that serve the public, just because one thing is “ALCOHOL” and the other is a soft drink? It takes the SAME AMOUNT of work to give me that coke at Wendy’s without ice as it does that beer, whether it’s in a glass or not. Also, the fact that the glass is cold, shouldn’t be considered in the tip, because that’s SIDE WORK. I don’t tip my server for stocking napkins, sugars, etc. I tip on the *SERVICE* I receive, NOT the SIDE WORK. Most people DON’T consider the SIDE WORK as part of their service, because it’s NOT part of the person’s service, it’s SIDE WORK.

“What is the etiquette here? Tip on the liquor but not the coffee? That in turn seems wrong since it takes them about 2 seconds to pop the top off a beer bottle but that layered espresso drink made extra hot with no foam and a squirt of hazelnut takes easily as long as the more complicated mixed drinks. I started thinking of this because I was behind a regular the other morning listening to him complaining about tip jars and on his 5 espresso-based drinks he was picking up for office mates he didn't tip anything, yet later that week I saw him at night tipping a dollar on each beer or glass of wine. Thoughts?”

Do you UNDERSTAND how this person feels it’s rather CONFUSING and it DOESN’T MAKE SENSE to tip someone for 2 seconds of popping off the cap and getting the bottle another 10 seconds, to tip them, but people that get complicated drinks such as a Frappacino at Starbucks a lot of times don’t get tipped? If you agree that a Starbuck’s employee that makes a Frappacino is tip worthy, because honestly, it’s just like making a non-alcoholic drink basically, then why do you think it’s tip worthy to give a tip for less than 30 seconds of service for one bottle of beer or less than a minute for a glass of beer?

Beer attendants at ball games SHOULD get tipped at least a buck or 2, because they deliver the beer personally to you. That is NOT counter service like sitting at a bar or standing at a bar. I would say 2 bucks for a beer attendant would be a decent tip and it’s well deserved, because they are actually taking it to you and going up those stairs all the time is rather tiring for these people.

“This is exactly the reason why I always tip a bartender $1 per drink. It doesn’t take $1 worth of effort to pop the top off a bottle of beer or mix a rum and coke. If I’m ordering a round of drinks, a couple bucks is plenty. I don’t care how expensive the drinks are, unless I watched the bartender personally squeeze the limes between her breasts and let the juice run off her nipples into the glass, the amount of effort is nowhere near worth $1, so the bartender should be grateful for that generosity (especially considering I’m talking about tipping a buck for a beer that costs $3 - that’s 33%).”

“But yet, how is pouring a coffee different from pooring a beer? It's not.”

It’s a tad bit more work with the fizz for a beer, that’s ALL, otherwise, there’s no difference.

“marie said...

I think a tip should reflect the service that's been received - including coffee shops”

Even this site states what I’ve been saying all along: “Recognize that standard practice is to tip $1/Drink, however this should change depending on how much work the bartender has put into making your drinks. If you are drinking all wine or beer, it's an easy round for him/her to make.”

Did you notice “HOW MUCH WORK” part?

1:33 PM  
Blogger Kristie said...

In response to not tipping a fast food employee for your soda vs. a bartender for one beer-- the bartenders are not usually paid minimum wage. they make the difference up in tips. sure they usually come out after all is said and done ahead of the fast food employee, but again, the base pay for the fast food guy is actually higher than the bartender. around here, for instance, minimum wage is around $6.40-ish an hour. bartenders will usually get paid around $4-6 an hour. (And my first job was at a mcdonalds, and i worked in the drive thru mostly and received tips alot of the time. then again, i wasnt the run of the mill idiot high school kid and would go above and beyond the normal call to make sure the customer was happy. thats why as soon as i was old enough i went to work in a place where i could make some serious cash being courteous to people.) Also- no one says you have to tip a dollar for a 1.50 beer. thats a huge tip percentage-wise, why not leave the change? or a quarter. Percentage-wise that's a decent tip if the bartender got your beer quickly and pleasantly. If i knew no one would ever tip me for a beer, why would I be sure to get your drink (i know YOU personally dont drink beer, but hypothetically) first then? If i live off my tips (which i & most people in the service industry do) then based on that logic--the beer drinker is last on the list. But if i am expecting a tip (and believe me, WE ARE) then i am more likely to follow "the rules" and get you your beer quickly and in order. And about tipping for a complex coffee drink-- usually coffee shops have a tip jar and I ALWAYS leave a tip for them b/c it is time consuming and alot of work. But then again, i work in the industry and know this, so i act accordingly. I dont really agree entirely with the "amount of work" theory you have going. Just because "flipping the cap" isnt alot of work, stocking that beer in the coolers is. How many cases of beer do you think that bartender carries from the stock area to the bar and puts all the beers in the cooler so you can have a cold one, along with all the glasses and then the clean up at the end of the night. Thats work. you just dont see it all. And i go back to my original statement: serve yourself if you dont want to tip at all. Any tip is appreciated over no tip.

And by the way: i am not necessarily excusing all of the behavior listed in your post, Some things (like ignoring customers completely or totally going out of order unnecessarily) are rude and shouldnt happen. But somethings (like mistakes, or following the establishment rules on stocking or answering phones) may be out of the server or bartender's control. Since i work in the industry, i see all of the things you have mentioned alot. I also deal with customers that have no idea what goes on behind the bar. And working a donut shop or a fast food restaurant is ENTIRELY different than working a busy restaurant or fast-paced bar.

5:44 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"How many cases of beer do you think that bartender carries from the stock area to the bar and puts all the beers in the cooler so you can have a cold one, along with all the glasses and then the clean up at the end of the night. Thats work. you just dont see it all."

This is *SIDE WORK* which is WHY they have the minimum wage that you said was around $6.40-ish an hour. A bartender's side work is ALREADY getting PAID for by the EMPLOYER. Think about it, I NEVER considered someone to tip me for stocking ice(which I had to do A LOT if it was busy, because the main ice bin was in the back), also milks in the front fridge(they had a bigger fridge in the kitchen area), sugar in the sugar shakers as well as restock drive-thru supplies such as ketchups, sugars, etc., restock napkins in all the napkin holders(which there were serveral), condiments(filling the bottles of kethup), getting butters and jellies, also the boss made us fill donuts with cream or jelly in the back and POWDER them as well also, etc. Now HOW ANY of that to be considered in the tip? That's NOT part of their service at ALL. Like when I'd get a coke with ice in a cup and a milk out of the fridge, the tip would be for me going to get these things for the customers, NOT for RESTOCKING these items, that's if I did get a tip just for that, which I never usually got a tip just for a coke with ice. Sometimes I got tips for a coffee to-go even. Do you think that tip is for filling the beans in the grinder, putting the filter in, and pressing start? I don't think so. It's for me getting them the coffee and sugars or creamers. Do you understand that side work is NOT tip worthy, that I was paid $6/hr, but started at $5.15/hr. I was paid to do those side work things from my EMPLOYER. So telling me about stocking the fridge is NOT *SERVICE* for a customer, it's SIDE WORK. It's restocking a fridge. It's NOT actually giving a beer to the customer when the bartender is doing that. Some people tip just to be nice. I tip based on service and to be nice as well. I don't think I deserved a tip for filling those powered jelly donuts. I don't even feel that I deserved at tip for just grabbing them off the shelf if it's a small order like a dozen or 2. I feel, if it's a large order, then I feel $0.50 or a $1.00 would be nice and deserved such as 5 dozen mixed, but just for 1 or 2 dozen mixed, is truly NOT tip worthy, even though if I did have to powder and fill those donuts. Sometimes the kitchen staff would do that, a LOT of times, it was OUR responsiblity to keep the showcase full, so we would have products to sell. Sometimes the kitchen staff would have one person instead of 2, so we'd have to do our part to help out at times with filling and powdering donuts.

Also, stocking milks WAS just as much trouble as the beers, because sometimes the other counter girls on other shifts would restock wrong, like with the dates of the milks in the back of the fridge to where that person should have put those in the front, so I'd have to take all the damn milks out and restock. It was TROUBLE. It was WORK. Even if it was WORK, that is something that should NEVER be considered in the tip, because I was getting PAID to do those side work things like sweeping, mopping, cleaning the bathrooms, bussing the counter/booths/tables, dishes to be rinsed and put in the dishwasher, as I said before restocking items even things like cups, orange juice, and even donut boxes. We had to actually put together donut boxes that were the half dozen ones, which WAS time consuming. Instead of taking up customer's time to make the box, we did that type of stuff when there wasn't customer's request. My point is, bartenders get PAID for that side work. So, I DISAGREE that tipping for one beer is worth anything but the flip of the cap and the grabbing it out the fridge. It was more work to give people creamers and sugars with a cup of coffee in drive-thru than it is to grab that beer out the fridge and flip the cap, but I maybe got less than 10 times a tip through drive-thru and only from a regular customer that usually came in sometimes went through drive-thru sometimes and gave change from a large coffee, but he did ask for me to put his sweet-n-lows in the coffee, which I did, because he always tipped me.

"(And my first job was at a mcdonalds, and i worked in the drive thru mostly and received tips alot of the time."

I've NEVER heard of that and even my mom has offered to give some money to the cashier and she said put it in the charity jar, because she COULDN'T accept a tip and that her manager said she couldn't. That's a FIRST I've EVER heard of McDonald's excepting tips. I've seen Frostop with a tip jar and I tip Sonic employees when I get stuff, but NEVER McDonald's, Wendy's, or Burger King. You were lucky that they let you keep the tips. I wish they would have tip jars at McDonald's, because I do get better customer service a LOT of the time than bars. I think that's sad that bartenders do work for tips as well as a wage and don't want to respect a customer. I find servers and bartenders seem to expect a tip, even if they've done badly. I NEVER expected a tip when I messed someone's order up.

My main point is, side work is just that, NOT *SERVICE* to the customer what-so-ever. Yes, it HELPS to have those things stocked and is necessary to be able to serve a cold beer or cold glass to put beer in, but, it's still NOT the actual *SERVICE* the bartender is providing. Think about it, do I tip Wal-Mart stockers that stock at night-time? Think about that without them, we would have to ask the sales associate to go to the back of warehouse to get items all the time if they didn't have stockers. My point is, we DON'T tip people that stock groceries or whatever in a store and they get an hourly wage, so WHY tip for restocking? Also, the wage the person is making is NONE of my business. At Daiquiri shops, they do pay at least minimum wage, because I've called to find out some years ago. Whether they make $5/hr or $4/hr, they are still getting paid to do this restocking, otherwise, can you answer this question: WHAT IS THE HOURLY WAGE FOR IF YOU CONSIDER SIDE WORK TIP WORTHY? Do you just consider them to sweep, mop, clean bathrooms, dump ashtrays if there are any, picking up glasses and wash glasses as the ONLY things for their hourly wage? Usually bosses want you to do a LOT of things for your wage. I had to dump ashtrays, because this donut shop had LOTS of people that smoked. Dumping the ashtrays is NOT part of their service. It's just clean up work.

My point is, they are already getting PAID for restocking by their employer, plain and simple.

"And i go back to my original statement: serve yourself if you dont want to tip at all."

Why tip for something that takes less effort than getting a coke and ice at Wendy's, considering I've NEVER seen ANYONE tip at fast food places that wasn't Sonic or Frostop. I've NEVER seen tip jars at Wendy's, McDonald's(Ronald McDonald House Charity jar, that's IT), or Burger King. I am FAIR and you don't seem to be fair unless you are tipping fast food workers for only 1 coke, then if you tipped EVERYTIME for just one coke as long as the service was good, then you are being fair, but if you didn't, then you aren't being very fair to EVERYONE that works for an hourly wage. McDonald's workers have to restock things. Home Depot workers restock items, but I don't see any tipping going on. Get my drift?

7:29 PM  
Blogger Kristie said...

Actually, i said that a bartender does NOT get paid MINIMUM wage. they get paid LESS than that. Usually by at least a dollar or more. THEY are paid less hourly by the employer than a fast food employee.

WHICH btw-- the fact that you even ever compared the two is just utterly ridiculus and just shows that you have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about and after reading all the comments, that is even more clear to me now. And your silly DONUT SHOP doesnt compare in any way to a bar or restaurant. But i will say this: i DO tip at a donut shop. and coffee shops. and i think everyone should. thats usually why they have tip jars tho. So there.

--without that SIDE WORK-- you would never get anything to drink. there would be no glasses for beers or mixed drinks, no ice, no beer, no liquor, no bottles of mixers, ect. ITs work that has to be done CONTINOUSLY thru-out the shift so that everyone can get served. All the places you mentioned that pay their people an hourly wage to stock sutff also have people specifically there ONLY to stock. They usually do it before or after the place of business is open. Not during the shift as is necessary at a bar.

After re-reading all that has beeen said around here in all the comments, i can see you are just a jack ass. The fact that you dont tip on a beer (not that *you* drink it, but what ever) or a soda and have a me -fist complex makes you the exact customer i would remember and be sure to give crappy service to. You are the kind of business that REAL places dont care if you ever come back. Those big corporate places will give you a free meal every time. You could pull down your pants and shit on your plate and then complain and they would send you a coupon for a free meal. THEY COULD CARE LESS ABOUT YOU_ YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT TO THEM.

Sounds to me like you deserve all the crappy service you get. and i hope you get more of it. You deserve it. I am done trying to have a civil discussion here, because not only are you a "ME FIRST", "ITS NOT FAIR" (waaaA) but you are also an "I AM ALWAYS RIGHT!" kinda person, so this is it.

I just Hope to god you arent ever one of my customers.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...


"Actually, i said that a bartender does NOT get paid MINIMUM wage. they get paid LESS than that. Usually by at least a dollar or more. THEY are paid less hourly by the employer than a fast food employee."

WHO CARES *HOW MUCH* they make, it's the SERVICE that you tip for? Think about it, do I tip my server for refilling the container with sugar, sweet-n-low, and equal so I can have tea? NO, I tip her for *BRINGING* the tea to me as well as the action of FILLING that glass. Do you truly honestly consider the *SIDE WORK* when you tip; when you go out to eat at a restaurant like filling the sugars or getting kethup bottles, etc.

"WHICH btw-- the fact that you even ever compared the two is just utterly ridiculus."

NO, it's *RIDICULOUS* NOT "ridiculus" and it's NOT ridiculous to compare anything to anything. It's the way to make things fair. If I don't tip a McDonald's employee for filling a glass with coke and ice, WHY should I tip for filling a glass with coke and ice at a bar with NO refills? It's still COUNTER SERVICE EITHER WAY, whether it's an actual "Counter" or a "bar" which is just like a counter.

"And your silly DONUT SHOP doesnt compare in any way to a bar or restaurant."

You're WRONG about that. I actually took people's orders from tables that were small and the 2 booths they had. I brought them their food, got them refills as well as their first drinks. I brought them their check and sometimes even rung up their check. I got them condiments and creamers and sugars if they ordered coffee. Sure it's not exactly the same of course, but I did do some SIMILIAR things that waitresses did, do. So I don't see how you can't at least find SOME similarties in it. Sure it IS completely different, but I sure did some of the SAME DUTIES that waitresses do.

"The fact that you dont tip on a beer (not that *you* drink it, but what ever) or a soda and have a me -fist complex."

NO, I DON'T have a first me complex. I have a TURN BY TURN BASIS complex. Meaning, if I'm not first, don't serve me first. Tipping for beer is like tipping for a coke without a refill. Do you tip when you ever ate at a mall for a coke? If you didn't, you are a HYPOCRITE telling me something. You need to look in the mirror, because I am willing to bet you don't tip for just a coke ALL THE TIME or EVERYTIME you go out to eat somewhere whether it's fast food or at Subway or any other restaurant. If you didn't, look at yourself before you tell me ANYTHING about tipping for a bottle that a person just flips the cap and grabs out the fridge, OOH, that was SO MUCH WORK. As I said before, restocking is just that, NOT service.

"Not during the shift as is necessary at a bar."

You're WRONG. Wal-mart Supercenter that is open 24hrs DOES have NIGHT STOCKERS between 10 or 11p.m.-6 or 7a.m. I KNOW, because I've seen a guy doing stocking at 6a.m. and he told us he stocks at NIGHT TIME as well as I've seen it done at 2a.m. even. They don't get tipped for restocking those shelves. WHY do you want to treat people UNFAIRLY by considering stocking as part of a service, which it ISN'T part of ANYONE'S SERVICE except the *EMPLOYER* and YOU KNOW IT!

"ITs work that has to be done CONTINOUSLY thru-out the shift so that everyone can get served."

At restaurants, do you think customers are tipping for them restocking ice or ketchup or sugars? HELL NO, they are tipping according to the *SERVICE* they actual are getting, NOT the side work that has NOTHING to do with their service. Do you really think the tip from customers is based on side work? I've NEVER heard of that tips would be based on the restocking things. Do you even base your tip on if the server restocked the sugars for your tea? I mean REALLY, that's RIDICULOUS. You aren't considering that if you think about it, you're considering him or her bringing you the tea and filling the cup.

Who cares what people make per hour? It's the amount of work people do. Answer this honestly: If you serve someone in a restaurant that you have to go back and forth lots of times for things that are free like napkins, condiments, and refills to serve them and if you serve another person that you had only a few times and no special orders or requests, wouldn't you think the person that you had to walk back and forth for more should pay you more? If you do, then you are contradicting yourself when you said "I dont really agree entirely with the "amount of work" theory you have going", because if you really feel that more work should provide more tip, then WHY not less work for less tip or even less tip for no tip considering people don't tip for fast food normally and only in your case have I've heard of that(not including Sonic and Frostop)? If you agree you should get more money for doing more work, why shouldn't the person get nothing for doing less work than a Wendy's employee does? They have to restock things too.

""ITS NOT FAIR" (waaaA)"

You seem to be doing that SAME thing about getting tipped for flipping a cap. WAAA for the LEAST amount of effort I can think of that a bartender can do. Be for real you know. Restocking is part of SIDE WORK, NOT at ALL part of ANYONE'S SERVICE WHAT-SO-EVER and YOU KNOW IT. I must have hit a nerve that you KNOW I am right by the fact that restockers in grocery stores and Wal-Mart DON'T get tipped for their restocking, so WHY should I tip based on something they are getting paid from their employer to do already. The service is them getting the beer for the customer as well as flipping the cap. THAT is the ONLY things that are actual *SERVICE.* Restocking the beers is NOT service, it's NOT. It's SIDE WORK. That's why it's called "RESTOCKING" and NOT called "SERVICE." You know I'm right, that's why you called me a jack ass. I've PROVED I'm right by my examples. Also, if restocking was part of service, then it wouldn't be called that, restocking would be called "SERVICE" instead.

"Sounds to me like you deserve all the crappy service you get. and i hope you get more of it. You deserve it."

Aren't you just a BITCH today. You're the JACK ASS. NO ONE, even you, deserves crappy service and that is the TRUTH! What an ASSHOLE you are. I hope you get crappy service just like you told me.

8:32 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Regardless of your perception of effort, why would you tip a percentage for any sit down meal you have."

Any sit-down meal I have isn't at a bar and the times I have eaten at the bar or counter area, I NEVER ordered beer, because I just don't care for beer. I am a White Russian, Margarita, Long Island Iced Tea, and Pina Colada type of woman.

"When was the last time you saw 15-30 people order their food and drink at Mcdonalds and then sit right on the counter to eat/drink?"

There is NO DIFFERENCE whether you eat at a COUNTER or eat at a table at McDonald's. WHY should it matter "WHERE" a person eats? The ONLY thing that would matter is if they would get refills, and even then, McDonald's gives free refills MOST of the time. I have been to a mall McDonald's and they said no free refills, but MOST McDonald's DO let you get free refills on soft drinks. I am NOT sure where you get if someone eats at McDonald's at a counter area for instance, that they all of a sudden would receive a tip, because it's a COUNTER area they would be sitting at vs. a table area?

Anyway, my point is, if I am STANDING getting my order and the bartender just hands it to me, it's like a to-go order, with NO tip like KFC, but if I am eating at the bar actual food, I do tip, because I don't order beer for one thing and because the bartender has to bring it to me from the kitchen area to me where I'm sitting. LOTS of places I go up to a bar and order something like a nightclub or the bowling alley. Sometimes I sit at the bar area in those places, sometimes I don't. I do tip at least a buck a mixed drink even if I am standing getting my drink, because making a drink IS A LOT MORE WORK than flipping a cap and grabbing a beer out the fridge. I have ordered beer a few times when I've been to the bowling alley for my husband(NOT ME) and ordered a white russian as well. I ONLY left a dollar for my white russian, NOT for the beer, but it is a pretty fair tip a dollar a drink, because it was only $4.50 the white russian, so it's even more than 20% for the drink, so it's like I am tipping for beer in a sense considering it's more than 20% of the total drink, but as I said before, she got a buck whether or not I ordered the beer. I NEVER considered the beer when I tipped her, just my white russian she had to make.

"The bartender has all the same responsibilities as your server."

Actually that's NOT true. I don't see the bartender bringing people their food unless it's a bar and grill type of place which is a RESTAURANT. I had ONCE a person take my drink order that came to me at a nightclub when I was sitting at a table. I gave her $3 for my drink. Do you know why? She brought it to me and took my order for my drink like a cocktail waitress. So ALL bartenders DON'T have to walk all over the place. Even my sister-in-law has worked serveral server positions and she did mention to her mother she wants to work at a bar so she doesn't have to run around all the time. Servers do a LOT MORE WALKING than bartenders. So HOW DARE you say they have *ALL* the same responsibilites, because they don't.

Now, if I ordered a beer with a meal to-go, NO I wouldn't tip for the beer or the to-go food, because it's just like a fast food place. If I ate inside and got a beer, I'd tip based on the FOOD, NOT the beer, unless I got serveral beers, but just for one beer, NO. This is a silly argument in a sense, because I don't drink beer. The only time it really affects me is if I order a beer for my husband when I order a white russian or margarita for myself. I still tip a dollar, for the mixed drink. I don't consider grabbing a beer out and flipping a cap service to tip for. It's less work than a Wendy's employee does to fill a cup with soft drink and ice.

"On a three dollar beer, 50 cents puts you right under 20%."

The cost of the beer shouldn't reflect the amount of service that is provided. So if I buy a $4 beer somewhere and somewhere else a $2, WHERE is there ANY DIFFERENCES in the service to tip more or less? WHY NOT THE SAME TIP FOR BOTH? See, I wouldn't tip for one beer anyway, but since you want to tip for a beer, why should the PRICE be the main factor?Milwaukee's Best is cheaper in the grocery store than Shiner Bock for instance, so I would think it's cheaper at a bar. So, if I order a Shiner Bock, it's still the same amount of effort as the Milwaukee's Best. Do you get what I'm saying? I can see leaving a tip for like 3 beers, but for one, NO, that sounds silly and it's really NOT FAIR to fast food workers that don't get tips and are working HARDER for no tips. It was MORE work when I filled cups with ice and coke for drive-thru at the donut shop and I hardly EVER received tips in drive-thru, because it's DRIVE-THRU, people normally don't tip in drive-thru. It wasn't just me, it was EVERYONE that worked there, because it was similiar to fast food, so we just didn't get many tips in drive-thru. It was MORE WORK for me to fill 2 cokes for drive-thru, ring them up, give them their change as well as put on the lids and give straws than to flip a cap and grab a beer of the fridge, but I wouldn't receive a tip 99% of the time through drive-thru for that. So WHY tip for a beer? It should be the AMOUNT OF WORK that is considered in the tip. I feel, just like ANY JOB, if you work hard, you get a raise, well same thing with service, if you work hard, you should get more money.

7:23 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

“All I'm saying is that I can only make money off of the tips people leave me. If I don't make tips I don't pay the rent and I am homeless.”

Gee, HOW SELFISH does that sound, you know? What about those customers that are in the SAME BOAT? Don’t you care about their pay checks as well? I guess yours ONLY matters, no one else’s pay does according to you.

“So, from my side of the bar why is it selfish to wait on people who tip better than people who don't?”

Because you are ONLY thinking about *YOUR* income, but NOT about people’s feelings and not about that it’s your job to serve them unless the manager states to refuse service. Just because someone tips you a $5(normally every time) instead of $3(normally every time) that the $3 guy that is FIRST tips you, shouldn’t mean you should go out of order. If you do, that’s just MEAN and UNCARING. If they tip you, RESPECT them BACK. If you wouldn’t respect the customer that gives you $3, you may get $1 or just $2, so WHY not give RESPECT? If the guy with the $3 tips you less, at least you get A TIP at all and going in order respects the customer’s time and feelings. If you serve the $5 guy first, well that’s just showing how MEAN, SELFISH, and UNCARING you are. See, I NEVER did that, EVER. If I knew a person tipped more, SO WHAT! I went in order and I probably would get the same tip from the big tipper anyway, so why disrespect the smaller tipper? That’s just wrong and you know it. It shows you only care about YOUR BILLS if you served the $5 guy when he was SECOND. If someone tips you, you should respect them back, even if it’s only $0.50. What do you want for flipping a cap and grabbing a beer you know? There’s NOT much work involved in the service of doing that. As I said before, stocking those beers is SIDE WORK, NOT service. I feel a tip is still better than zero. Even if it’s only a quarter, it’s better than nothing.

“If two people are standing next to each other and one tells me that they know how hard I work, and really appreciate the job I do, and the other person says I am lazy and selfish, and that my job is less work than fast food (even though they've never been behind a bar). Why would I wait on someone who is so hostile and mean to me before taking care of someone who is considerate and nice?”

Why do you think I actually tell the bartender that? I have NEVER told a bartender that. I am a NICE person. If someone was that rude, I still would serve them in order out of BEING FAIR and doing the RIGHT THING. Remember when I said they had a lady that would come into the donut shop A LOT and win as well as play a lot on the video poker machines that NEVER tipped me, EVER, but 99% of the winners tipped me SOMETHING. At lot of times, people would give a $5 or a $10, because I would have to go in to the back office to count and then count again to the customer and we always didn’t have just $100 bills, sometimes it was ones or 20’s or 10’s or 5’s, so it would take a while to count out, which was WAY the hell MORE WORK than flipping a cap. Anyway, no, I don’t think I should have gotten tipped that much for doing so little. I feel 50 cents or a dollar would have been enough, but gamblers are happy and they just tip when they’d win MOST of the time. I still served this lady that NEVER tipped IN ORDER and NEVER ignored her, because my concern WASN’T just *MY TIPS* unlike you, I was concerned with going in order like it’s supposed to be done to treat people with RESPECT, even though she didn’t respect me. I still wouldn’t have the heart to go serve someone else that came in after they did purposely just because they never tipped me. I am NOT that SELF CENTERED like that and I’m NOT SELFISH about just thinking of MY BILLS like you are. You seem ONLY concerned about YOUR bills. What about other people’s bills? They have bills to pay too, so if they tip you for one beer, their bills will suffer, so why can’t you care about THEIR bills and why you care about just YOURS. I say if you don’t like the tipping system, work at a place that you have at least minimum wage with no tips to count on. Why do you think people OWE you money for flipping a cap and grabbing that beer out the fridge when we don’t tip for Wendy’s worker that takes our order and fills a cup with ice and soft drink?

“See, I would never disrespect you when you first walk in the bar, but if you continually do not tip for beers and only occasionally for mixed drinks. I would consider that disrespect and would stop serving you. So you see it really is people like you that start the whole circle of disrespect, not us.”

It IS the bartender that starts it. For instance, that bartender that I wrote about before that let my white russian sit unmixed while a man that had JUST WALKED in ordered and she not only took about 10 seconds to look for the beer, but took about literally 2 minutes to try to ring up the order, because she seemed confused about what to ring up, meanwhile, I was sitting waiting for my white russian I could have been enjoying. We only were in that little bar once and we did tip 20% that other time we were in there and had a DIFFERENT bartender, so it’s not like we got beers or didn’t tip that time, so no word got around there and we live about an 50 minutes from this place, so it’s not like we go often over there. Anyway, my point is, the BARTENDER is the one that showed DISRESPECT FIRST.

Also, I tipped the bartender at the bowling alley, but then sometimes she didn’t do a good job, so I wouldn’t tip, meaning, SHE started the DISRESPECT. One time, I was standing at the bar waiting to order my white russian(which she knows I order mixed drinks). She squatting stocking beers in the fridge. When she saw me, she didn’t stop, so her tipped stopped for that drink. She DISRESPECTED me, so I DISRESPECTED HER. My point is, the BARTENDER is the one that starts the disrespect, NOT me.

Another time, I hadn’t been to this pool hall in about a year or more and this bartender I’ve never seen before served me as well as they had customers waiting to order. I was CONSIDERATE enough to wait behind someone else, then I ordered a white russian, she said they were out of milk, so I ordered a long island iced tea. She grabbed a cup and went to give something to a friend and chatted for about 15 seconds or so. I told her "Are you going to make my drink?" She told me "There's no need for that attitude." I told her well "Customer's come FIRST and that she wouldn't get a tip!" She said "I don't care about your tip!" She got ZERO from me for holding my cup in her hand as she was giving a "PERSONAL ITEM" to a person. She took my order to go to give someone their stuff while she was holding the cup in her hand as well as said some things to that guy.

I lost it that time, because I am TIRED of the DISRESPECT. I’ve been there before lots of times and NEVER had very many service issues with the bartenders in the past, most of them got tipped VERY WELL. Even saw one of the bartenders that worked at that pool hall at another bar that she was bartending at on Christmas eve last year and she was friendly to us, more than likely because we tipped well, because she ALWAYS respected us and did a great job. We NEVER stiffed her, because she NEVER DISRESPECTED us like that, EVER!

My point is, IT IS MOST DEFINITELY the *BARTENDERS* who start with the DISRESPECT. HOW can I respect someone that puts PERSONAL ISSUES over a person’s order? That’s SELFISH and VERY RUDE! I don’t go at McDonald’s and get interrupted when giving my order, WHY a bar is so different? Just because they serve ALCOHOL doesn’t mean the person can’t be NICE and RESPECT people’s time and THEIR TURN. I nicely waited MY TURN and it wouldn’t have been that person’s turn for a while. I think that’s wrong for her to *INTERRUPT* my turn for someone else’s turn that isn’t even next. It just RUDE and I am NOT going to tip someone that is NOT *CONSIDERATE* of people’s waits. If it’s not my turn, don’t come to get my order, if it is, then get my order, but don’t delay my order for someone else’s PERSONAL ITEM of all things, that EXTREMELY RUDE! See, when that has been me when someone interrupted me at the donut shop when I worked there, I told the next person to “Hold on one moment” and I would CONTINUE with the CURRENT customer. Lots of times I had drive-thru beep in the middle of getting someone’s mixed dozen or whatever and I would just say on the speaker “One moment please” so it could stop beeping so I could HEAR the CURRENT customer tell me their order, meaning I NEVER INTERRUPTED someone’s order for ANYTHING, especially NOT a personal situation. That is just MORALLY WRONG!

I usually NEVER say things and just keep my mouth shut, but that night I had enough confidence to say something finally, because I did have a drink before that some place else. I can’t stand people who act like someone else is more important than the current customer, when that guy wasn’t even ORDERING ANYTHING; it was for a PERSONAL ITEM. WTF kind of respect is that? I am GLAD I did say that to the BITCH, because she DESERVED IT! What an UNCARING human being. She didn’t even care about her tip, that’s how stupid she was. I wish REALLY that fast food places besides Sonic and Frostop would accept tips, because they respect me BETTER than some bartenders, which is sad in my opinion.

It is the BARTENDER who STARTS the DISRESPECTING people, because as I said before, I don’t order beer and the times I have for my husband, the bartender got a tip for my mixed drink which is over 20%, so in a sense it’s like tipping for a beer sort of if you think about it as only giving 15% of $4.50, which is $0.68. I NEVER disrespected people like that; it’s the BARTENDER who starts this crap!

If you feel that you don’t want to respect people that don’t respect you by calling you lazy, well how can you expect me to respect someone that doesn’t respect my time or feelings? It does go both ways. Yes, I know, you may say how I shouldn’t expect you to respect someone that doesn’t tip ever, I can see that to an extent, but if they do tip SOMETIMES, well, you may get a CHANCE to get a tip if you do well, so WHY NOT TRY? Now if they never tip you, well, I wouldn’t have the heart to go out of order, but I can understand if you did go out of order, because they never tipped you, but if someone does tip you sometimes, I don’t understand why you think EVERYTIME that you deserve a tip, when sometimes the bartender DOESN’T deserve a tip, because of disrespecting the customer or if it’s a smaller task than Wendy’s even? You would say “Your bills” well so MY BILLS aren’t JUST AS IMPORTANT as YOUR OWN? The way you act as if YOUR bills are the ONLY bills that are important, but to hell with anyone else’s bills. That seems to be your attitude.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Oh- and you never mention what the PERSONAL ITEM was the bartender gave/received from a friend...was it something like a tampon that maybe was more important than your drink?"

NO, this was a guy. Second of all, *HER JOB* is MORE IMPORTANT that ANYBODY that wants ANYTHING that isn't a sellable product, whether it's a tampon or whatever, that customer is RESPONSIBLE to bring an extra. I don't use tampons, but I bring an extra pad to work with me just incase, because since I'm on the pill, it's like clock work so I always get it the SAME DAY every month, so I don't bring a pad everywhere I go, but when I wasn't on the pill and I knew it was going to start in about a week, I BROUGHT a pad WITH ME INCASE. So, ANYBODY'S ORDER, whether it would have been mine of the person that was before me, is WAY THE HELL MORE IMPORTANT than some IRRESPONSIBLE CUSTOMER THAT WANTS TO *CUT* IN FRONT OF SEVERAL CUSTOMERS, which there were many others that were waiting to get served at the bar area after I had placed my order. HER JOB IS #1, NOT SOME STUPID ASS PERSONAL ITEM THAT AN IRRESPONSBILE CUSTOMER LEFT THERE OR A TAMPON THAT SOME IRRESPONSIBLE CUSTOMER DIDN'T BRING WITH THEM. That ISN'T the CUSTOMER'S problem that just ordered a drink, so it SHOUDLDN'T INTERFERE WITH HER JOB, WHICH IS TO SERVE, NOT TO RETREIVE ITEMS FOR IRRESPONSIBLE ADULTS. You are one asshole to say that my drink is less important than the personal item. People's orders are WAY THE HELL MORE IMPORTANT THAN SOMEONE'S personal item that they left or even a tampon that they SHOULD have been RESPONSBILE ENOUGH TO BRING WITH THEM in their purse. A tampon is small enough it can fit in a purse. I never use those, because you can get toxic shock syndrome if you leave them in too long.

It's the CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBLITY to bring a pad or tampon. HOW DARE YOU PUT THAT RESPONSIBLITY ON A BARTENDER? The customer shouldn't even be asking to get such a thing. The customer should have that in their car or purse. It's called being an ADULT and taking RESPONSIBLITY for your actions. I've one locked my keys in my car, but I was lucky I had a spare key taped to the car. See, if you don't, are you a responsible adult? You know it "CAN HAPPEN", so WHY NOT BE PREPARED FOR THINGS LIKE THAT? Woman know they are going to have their periods every month unless they are pregnant until a certain age. People have to take RESPONSIBLITY for their actions. If no one could have picked me up from me locking my car if I wouldn't have had a spare key, I would have had to call pop-o-lock. My point is, I was RESPONSIBLE enough to PREPARE for if this type of incident happens. Don't act like Jane Doe's tampon is more important than my white russian, because it's NOT, it's JUST as important, but at the same time, it's NOT the bartender's problem, because it's NOT an a drink or food order, it's just that, a PERSONAL item. Just like if I wanted a phone book. I'd wait my turn and ask for the phone book. I wouldn't make someone else's turn longer for someone that CUTS, that's just NOT RIGHT.

"How would you know unless you stopped being so selfish."

OHH, so *CUTTING* IN FRONT OF PEOPLE ISN'T A EXTREMELY SELFISH THING TO DO? HELL YES, it's VERY, VERY, VERY SELFISH and VERY INCONSIDERATE! THEY WERE SELFISH, I actually waited LITERALLY BEHIND a guy at the bar BEFORE I ORDERED. NOW, HOW CAN THAT BE CONSIDERED THAT I'M "SELFISH", when *I* was the one *WAITING *MY* TURN? That guy that cut to get his personal item was the one that CUT and was the SELFISH ONE. ANYONE THAT CUTS IS SELFISH, for ANY REASON! YOU WAIT YOUR TURN LIKE A CONSIDERATE PERSON. HE WAS INCONSIDERATE as well as the BARTENDER. See, if I was the bartender, I would have said "I'll be with you in a moment." I would have made that person wait mainly because that person cut, also for my tip for the drink, and just plain it's the RIGHT THING TO DO. YOU KNOW THAT IT'S WRONG TO CUT IN FRONT OF SOMEONE. Finally it was MY TURN, because I had waited behind the guy that had ordered before me. She took the order, but proceeded to only get a cup, then talked to a guy for about 15 seconds and got his personal item. I think that's EXTREMELY RUDE of BOTH OF THEM. See, at the donut shop, which I may have told this story before, but I'll tell it again, a lady and a man were at the counter eating 1 donut each with 1 coffee each. I was the only person behind the counter at the time. 2 separate customers walked in. The first customer ordered a mixed dozen, which she was telling me what donuts she wanted. Well, in the middle of me getting her order, this bitch lady that's at the counter with the man had the fucking GALL to ask if she could have a buttermilk donut. I told the lady that I'm with a customer at the moment, that I'll get it after the second customer. She basically was bitching at me as if SHE should go first as if she was a queen or something to CUT. Well, I made her wait after the second customer that I served BEFORE getting her the buttermilk donut. See, that's FAIR, CONSIDERATE, and the RIGHT THING TO DO! See, I didn't let people CUT when I served people. That customer was being EXTREMEMLY SELFISH to ask that instead of saying when you get a chance, can you please get me a buttermilk donut. The lady at the counter expected me to INTERRUPT SOMEONE ELSE'S TURN FOR HER, WHICH THAT WASN'T GOING TO HAPPEN WITH ME THAT'S FOR SURE.

My point is, that person that wanted a personal item that wasn't even ORDERING even, shows HE WAS THE MOST SELFISH PERSON THERE. The bartender should have thought of HER JOB that she had an actual CUSTOMER BUYING SOMETHING THAT COULD TIP HER instead of a personal item that could have WAITING A FEW MINUTES AFTER THE PEOPLE HAD THEIR TURN. You are one selfish bitch to be telling me that I'm selfish when I WAITED MY TURN TO GET SERVED EVEN and to have my turn INTERRUPTED for fucking personal item especially is just plain a slap in the face. It's RUDE AS ALL HELL AND IT'S VERY SELFISH of the guy to CUT IN FRONT OF ME AND OTHER PEOPLE THAT WANTED TO ORDER AT THE BAR.

WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT *HE* was the one that was SELFISH? I waited MY TURN. I NEVER CUT IN FRONT OF SOMEONE, SO HOW AM I SELFISH? A personal item is just that, PERSONAL, NOT having ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE BUSINESS WHAT-SO-EVER. So any personal item should be dealt with AFTERWARDS. It's NOT ABOUT THE BUSINESS.

"You say we are selfish- well so are you. you want everything to work according to the "evens-stevens" principle and life just isnt like that."

HOW is it selfish to wait my turn? Also, life WAS LIKE THAT for that lady at the counter. I treated people with RESPECT on a TURN BY TURN basis. I did what was RIGHT, NOT TO LET PEOPLE CUT, even though she wasn't in a "LINE", her request would have been cutting in front of those 2 customers and 1 of them I was in the middle of serving. So my point is, people have choices. The bartender COULD HAVE DONE JUST LIKE ME and said "I'll be with you in a moment", but she was a bitch, so I was a bitch back to her. What goes around, comes around. So my turn is less important than his personal item? HELL NO, it should be just as important in that he should wait like EVERYONE ELSE for THEIR TURN to ask for what he wanted instead of CUTTING. That guy COULD have acted CONSIDERATELY. He CHOSE NOT TO, so yes, life CAN go that way if people wouldn't be all into just THEMSELVES and actually think there might be OTHER CUSTOMERS THAT ORDERED BEFORE HIM, but NO, he ONLY CONSIDERED HIS PERSONAL ITEM, BUT NOT the CUSTOMERS'S FEELINGS THAT HAD JUST ORDERED OR ANYBODY ELSE WAITING TO ORDER. It's almost like he acted like he was the ONLY person there waiting to get something, basically OBLIVIOUS to ANYONE ELSE THAT WAS THERE. I DIDN'T, I actually waited MY TURN AFTER SOMEONE else. See how NOT selfish I am and I am VERY CONSIDERATE of others. I didn't let someone cut when I served people. I don't cut in front of people. That guy DID CUT in front of other people as if he was the only customer. So HOW IN THE WORLD CAN YOU SAY I'M SELFISH, WHEN HE WAS?

"You will probably have a much better experience going out once you lose the idea that everything should be fair in life. b/c life's not fair. Never was, never will be. learn to live with it."

Well, if people would do like I did at the donut shop with that lady at the counter, life would be more fair. It's PEOPLE who are selfish. Don't you think it would have been wrong of me to get the buttermilk donut for the lady at the counter interrupting a customer I was serving? My point is, the BARTENDER had the *POWER* to BE FAIR and she BLEW IT. So she DISRESPECTED MY TURN, I DISRESPECTED HER TIP. People that serve HAVE the ability to say "One moment" and FINISH with the CURRENT CUSTOMER. If the server decides to INTERRUPT SOMEONE'S TURN, that's their choice, but it's NOT VERY FAIR and YOU KNOW IT! It's mean and RUDE to interrupt someone's turn for someone else. Like one time at Wal-greens I was checking out. These 2 guys asked about ice and the cashier had STOPPED checking the items out to tell about the ice. She could have continued to check me out and talked at the same time or told them "I'll be with you in a moment." See how FAIR that would have been, instead of holding me up. I don't do that to people, so why should I put up with people disrespecting my time like that? Just like driving. I have missed where I had to turn before and made a u-turn. I've had people block the entire lane to get over to turn. Now who's the selfish one? A few months ago, ON THE STREET a lady was waiting for a guy to back out of a space, which our light just turned green so the person was holding people up, including myself. I honked, but the person was ONLY CONCERNED with *THEIR* space. My point is, PEOPLE make things SELFISH and UNFAIR. Things COULD BE FAIR if people weren't so worried about JUST THEMSELVES. I waited MY TURN to order at the bar. I WASN'T just concerned about myself, but when it's MY TURN, it's MY TURN out of RESPECT AND COMMON DECENY NOT TO LET SOMEONE CUT. You know that's the right thing to do is not to let someone cut. If that would have been you at the donut shop, you probably would have given the buttermilk donut to the lady, because you seem a VERY UNCARING and SELFISH person. I couldn't fathom being so unfair whether I got a tip or not wasn't on my mind. It was about treating people FAIRLY.

"if your bills are so important why are you wasting your money at the bar in the 1st place. if you dont have the money to spend, then stay home."

I do, it's reverend that was talking about his bills, but acts like people don't have bills themselves too. I HAVE the money to tip people, but ONLY if they DESERVE it and if I tip people EVERYWHERE for doing the same thing. Like filling a cup with a daiquiri I don't tip unless I order a extra shot or a free sample, because filling a cup I don't tip for at Wendy's. I am FAIR with tipping. I don't tip Wendy's workers for filling a cup with ice and coke, so I don't tip a white russian daiquiri that's premade and all they do is pull a lever, which is even LESS work than a Wendy's worker has to do to give me that coke with ice. I just tip fairly to EVERYONE. If all fast food places excepted tips, then I'd tip for a daiquri or a beer, but they don't, so why should people be unfair to those workers that do more work or the same amount of work?

"we pay more attention to people who Consistently tip."

See, with that lady at the counter, I wasn't considering the tip at ALL. I was considering being FAIR and treating people with RESPECT. See, who's selfish now? The pot calling the kettle black. YOU are the one that's selfish here about paying attention MORE to the people that tip, so you are ONLY WORRIED ABOUT YOUR MONEY YOU MAKE, NOT PEOPLE'S TIME AND FEELINGS. So look at yourself, before you tell me I'm selfish. You are selfish to worry about more the people that tip you, when all the customers should get treated the SAME. You know that would be the FAIR way of doing things.

8:04 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"So are you saying that your husband is selfish and inconsiderate? He did interupt a server and ask her to do something for him without considering that she might be taking care of a customer."

NO, because my husband wasn't "CUTTING", because for one thing it was supposed to be our turn by then, second of all, she NEVER had to go and get the server right away, that was HER choice, thirdly, if the table next to me asked my server to get their server, I'd expect our server to do it AFTER, but STILL DO it out of courtesy. My server could have been in the middle of serving someone else also. Also, you DON'T KNOW, NOR DO I, if that server he asked was busy serving someone, because it was almost closing time, like maybe we had 15 minutes or so left before it closed, so there wasn't as many people there. So QUIT saying that he "CUT", because he DIDN'T CUT, he asked if some other server could go get our server and this server OBVIOUSLY wasn't with a customer at the moment, not to say that she wasn't going to get something for a customer, but do you understand it's just like one request after another that she would do HER table's FIRST, then worry about telling our server about our check? He didn't "CUT", because he wouldn't have a CLUE if she was getting something for another table or not, so HOW WOULD HE *KNOW* if he was cutting if the server wasn't holding anything in her hand? In other words, with the guy at the bar that got his personal item, he could SEE that she was busy getting an order and he interrupted it, TOTALLY DIFFERENT situation! If I could see a server was in the middle of serving someone else, OF COURSE I wouldn't CUT in front of their order nor would I think it's appropriate for my husband to do such a thing as cut, but he didn't CUT, it was the NEXT REQUEST on the list to do.

10:31 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"So as long as you don't know whether or not you're cutting it is okay?"

I NEVER said that, I said ONLY if he knew he wasn't cutting that it was ok. Read the last sentence in my last post which states: "If I could see a server was in the middle of serving someone else, OF COURSE I wouldn't CUT in front of their order nor would I think it's appropriate for my husband to do such a thing as cut, but he didn't CUT, it was the NEXT REQUEST on the list to do."

If he knew he was interrupting someone's turn, NO, it WASN'T right, but if he saw that the server was just standing around, one would think that the server doesn't have anything to do at that time, so it would be no one's turn at the moment to INTERRUPT.

"How can you be absolutely 100% positive that the guy who cut *KNEW* he was cutting?"

Because she was getting ready to make a drink with getting a cup to make it, so it's RATHER OBVIOUS she's not saying "who's next" or waiting for an order, which is VERY DIFFERENT from what my husband did. I don't understand why can't you see that he WASN'T interrupting someone else's turn. If he was, YES, I would say he'd be in the wrong, because I would never do that, but my husband is his own person, so I make him do the right thing if he would do something like that. It doesn't mean I agree with EVERYTHING he does, but I do agree if there's no one's turn someone is interrupting, then asking another server to pass on a message is fine.

"Isn't it possible that just like your husband he had no way of *KNOWING* he was cutting?"

NO, because the bartender was busy making my drink. The only way is if he was BLIND would he not know, which he wasn't.

"Sounds like either your husband is selfish, or the guy who cut isn't selfish, I don't see any difference between the two."

The ONLY way my husband was selfish was if he was interrupting the server from someone else's turn, which from what I saw, he WASN'T. If he did, well, that's not right and you and I KNOW that. Just because my husband did that, doesn't mean that I would, because honestly, I wouldn't ask another server. I'd maybe go up to the hostess stand possibly if she wasn't busy, but I don't ask other servers to go get something. He is the one that did that. The ONLY time is if the other server runs my food and my order is not complete, well since they ran the food, they are 100% responsible for getting it delivered correctly. If my husband would have interrupted someone else's turn, YES, that would be the WRONG thing to do, but I can't control what he does, so if he would have done that, that doesn't mean I agree with it, because honestly, I wouldn't if he'd interrupt someone else's turn for us. As long as he wouldn't be interrupting someone else it would be ok. Do you understand, I am NOT being hypocritical here?

6:58 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

The Schooligan

"people who order frozen drinks"

I MOSTLY, 99% of the time, order ON THE ROCKS drinks.

"to the servers AND to all the people waiting to get their beers."

This one really gets me mad. So, people's beer orders are supposed to be more important than mixed drinks? So if I order a frozen margarita first, that I should have to wait until 5 people get their beers according to you that came in AFTER you had started to make the drink? YOU ARE A BITCH and VERY UNFAIR AS WELL AS INCONSIDERATE! FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! They wouldn't have that saying if it wasn't TRUE! HOW DARE YOU ACT LIKE SOMEONE'S DRINK IS NOT *JUST AS IMPORTANT* AS ANYONE ELSES! FUCK YOU!

6:28 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"accidents happen, not everyone is always so prepared."

WOMAN need to take *RESPONSIBLITY* for what *COULD* happen considering it happens EVERY FUCKING MONTH, DUMBASS! Take RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT, BY BEING *PREPARED*, LIKE I DO! I take a pad to work INCASE if I start earlier. If I knew it was a week or more before, if I wasn't on the pill, I'd take a pad with me. I've NEVER had to buy a pad or ask for one EVER, because I ALWAYS WAS PREPARED *INCASE*, so it's NOT *MY* PROBLEM A WOMAN IS IRRESPONSIBLE TO KNOW WHAT DATE IT IS! I ALWAYS(when I wasn't on the pill, because it works like clockwork), put on a CALENDAR when I started my period and I KNEW what day AROUND it was going to start. I was PREPARED if it did start earlier than I thought. If I can do it, ANY WOMAN CAN DO IT! If a woman can bring a purse with make-up with her, she can bring along a tampon or pad. There is NO EXCUSE for her NOT TO! If she doesn't want to carry a purse, then bring it in a jacket or in a car. There is NO EXCUSE to be IRRESPONSIBLE! DON'T MAKE IT *MY* PROBLEM AS A CUSTOMER, BECAUSE A WOMAN WASN'T PREPARED FOR SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS EVERY MONTH!

5:54 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Or have you ever had a period become so heavy so suddenly that you go thru the 3 tampons and 3 pads you brought to work a 5 hour shift and then still need another?"

One time I had to change pads within an hour and a half, which was NOT normal for me, but I had to do a lot of running in P.E. class in 10th grade. I HAD extra pads with me, btw. If you KNEW that you had heavy periods, you should bring a whole PACK with you. If it was your first time that a heavy period like that happened, well then I can understand you asking, but that is the ONLY REASON I would understand, is if it was the FIRST TIME YOU HAD THAT SITUATION. I would still wait until customers would be finished ordering out of COMMON COURTEOUSY though, by waiting *MY* TURN instead of interrupting someone for MY IRRESPONSILBITY not to bring enough pads.

"i interrupted the female bartender where i work (far away from where you would ever go) and asked for a personal item. and she gladly made her customers wait while she retrieved it for me."

See, I would have NEVER INTERRUPTED someone else's turn for myself. THAT IS SELFISH. THAT'S THE TRUTH, NOT AN OPINION. You were ONLY THINKING OF *YOURSELF*. Also, I am not getting if you worked there, WHY couldn't you go get it yourself? That's just out of curiosity and it does seem strange you couldn't go and get it WITHOUT interrupting the bartender.

"Your response shows just how inconsiderate of a person you are deep down."


"You are arguing with almost everyone on this site."

MOST people are like you. They only want the MONEY, so they choose to serve the ones who tip the most first instead of going in order the way it is SUPPOSED to be. This is a SELFISH WORLD we live in. Also, a LOT of people are LAZY and UNCARING. Some people have said to me on my other blogs about "SO WHAT I FORGOT YOUR CONDIMENT." THAT'S UNCARING. Some people said "I am not going to go to the table everytime to ask you", which is being LAZY AND UNCARING. People aren't being FAIR and they KNOW IT.

"compared it to what people thought they had waited-- and the customer was 90% of the time way off and guess their wait was much longer than in reality.)"

I keep track SOMETIMES, of when I was seated to the minute. I was seated at 6:38p.m.

7:02 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"White russians are not shaken...they are made in the glass..."

SHE MIXED IT WITH ANOTHER CUP. Just because you say they aren't, DOESN'T mean SOME bartenders don't. SHE DID, that's why my white russian sat there instead of being given to me like it SHOULD have been.

5:50 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"but you also make up story to bitch about on the internet! Yeah that would explain a lot...if your going to lie about a bartenders service do it somewhere bartenders can't bust you."

I AM TELLING YOU THE *TRUTH*, THAT THIS *REALLY* DID HAPPEN! WHY THE FUCK WOULD I LIE ABOUT BEING TREATED POORLY? IT REALLY DID HAPPEN AND I BASED MY TIP ON THE MARGARITA SHE MADE, WHICH WAS MY FIRST DRINK. I left a dollar for 2 drinks, which normally I'd leave $2 or $2.50 depending on the SERVICE. She left my white russian sitting there and proceeded to serve a guy that just walked in by finding a beer(which she had to look where it was) and then ringing him up at the register, meanwhile I was sitting at the bar *WAITING* for my drink for NO FUCKING REASON. She took about 2 minutes or so figuring out which fucking button to press. The RIGHT thing would have been to say to the guy "I'll be with you in a MOMENT", and finish with my white russian, which that is what I DID at the donut shop. I WENT IN ORDER!

5:39 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"I would punch you in your fat face."

You'd face ASSAULT charges and go to jail, HA HA on you. I'd SUE your ass for EVERYTHING you got and make sure you'd get jail time. WHY do you think you have a right to hit someone when it isn't self defense?

"My manager would help me kick your fat, disgusting, condiment lovin ass out the door."

For one thing, I keep my weight at 90lbs-92lbs and I am 5'0" tall, so HOW can you call that "FAT?" I bet YOU'RE FAT and just JEALOUS of me? I am 29yrs old and can STILL FIT a dress I wore in 9th grade(14yrs old) and it STILL looks SEXY on me. It's strapless and black. It shows my shape and I look GOOD in it. It still is in style because it's a sexy type of dress. Most things off the shoulder ARE still in style that are one color. I have jeans I can still fit since 1997 I still have. I bet you CAN'T say that? I also have shorts and shirts I can fit since 1997.

"Honestly, you are such a piece of shit."

WHY, because I want people to be treated with ***RESPECT*** and to be FAIR to each other? I can't believe someone wants people to cut in front of other people. I seriously HOPE that someone cuts in front of you bunches of times to show you what it's like to wait for no real reason. As far as tipping goes, I am NOT going to tip for someone getting one beer and flipping a cap. The Wendy's cashier fills a cup with ice and coke. That's MORE WORK for NO TIP. Just because it's "ALCOHOL" doesn't mean it's tip worthy. You get tips because you ***WORK*** for them! TIPS ARE FOR A "SERVICE" THAT IS MORE WORK THAN A FAST FOOD WORKER(excluding Sonic), BECAUSE IT WOULDN'T BE **FAIR** TO TIP A BARTENDER FOR ONE BEER, BUT NOT TO TIP A WENDY'S CASHIER FOR A COKE WITH ICE. I understand the wage some bartenders get aren't as much as fast food workers, but that shouldn't matter to the customer, because the customer is getting LESS SERVICE for one beer than a Wendy's worker that serves a coke with ice, but doesn't have the option to tip that worker. Those fast food workers(excluding Sonic that already receives tips), SHOULD receive tips for their services. If I were to be able to tip them for a coke, then I would DEFINATELY tip something for a beer, like 50 cents, because a buck would be for the coke with ice, because that's MORE WORK, so the MORE WORK, the MORE TIP. If you agree that more work a waitress does for a certain needy people at a table such as mine that asks for condiments should deserve more money than some customers at a table that just orders "as is" with no extras, then WHY is getting a beer ANY DIFFERENT not to tip for? It's LESS WORK than a Wendy's worker that gets NO TIPS, so it's ONLY FAIR not to tip someone for LESS WORK, if we don't ALL tip for that coke with ice which truly honestly is MORE WORK. TIPS ARE FOR THE WORK YOU DO!


If I tip Jane Doe for my White Russian at a bar, I SHOULD tip at Starbucks for my frappaccino, because one is coffee liquor and the other is coffee, but it's still the same AMOUNT of work making those drinks. Now if I would get black coffee to-go, of course I wouldn't tip for that, because it's just like Mcdonald's worker handing you that cup of coffee. I tip on the AMOUNT OF WORK SOMEONE DOES FOR THEIR MONEY!

I truly don't get why bartenders think because it's "ALCOHOL", you should automatically tip? NOT everything a bartender does is tip worthy. I TRULY WISH I could tip at fast food places(excluding Sonic), because a lot of times I have MORE RESPECT than some bartenders have given me. They ask you what you want to order RIGHT AWAY, not chit-chatting, not taking sips of soft drink, not stocking cups, etc., they make the customer #1 as it SHOULD BE! I would tip fast food workers(excluding Sonic, because they already accept tips) more often if I could than bartenders due to some bartenders disrespect. Like waiting to finish making my white russian to grab 2 beers for the next customers or taking a shot of alcohol instead of actually serving a customer instead of the bartender. I don't see fast food workers disrespect people in a line very often. Sure, I've had it done once or so. For the most part, I have more respect at fast food places(excluding Sonic). It's sad we aren't ALLOWED to tip them.

6:36 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Maybe I am being much too nice when my waitress is obviously having a rough night and messed up my burger so she goes and puts a new order in right away and I say "it's alright, it's so busy in here and there are only two of you." She apologizes and that is that. I still tip 30%-35% and I ate my food and I enjoyed it.
(I have even come back to a place where the waitress had had a bad night and we did not have the best experience, but when came back she recognized us and immediately thanked us for being so kind and patient that night, now we are pals and she kicks ass)"

That happens to be ONE waitress that happens to APPRECIATE when someone is nice. She wasn't nice to you though by getting your order wrong by not giving you a COMP for the long wait, because otherwise you would have told me she did, wouldn't you have? WHY be nice to someone that isn't NICE TO YOU? Caring is a 2-WAY street, NOT a ONE-way street.

Apologies are just words. They are NICE to hear, but ACTIONS speak louder than words. Why didn't she comp something for your much longer wait? You enjoyed your food, because you probably were eating by yourself and you weren't with anyone. Eating with someone else is lonely if you aren't both eating together. The main reason to go out to eat is to do something together, so that is usually means eating. You may not have been in a hurry to leave or wanted to go see a movie after or whatever, but 90% of the dining public DOES NOT WANT to WAIT TWICE as LONG for their food and would NOT tip the server more than 15% for something like that since it was ENTIRELY HER FAULT for putting the order in wrong.

Also, you are paying someone to walk all over you basically. I am not a sucker, but you are. You are paying them to screw up your food. WHY? WHY ENCOURAGE them to mess up or make them think it's ok not to TRY THEIR BEST? WHY INFORCE the bad service? If the server asked the manager to comp let's say my burger w/fries, which let's say they did and she apologized profusely, I would tip 16%-18% at most. Sorry, but lousy service = lousy tip.

Maybe you just don’t care about your time, but the rest of the dining world DOES. I have news for you. I worked at a donut shop for over 2 years off and on between 1998-2002. I had people in drive-thru bang on the window and HONK their horns at me asking "WHERE ARE MY BURGERS." I also had people that came to get hot donuts to-go which me and my former co-workers there had people that would complain that THEIRS WERE BEFORE THEIRS that we gave their donuts away. This wasn't true. The people in drive-thru were in long lines and backed up to the street even, so those customers had no clue as to WHO went first. One time on an afternoon shift, which I worked by myself in front since the afternoon was much less busy, I was serving drive-thru at the time getting their money and giving the food. Well, 2 sets of people walked in. One was a lady and a man. The other was a man and about 3 kids. The lady and the man sat at the booth. The man with the kids sat at the counter. I know I should have asked who came in first since I didn't notice, but I didn't. So I went to the closest people, which were the man with the kids. The lady at the booth said "WE WERE HERE FIRST" JUST LIKE THAT. I had told her I was sorry and that I didn't know who came in first. Anyway, my point is, MOST of the WORLD IS NOT LIKE YOU AT ALL. YOU HAVE GOT IT 100% WRONG when you said "II can't agree with you, and I don't know a single soul who does."

You claimed you NEVER worked with food, yet you know what it's like? At least I know what it's like to serve customers food, even if it was only "COUNTERHELP" it was MORE than your work experiences.

"When I go out to eat at a restaurant, I am not there to run in, stuff my face, and then run out in record time. I am there to enjoy some food and talk to my husband and/or pals. If it's a weekend night, it's going to be busy. And I am going to be waiting for food. And sometimes I will have to wait 5 or even 10 minutes for the check. I am not the only person who is waiting or being served. And I am OKAY with that. I like to think I am a laid back person."

That's YOU, but MOST of the world ISN'T LIKE YOU so "LAID BACK." They complain about "HOW LONG" they waited for their food and drinks, especially refills. 5-10 minutes waiting for a check is not thinking of YOUR OWN TIME, just EVERYONE ELSES, WHAT ABOUT YOU? Your time is important too!! You have NEVER been to a restaurant where you were going to see a movie or needed to be somewhere after such as work? Some people DO have time situations where they NEED to leave after 3-4 minutes of asking for their check, NOT 10 minutes. 10 minutes waiting for a check is DISRESPECTING the customer that asks for something first, UNLESS there are that many mistake situations to handle that would take priority over the check request or if the server is just running that much food to some tables or a large party. In most cases when the wait is more than 5 minutes for the check, the server is usually CHOOSING to go out of order when they don’t have to such as bussing a table instead of going to get the check first.

"If I am in line some where, say at the bank. If there is an elderly person behind me, or maybe someone with a baby who looks rushed or not comfortable to be standing so long, I have no issue with letting them CUT in front of me."

That's YOU. I have let some people over the years CUT in front of me when they only had like one item and some people have done that for me. That's also depending on HOW LONG I have been waiting in line and if I have to be somewhere right away such as if I am going on my way to work, I sure as hell wouldn't risk being late for my job to let someone CUT in front of me. All I am saying is, when I am in a line, I am also not HUNGRY or THIRSTY WAITING to drink or eat, so the waiting is MUCH DIFFERENT. It's not the same wait, it just really isn't. You haven't been so hungry or thirsty that you felt like you just couldn't wait any longer? I have and MOST people feel that way that dine out. It's ONLY the rare people like YOU that don't care if they wait.

"Say I am at a busy bar, and there is only one person working. I order a couple beers and a rum and coke for myself and a couple pals. The guy next to me asks for one beer. Maybe on tap. I take no issue with the bartender pouring his beer first, as it is quicker than making my rum and coke first. I wait for 45 seconds, he is done and then they take care of me. I still get my drinks and maybe I have made some small take with another person waiting to get a drink, maybe I have made a new friend! No harm, no foul."

THAT'S YOU that you are OK with the bartender not being FAIR, but MOST people AREN'T that way. SO WHAT if the guy's beer takes LESS TIME? WHY should the bartender let that guy's time be MORE IMPORTANT than YOU AND YOUR PALS? That's what he is doing in that situation. YOU AND YOUR PAL'S TIME IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS HIS, SO WHY just because his happens to take "LESS TIME" to make, it's OK to make you all wait THAT MUCH LONGER? It's NOT FAIR or RIGHT!! What happened to "FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED?" I couldn't FATHOM treating customers like that, I just couldn't.

An example would be at the donut shop. A lady and a man sat at the counter that ordered a donut each with a coffee each. A lady came in and another lady came in right after her. I was serving the first lady a mixed dozen of donuts which she was telling me which ones she wanted and was getting it to-go. In the middle of me getting the donuts she asked for, this lady at the counter has the GALL to ask me for a buttermilk donut. I tell her that I am in the middle of serving a customer(this was not to be RUDE to who I was serving) and to wait your turn. The GALL of her to act like it was OK to let "HER" donut be MORE IMPORTANT than the person I was serving. Since the lady was in line before she asked for that donut that was behind this lady, I served her also, BEFORE I got that lady her buttermilk donut. My main point is, I SERVED FAIRLY and serve as it's "SUPPOSED TO BE" without letting ANYONE CUT IN FRONT OF ANYONE ELSE'S TURN. My point is, I would NEVER do like that example of the bartender getting a beer first, because it's LESS TIME consuming. I would do things in the order they were ordered in REGARDLESS of HOW MUCH TIME the person's stuff takes to make. The guy with the beer DESERVED to wait LONGER since he ordered AFTER YOU ALL. It's ONLY FAIR. You and your pal's time is JUST AS IMPORTANT as the guy's time, but the difference is here, you waited in your example 45 seconds longer to get the stuff you all ordered. You don't care, but MOST OF THE REST OF THE WORLD DOES. There are people laid back, but it's VERY RARE to meet people that don't care about HOW LONG THEY WAIT FOR THINGS. I had someone bitch about because a wrong price was some cents short that the guy in the back of me said "I'll give you the pennies" just so he could check out at a store I was at. MOST people DO NOT WANT TO WAIT. Don't you understand that? Don't you understand that that bartender should have thought about SERVING FAIRLY and think about the customer's time that waited the LONGEST instead of making them wait even LONGER for no real reason?

"I do not eat fast food, so frankly I don't care if they are tipped are not, I have not eaten fast food in 13 years. I do tip my local baristas when I get my coffee, even if it is just 75 cents or a buck, I am there every day (and I drink black coffee!). I worry about tipping those that are serving me directly."

You may not eat fast food, but you HAVE in the PAST with not TIPPING them, so it's still not FAIR to tip for a black coffee that is TO-GO from a coffee shop. If they are doing the SAME things have a fast food worker, which they do, then it's not fair not to tip them, but to tip the person working at the coffee shop getting a coffee to-go. It's just NOT.

"When I go to a bar, I get cheap beer usually. Because I am cheap. So I pay $2-$4 a beer. But I tip $1 every time. Some can say that is too much, sure, maybe it is. But because I do that, and because I frequent the same few bars usually, the bartenders get to know me. And I am getting free drinks every now and then. And I tip well on the free drinks, too. Because that is probably coming out of their tip, and I can appreciate someone doing that for me."

If you get a bottle, all they are doing is grabbing it out the fridge and flipping the cap. That's LESS WORK than a McDonald's cashier does to fill a cup with ice and coke for NO TIP, so WHY tip them that? Making a margarita or any kind of mixed drink should be tipped, because that's MORE WORK than fast food workers do for no tip. I treat people fairly, YOU DON'T OBVIOUSLY!!

When I get food or drinks for free, I do tip more if the service was good, but if the service was horrible, they might not get anything.

"All I am saying is, I can't agree with you, and I don't know a single soul who does.

“We ordered 2 unsweeted ice teas and placed our food orders at the same time( he took the food order on a cocktail napkin.)After 20 minutes we received our tea.”

“After a few minutes our waitress came to take our drink order. 1 diet cola, 1 root beer, 1 lemonade and 1 child's lemonade. 15 minutes later she returned with the drinks and took our food order.”

“After about 5 min. we gave up the rolls and went ahead eating our salads.”

“Approximately 20 min. later she returned with our salads.”

“We caught the waiter once as he walked by and asked for the check. He said sure, no problem. Yet, we continued to wait for a rather excessive amount of time.”

“My main gripe is the 15 minutes it took to get the bill after were finished eating. I almost just got up and left...”

"We were seated at our table at approximately 8:30 pm, we waited for about 15 minutes before we served any drinks, and a additional 15 minutes before any salad or bread arrived."

"We were waited on and order was taken at 11:40am, and did not receive our lunch until 12:25pm. I understand that the noon hour is busy, but not only did our drinks run out, but our waitress avoided coming to our table.
This not only made us late coming back to work, but the food was cold. When we looked on our ticket our order was not placed until 12:08."

“After 20 minutes we received our tea.”

“Then after another 25 minutes(and still no food) he walked by us 4 times, gave me eye contact, but never appologized for the delay in our order.Finally the food came, wrong order and cold.”

“waited 20 minutes to try and place my order my husband asked another server it he could get the person who's taking care of this table and he told okay waited another 10 min totalling 30min waitng”

“My breaking point is when after 15 min with no drink”

“we asked for the check and to go meal .That turned out to be another 20 minutes !!!!!”

“After waiting 45 minutes to be seated it took 10 minutes for the waitress to come to the table. After waiting another 25 minutes for our food, the waitress brought 2 orders that were wrong. I took an additional 15 minutes to get replacement orders and even after that, one of them were still wrong.”

“We set there for a time before she took our drink orders, she was slow giving us refills.”
These are ONLY a LITTLE BIT of the people that want their stuff in a timely manner.

ANYWAY, these are LOTS OF EXAMPLES OF "TIME COMPLAINTS" and you have to know you are in the MINORITY on this subject of IT'S OK TO MAKE ME WAIT LONGER THAN YOU EVEN IF I WAS FIRST ATTITUDE. You are one of the RARE people that are totally laid back and don't care. Look at some example I have about that the people needed to go back to work and how their TIME should have been just as important as the other customer's time.

In you situation your burger was messed up, your server apologized, but A LOT OF SERVERS DO NOT APOLOGIZE for their mistakes. A lot of servers feel it's always the kitchen staff's fault, so they don't apologize even if you are nice as pie to them. Just look at some example above that they mentioned the server never apologized for the order being wrong. The complaint about waiting 15 minutes for the check in an example above, it looks like that person isn't "LAID BACK" and that this person wanted to LEAVE. You feel that it's ok to let your time be punished, but I won't let people walk all over me. It's ok with you, because you are happy with it, fine, but 99% of people AREN'T. GET A CLUE, especially since you said "I never worked with food, really", you would have NO CLUE as to HOW CUSTOMERS TREAT YOU WHEN THEY ARE HUNGRY AND THRISTY, BUT I DO!!

My point is, I know how customers can be and you have NO CLUE of how they are when they are hungry and thirsty. You are supposed to go in the order in which the customer's orders were taken in if you are bartender. That's just RESPECT (R E S P E C T)!! That's just having common decency and treating customer's time right. WHY do you think it was fair when I had ordered a white russian at a nightclub bar, so I was standing when I ordered my drink, then instead of starting to make my drink, the bartender takes a glass out, but then turns around to get a guy standing at the bar's order. He orders a bottled beer. She gets it and rings him up even BEFORE starting my white russian WHILE I am standing there waiting. She received NO TIP. WHY? WHY my time was made as if it didn't matter? WHY didn't she start making my white russian and do as I did to that lady at the donut shop by saying "I'll be with you in a moment" by keep making my drink and ringing me up FIRST, THEN getting to his beer after? SO WHAT his beer takes less time, SO? So MY TIME has to be PUNISHED just because the next guy wants something that takes less time? That's just MORALLY WRONG!! I ALWAYS served in the order people came in unless I didn't know like that one time I didn't ask that I mentioned in that example above.

When you are waiting in line at a store, that's not the same as waiting to eat when you are extremely hungry and thirsty. It's just NOT THE SAME. I also feel my time is worth something too and I feel you feel your time isn't worth much that you care about it so little. If you are happy the way you are, that's you, but MOST people aren't, just look at all my examples to PROVE you wrong. I couldn't find all those examples if there weren't people like me out there. I'd find more examples like yours, which you don't find as many people's praises written letters as complaints for restaurants.

"If it's a weekend night, it's going to be busy. And I am going to be waiting for food."

MOST people DO NOT WANT TO WAIT VERY LONG FOR THEIR FOOD. It's only people like you which are rare that feel it's OK to wait a long time for your food. I bet you are ok with waiting an hour or more for your food or waiting 20 minutes to get a couple of cokes or waters? Do you see in my examples, MOST people DON'T FEEL LIKE YOU? Where are YOUR EXAMPLES of people that like LONG WAITS AND DON'T MIND WAITING, HUH? I didn't think so!!

7:50 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"If you don't tip me for the beer I poured you, I'm not being paid for my task, and thusly will not continue to serve you (in an expedient fashion)."

You pour me a beer, you are doing actually *LESS* work than a Wendy's cashier does to fill a cup with ROOT BEER(which has more fizz than the other soft drinks)and *(ICE)* which you don't do. When a server serves beer, they bring it from point a(the bar) all the way to your table, which that deserves a tip, but counter service, is just that (COUNTER SERVICE), which unless you have to deliver it from a decent ways, just handing it to me 3 steps doesn't make you deserve a tip. You actually do less work than a Starbuck's cashier does to make a frappacino even, which I tip when they make a drink, just as if it was a white russian without the alcohol.

You are getting paid for your task by getting an hourly wage of some sort from your employer if you are a bartender.

"Surprisingly, almost all bartenders get the minimum wage."

"In 1970 a bartender was paid $10 an hour, plus tips, plus benefits, no experience necessary. Today that bartender is paid minium wage ($5.50 an hour), plus tips (which are now taxed), smaller benefits, less hours, and the expense of a training course, now mandatory. Looks what's happened to the financial production of that job in 36 years."

I am not saying ALL bartenders make that, but even if they make only $3 per hour, they are getting paid to fill a glass from their employer.

If this is very true that most bartenders make minimum wage or very close to that, then they are getting paid *FROM THEIR EMPLOYER* to do just as a Wendy's cashier is to fill a cup with drink.

Filling a glass with beer takes almost no effort. Grabbing a bottle of beer from the refrigerator and flipping the cap is MUCH LESS service than a typical fast food cashier does to serve you just a coke even.

What about when people get a tab? How do you know what they will leave?

Continued on next post due to my post was too long.

7:13 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"McDonalds employees get paid an hourly rate above minimum wage, servers or bartenders don't."

Then WHY did I find different information on the internet?

Also, you have to understand, it doesn't matter what you make from your employer if it's LESS OR THE SAME WORK you are actually DOING for instance, a Wendy's cashier does for you. If they can't get tipped for filling a glass(which is a cup there), WHY THE FUCK SHOULD A BARTENDER for the same type of task(even less work even, because no ice is served in a beer glass), unless they have to walk far to deliver it to you? If you are sitting next to where you are getting the beer, what EFFORT was there to give you more service than a Wendy's cashier does? Filling a cup/glass isn't considering tippable service at Wendy's, WHY at a bar? LESS work even, so WHY TIP? Wendy's cashiers deserve tips too if I was to tip you. If I was able to tip the Wendy's cashier, then as long as I would have good service, I would tip you as well for filling a glass, but we don't tip Wendy's cashiers, so what's fair for them is fair for bartenders. I don't tip them for filling a cup with ice(even more work even), so I don't tip you for filling a cup. What's fair is fair. If your employer doesn't pay you at least minimum wage, that is between you and your employer to deal with, NOT the customer to pay you UNFAIRLY!

"It's also far more efficient for all of my bar customers if 5 people walk into the bar at once, and I take all of their orders, make all of their drinks, then deliver all of their drinks, and whether you were there 3.5 seconds before Joe Schmoe next to you, I can't guarantee you'll have your drink 3.5 seconds before him, but you'll definitely get it faster than if I took the order of everyone individually, made the drink of everyone individually and delivered the drink to everyone individually."

It's more efficient for YOU and the other 5 people, NOT AT ALL for the first person waiting the VERY LONGEST out of all of them, unfairly so. Think about it. If I walked in 5 seconds before the 5 people, if you took my order and fixed it BEFORE EVER saying anything but "I'll be right with you all", I'd get mine ****WAY THE FUCK, AT LEAST 5 MINUTES FASTER than for you to have done things unfairly. When bartenders do that shit, they get fucking STIFFED on that drink(not on all the drinks, but the one that fucked me over with, they get fucked over. You be fair, I'll be fair, you don't be fair, then what do you expect, a TIP for letting others CUT in front of the first person's turn that was there FIRST?

Continued next post.

7:14 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"but you need to take a step into reality and acknowledge that it isn't always fair or kind"

The bartender can PLAY fair by doing the **MORALLY RIGHT THING** by GOING IN THE ORDER IN WHICH PEOPLE COME IN AND PLACE THEIR ORDERS!! YOU CAN MAKE IT FAIR just as I did at the donut shop I worked at from 1998-2002 off and on, which was around over 2 yrs.

I will tell you a story. Once a couple came in and sat at the counter, which they ordered ONE donut each and ONE coffee each. I served them, then later a lady came in ordering a mixed dozen donuts, which she was telling me which ones to pick out. There was also another woman in the back of her that was a different customer(not with her) waiting to be served as well. This lady that was sitting at the counter with the man BLURTED out "Can I get a buttermilk donut" IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE OF ME TAKING THIS OTHER LADY'S MIX DOZEN ORDER. Instead of doing what you probably would have done, which was to have just gotten it and interrupted the lady's turn I was serving, I told the lady to wait HER TURN that I was in the middle of serving someone. I couldn't believe the GALL of someone acting like they were the ONLY CUSTOMER that I should stop everything for her. Anyway, I not only finished serving the first lady, but the second lady also that was standing, because if they were in a physical line(which she was that she was getting something to go too), she would be next. After both ladies were finished that were ordering stuff to go, THEN and ONLY THEN, did I get the buttermilk donut. I did things (((FAIRLY)))), which SO COULD ANY BARTENDER IF THEY CHOSE TO SERVE FAIRLY LIKE I DID!! People have turns and I wouldn't dare interrupt a bartender making a drink for someone, because that's someone turn, well, I at the same time, I don't expect the bartender to DISRESPECT MY TURN when it's MY TURN!! You want a tip, SERVE FAIRLY!!

Continued next post.

7:15 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"and you not tipping on your white russian means I'm not going to serve you well, and that may be "unkind" and "selfish" but I'm not in it for my health."

If I didn't tip you on the white russian, that's because you treated ME UNFAIRLY FIRST!! An example, a bartender at a nightclub years ago took my white russian order, then she instead of fixing my drink, just got my cup out. She took a guy's order that had came after me, which was a bottle of beer and even rung him up. Her tip was ZERO for that drink. Do you honestly think that was **FAIR, RIGHT, OR NICE**? Just because my drink takes longer to make doesn't mean I should be made to wait longer if I ordered before someone else. My time is JUST AS FUCKING IMPORTANT AS THAT GUY THAT ONLY WANTED A BEER!! He should have waited his turn, but by the bartender asking him what he wanted in a dark nightclub, he probably had no idea he was cutting in front of my order. The BARTENDER DID THOUGH!!

If I pay a tab, you wouldn't know until the end what I would tip. A good example: I was at a restaurant bar that was seperate from the restaurant. The bartender made my white russian almost finishing it, just didn't end up shaking it. It was on her side of the bar. A man walked in, which instead of her finishing my drink first(especially because I didn't ask for the check yet) and telling him "I'll be right with you", NO, she completely stopped making it to serve him when he just had walked in. Then, she doesn't know where the certain beer he wants, making me wait longer. Then, she has problems ringing up the beer, which I think was even RUDER. ALL THAT TIME I WAITED for a person that wasn't EVEN IN THE FUCKING BUILDING WHEN I PLACED MY ORDER. Do you honestly think she deserved a tip on that drink? She did fine for the first drink, so she got a dollar for the first drink and nothing for the second. What goes around, comes around. You want me to treat you like your time is important, don't treat me as mine isn't. If I would have been the bartender, I would have finished the white russian and told the guy I would be with him in a moment. That's just the ***RIGHT THING TO DO***!! I couldn't fathom letting that man CUT in front of the first person's turn if I was a bartender.

I would do things in order. If a ticket just came for a customer at the table, the person that walked in 5 seconds after, gets taken care of AFTER the ticket I just got for the drink that was ordered in the restaurant. I would not serve the customers at the bar first if there was a ticket that came first from a server. If someone at the bar came first, I would ignore the ticket until I finished serving the bar customers. I would SERVE FAIRLY UNLIKE YOU!! I have morals, you don't. I would do the "RIGHT" thing and make MORE TIPS by getting things done in the order instead of DISRESPECTING the first person that ordered.

I tip you if you treat me like a HUMAN BEING with feelings. Don't DIS ME, or I will DIS YOU in the tip!!

Continued next post.

7:15 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"It's also far more efficient for all of my bar customers if 5 people walk into the bar at once, and I take all of their orders, make all of their drinks, then deliver all of their drinks,"

It's more efficient FOR YOU and the 4th & 5th people, but not FAIR! Let's say I was first out the 5 customers. If you made 4 mixed drinks(let's say frozen drinks such as pina coladas or frozen margaritas), which I ordered a beer, if I had to wait for you to make all those drinks for you to give me a beer when I ordered FIRST, do you really think it's ((FAIR)) and MORE EFFICIENT for ME? OF COURSE NOT!! I would be waiting a MUCH, MUCH LONGER TIME for ONE FUCKING BEER WHEN I WAS FIRST OUT THE GROUP OF 5 that walked in at the same time. Even if I ordered a Pina colada, making mine first would be more efficient for ME and I would receive it faster as I should since I would have been FIRST out the group.

Let's say I am the 5th person in the group. I DESERVE to wait the longest since I am last and would be just fine waiting MY TURN, but once it is my turn, don't fucking interrupt it to take someone else's order. That's fucking rude and wrong.

"That's why we, as bartenders, chit chat with customers (who appreciate us and the work we do) or take shots with customers. The more you like us, the more you'll tip, and the more you tip, the more we'll like you. It's quite clearly a symbiotic relationship."

There comes a time when a customer comes to order something and a bartender continues the conversation, ignoring that you would like to order something else. That's just wrong and rude. You wouldn't want someone to do that to you even if it's just McDonald's, so WHY do that to someone else?

There was once, this bartender we always tipped at least 20%. This was what I wrote about that the bartender took a shot after I had walked to the bar. Instead of telling the customer, I'll be right back and actually SERVING the public, NO, he decided to take a shot, which is actually PLAYING on the job. It's one thing if he needed to take a sip of water due to choking reasons, but to take a shot of alcohol is NO EMERGENCY that should EVER go ahead of serving a customer. FEEDING YOURSELF with a shot is SELFISH!! That's just like if I was to go up to a McDonald's cashier while she was eating and didn't take my order, that's exactly the same thing. It's RUDE!! You put something into your mouth that isn't an emergency, that is being selfish!!

Taking a shot with a customer is a CHOICE. The customer should wait until the bartender is not busy serving to take the shot with the customer. That's playtime. We didn't get lunch or dinner breaks at the donut shop for a normal 8 hour shift, but during the slow times, I ate. Sometimes customers would walk in. I wouldn't continue to eat and ignore them, TIP OR NO TIP!! That's just WRONG and RUDE!! That's just incomprehensible to do such a thing. Some customers said I didn't have to get up, but I told them "customers come first."

I couldn't fathom putting a customer's turn over me taking a shot with another customer, which means basically IGNORING the customer that is patiently waiting to order and that fact that if that were me as the customer, I would want fast service. I wouldn't want to be made to wait, so WHY would I do that to someone else?

7:15 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"You may have missed the part of my post where I said WE DON'T CARE IF IT'S FAIR OR KIND...It may be selfish, but I want to make the most money at my job as possible."

Doesn't EVERYONE want to make the most money possible? If you aren't fair by serving people in order, WHY should we be fair to you by tipping you on a mixed drink for instance?

"if you're so adamant about how its the equivalent of a Wendy's employee, then perhaps you should consider tipping them as well. As you've said yourself, just because it's not the norm doesn't make it wrong."

You are an idiot. Unless Wendy's is different, which I seriously doubt, at McDonald's, my mom tried to tip a McDonald's cashier, which the cashier told her they were not allowed to accept tips, but that she could put the money in the charity box. In other words, these places you cannot tip PERIOD!! We aren't allowed to and they aren't allowed to legally accept tips there.

8:32 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"I am actually not remotely an idiot. I got my bachelors from a prestigious school, have probably read more books than you've even heard of and have the common knowledge to know that despite the fact that perhaps you've read on the internet somewhere that servers are paid above minimum wage, at least here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, we are only paid $2.63/hr"

First off, I called you an idiot, because you said to tip the fast food cashiers and even mentioned "if you're so adamant about how its the equivalent of a Wendy's employee, then perhaps you should consider tipping them as well", knowing THEY CANNOT LEGALLY ACCEPT TIPS.

Second of all, you keep saying "SERVERS" "you've even heard of and have the common knowledge to know that despite the fact that perhaps you've read on the internet somewhere that servers are paid above minimum wage" when this is a ***BARTENDING BLOG**, which ***BARTENDERS MAKE MORE THAN THAT!! I know for a fact that a server that worked at a restaurant I was going to a lot last year said when she bartended, she made at least $5 an hour or so, that she made MORE per hour, but she said she ended up with around the same amount of money due to the fact the bar at the restaurant wasn't as busy, so when you have not as much customers, you have less tips, but more money made from your employer. My point is, you have a *BACHELORS DEGREE* but MENTIONING *SERVERS PAY IN A BARTENDING BLOG, THAT IS WHAT YOU CALL AN IDIOT!!! I AM SMARTER THAN YOU IN THIS SUBJECT OBVIOUSLY!! I don't know any bartenders that make only $2 or $3 an hour. You keep mentioning **SERVERS** when this blog is NOT ABOUT SERVERS YOU IDIOT!! Shows how SMART YOU ARE!!! NOT!!! You don't have COMMON SENSE SMARTS, just book smarts.

"If you're going to stiff me because I take 3 or 4 drink orders at one time, then I'm from here on out not going to serve you...almost at all...only when there are no other customers at my bar that could possibly be ordering anything...AND I might even take a drink of water, without being in an emergency choking situation first."

If you were to treat me that way, I would not go when you were tending the bar or if there was another bartender to go to I would go to them instead of you and avoid you like the PLAGUE, because I'd rather have a bartender that would serve me in the order in which I arrived by treating me with FAIRNESS instead of the UNFAIR person you are. I hope someone cuts in front of YOUR TURN a BILLION TIMES to see how it feels. YOU DESERVE IT!!

8:57 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"You sound like a cheap bitch looking for any little thing to complain about. Probably so that you can convince yourself you aren't a bad person for screwing people out of their tips."

NO, I always have done things "FAILRY" when I served customers years ago when I worked at a donut shop, which was a period of over 2yrs. I would go by WHO came FIRST to serve them FIRST, then the second person would be second, etc. It's all about treating people FAIRLY as if they were in a physical line not to let someone "CUT" in front of someone else's turn. If a bartender is in the middle of making a mixed drink for someone, they shouldn't take my order for a beer, that's just **DISRESPECT** COMPLETELY and the person that ordered the mixed drink should not tip a penny even. That's just wrong. The bartender should 100% COMPLETELY FINISH making the customer's drink, THEN get the order for the NEXT PERSON, PERIOD!! It's not fair that other customer waits longer when I was after them for my order. Can't you see that? It's not an excuse not to tip, it's being ***FAIR*** that I want to see. If I am treated fairly, the bartender will get a nice tip. If you DISRESPECT MY TIME, I DISRESPECT YOUR TIP!! What goes around, comes around!! Treat others as if YOU were that first person, would you want a bartender to let someone else CUT in front of YOUR TURN when it's YOUR TURN? It's RUDE to let someone CUT!!

6:18 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"yes sometimes we pour or open beer first because it's an easy fix and your mixed beverage might just take a little extra time. We do this to consolidate our time"

It doesn't save time for the FIRST person that ordered though, JUST YOURS AND THE SECOND PERSON'S TIME. That is UNFAIR, it really is.

Don't you get that if let's say I was a bartender serving you that you said you wanted a pitcher of beer let's say and another person after you said they wanted 2 bottles of beer, that YOUR TIME would be COMPROMISED by me(the bartender) getting you your pitcher AFTER the guy that just ordered 2 bottles of beer(one for him and his friend). Not only having to get the 2 beers and flip the caps, but also have to ring him up as well.

Just because my drink(let's say it's a white russian) may take more time to make doesn't mean I personally want to wait longer for my drink. If I was FIRST, I was FIRST, therefore my drink should be finished and rung up(or if I keep a tab, then the bartender would just keep track of what I ordered until the end). This is the MORALLY RIGHT WAY TO SERVE is to GO IN THE ORDER IN WHICH ORDERS CAME IN. Just as if the printer at the restaurant bar just printed a drink and then someone walked up to the bar, the drink that just printed from a server comes FIRST, since she or he beat that person sitting at the bar to the punch. What's fair is fair and what isn't, isn't. You aren't fair to me, I'll treat you the same damn way. What goes around, comes around.

One time I ordered a margarita with salt on the rocks at a restaurant bar. The waitress decide to get and open 3 beers before finishing making my drink. She only put ice and salt on the rim, before she stopped, meanwhile TAKING MY FUCKING TIME UP!! She got stiffed on the drink. WHY? LOOK HOW UNFAIRLY SHE TREATED ME WITH ZERO RESPECT AND COMMON DECENCY!! My time is JUST AS IMPORTANT as the next person's time. Just because mine takes longer doesn't mean mine should be behind the first person's.

If I would have been the bartender, I would have told the customer I'd be with them in a moment and COMPLETELY 100% finish making as well as ring up the margarita(I was paying with cash at the time). Then, I would ask "May I help you" to the next guy. First come, first served. Respect me and I'll respect you.

"because in the business world "time is money." But if you think for one minute that your 1 dollar or 50 cents really means shit to us then you need to rethink going out."

If "TIME IS MONEY" then YES, that dollar means a lot when you have MANY people throughout the entire shift giving you another dollar, another dollar, and another dollar, & so on. Obviously to say that time is money, that means that dollar IS worth something, otherwise WHY FUCKING SAY SUCH A THING?

7:28 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"You are a fool if you think most bartenders have those shitty machines for pouring margaritas or daiquiris. Every bar I've worked in we hand make our drinks, ALL OF THEM, so telling me a bartender is the same as a Wendy's cashier tells me you are either very naive or just an idiot who will never learn because it's easier to sit behind a computer and "google" how we do our jobs rather than see for yourself."

I am talking about the daiquiri shops that don't make their own, that the bartender just grabs a cup, fills it, puts a lid on it with a straw, then rings you up and gives you change.

Just like the girl in the picture. For instance, if I get a white russian daiquiri at a place like that, the bartender didn't make that daiquiri. While they may have to pour water in it and upkeep it once in a while, they would be doing that whether I bought one or not, so that maintance of it isn't for me personally unlike when a bartender actually MAKES a white russian getting the kahlua and kettle one with cream or milk to actually MAKE the drink.

One of these places where the bartender just fills a cup. No making the drink, THAT is the type of daiquiri shops I am talking about you IDIOT. We have a lot of them where we live.

8:44 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"There is no such drink as a white russian daiquiri and they wouldn't be in a machine if there was. You keep calling me an idiot without ever knowing who I am or having me serve you."

"On my way back to the hotel I picked up a White Russian daiquiri at Fat-Tuesday’s - YUM!!! This one didn’t have a drive-thru, so I actually had to go inside! People that haven’t ever been to New Orleans don’t believe it, but, yes, you can actually get a drive-thru daiquiri!"

YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID!! Come to New Orleans, we have New Orleans Original Daiquiris, Daiquiris and Creams, Daiquiri Place, Daiquiri Stop, etc. THEY ALL, ALL HAVE WHITE RUSSIAN DAIQUIRI MACHINES.

This is an example of what the places look like:


In 1997(before I was 21 even), I had only been to one daiquiri place that actually made the daiquiris in a blender.

I KNOW at restaurants they don't have these machines for that, but A LOT in the New Orleans area have margarita machines. Some of the mexican restaurants have them.

In the situations with those in actually restaurants, they actually put the glass with salt and lime for the margaritas, so that's more work than just putting it in a cup like the daiquiri shops do, that's if you are ordering the frozen ones.

You obviously have never visited New Orleans. Here, we can take daiquiris home and even have drive-thru daiquiri shops.

Even at some restaurants in the New Orleans area, they will let you take home an alcoholic drink or buy a gallon.

The person behind the counter just takes the order, grabs a cup, pulls the lever to fill the cup, puts a lid on the cup, gives the person a straw, rings them up and gives them change. So if you think you know more than me, come to NEW ORLEANS and find out you are 100% WRONG!! Come get a white russian daiquiri already made in the machine and you will see it's LESS WORK than a fast food cashier does to fix a cup with ice and drink. This picture states it from FLORIDA even. I am guessing you don’t have any where you live?

Click daiquiri flavors and go to the THIRD page. You will see the MACHINE with the WHITE RUSSIAN FLAVOR on it, MR. KNOW-IT-ALL!!


2:55 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"White russian flavor? That does not tell me anything other than its probably non-alcoholic. Flavor does not mean it has Kahlua or vodka in it when a daiquiri is made with RUM! Flavor doesn't mean shit!"

If you click white russian, you will see this pop up:

"White Russian
If you like it on the rocks, you'll love it frozen. This top seller is made with Coffee, Milk and Vodka"

This is the exact link to get there:

SO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU IDIOTIC STUPID FOOL!!! I have had SOOOO MANY white russians from daiquiri shops around new orleans, so you have NO CLUE of WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT MR. KNOW-IT-ALL!! I had some even before I was 21yrs even back in 1997 even.

You cannot get out of this proof, it's SOLID AS A ROCK. Call New Orleans Original Daiquiris and ask them yourself if you don't believe this website. They have so many of them around new orleans, just google New Orleans Original Daiquris and you will see a LIST of shops to call. Go ahead and call smarty pants!!

1 Poydras St.
New Orleans, LA 70130-1657
(504) 524-9504‎

Go ahead and call this number if you are so smart and think you know it all.

I am NOT LYING about this. This is the GOD'S TRUTH!! I don't know how much more PROOF I can get to let you know they have machines with already made alcoholic drinks that the person behind the counter just puts a cup under it and the drink comes out. They aren't making the white russian itself or whatever flavor the person orders. They have pina colada and lots of other flavors as well. The person behind the counter does LESS WORK when they serve you that than a fast food cashier does to fill a cup with ice and a coke.

6:19 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"So if you don't like being called something that isn't true, then why do you insist on calling other people morons, stupid, or without common sense? If you don't like it then why do you insist on calling others these names and more."

Because some people don't have common sense. You are one of those people that acts like it's not your job to be a mistake finder, but it's COMMON SENSE that MISTAKES alter your tip to MAKE YOUR OWN DESTINY when it comes to tipping. PREVENT the mistake, which may very well prevent a lousy tip.

Also, you don't have any common sense to say that the pricing has to do with the company. Common sense would come into play by showing you that you can take a menu and know what price you are charging me. If the price is higher than the price on the menu, you can PREVENT the customer from getting that mistake. Common sense is to try to make the most money you can make by trying your VERY BEST by not being too lazy to TRY. You KNOW what price you are charging me, it's listed on my check, yet, you act like I am supposed to check over the work YOU could have checked over and then expect me to pay you well for being UNCARING about MY MONEY as well as being too LAZY to check over my check? At least TRY to find a mistake and if there is one, you can get the manager to fix it or if it's just 5 cents overcharge, any caring server would just give the customer a dime so they wouldn't have to wait to get the checked fixed over 5 cents by inconveniencing them, but no, a waitress once didn't even give me 2 cents even for a 2 cents overcharge even. That's sad that servers are so SELF-ABSORBED instead of thinking about the customer's money as well.

You know if you are charging me $16.99 and not $17.29, so use your common sense. Even an elementary school student could find a wrong price of ribs let's say. It's just matching up numbers, that's all. It's kind of like the memory game or classic concentration(the tv game show). Instead of pictures you are matching, it's numbers. It's not that difficult, so QUIT blaming the pricing on the managers or corporate or the company itself and start looking in the MIRROR for who is at fault unless you don't hand my check to me. It's kind of like if I get a side dish forgotten, if you are my server and brought me my food, that's on you, not the kitchen staff. If another server brings me my food and you put the order in right, then if that other server forgets my side dish, it's not your fault, because you weren't the last person to see that it was missing. If my server brings me my food, they are the last person to see if something is obviously missing like that. There's no difference between that type of thing and price overcharges. You know what price you are charging for a particular item BEFORE you decide to hand the customer their check. It's up to you to CARE!!

Continued on next post:

7:32 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

setron - continued
When you said this: "Sorry son, but we just can't afford to buy you new clothes, because I can't make any money for new things until I can not open beer for a living", you are showing that you want us to care, but YET, YOU DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE BRINGING OUT THE CORRECT THINGS OR OVERCHARGING US THE WRONG PRICES, so WHY EXPECT US TO CARE ABOUT YOUR FINANCIAL ISSUES if you don't want to be a "MISTAKE FINDER" type of server? You don't care if my food or check is right, WTF should I give a rat's ass about your financial problems? YOU have to show you *CARE* first in order for US to care when it comes TIP TIME!! Don't you get that? You want us to care about your sob story financial issues that you are CHOOSING to stay at that type of job, then CARE ABOUT OUR CHECK BEING RIGHT, OUR FOOD, OUR DRINKS, ETC. Your job IS a mistake finder. That's WHY it's called ***EARNING A TIP****, because that's the part where you actually do a lot of ***EARNING**** at and it's not like McDonald's where they just hand you some food that they don't care wtf it is. That's why those people don't make tips and servers do.

A tip is not because you make $2.13/hr and it's not because you hand me shit. It is because you get things CORRECTLY as much as you possibly can and give me things in a timely manner as well. If it's not correct, it's not in a timely manner as well. Anyone would rather wait 10-15 more seconds or so to get their correct food than to have to wait longer for their server to get it fixed by making extra trips for nothing. What's 10-15 seconds really? Is it really worth getting a bad tip for?

Anyone would rather their server check the prices wayyyy before check time(as far as most of the prices) so that way when they ask for their check, the server would only have to check one of two items or so, depending on the party size of course. While most people don't want to worry about getting a check fixed for cents overcharges, because it's not worth their time, if you handle it all beforehand without altering their time, you want to bet the customers would tip you more that you showed you CARED? Maybe some wouldn't, but I for sure would, because most servers are like you that don't care, but act like we are supposed to care about your sob story financial issues.

You are wanting me to try out serving, but you won't even consider trying to find mistakes for your customers. So you are just as stubborn as I am. The difference is, I have an office job that I work 41 and half hours a week, so I enjoy having some time off(weekends and holidays). I could get a weekend job if I wanted to, but WHY? We don't have money problems.

7:39 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"First of all, if you don't think a bartender giving you a beer is service then what is it?"

I never said it wasn't "SERVICE", I said it wasn't "TIPPABLE" service since it's LESS WORK than fast food cashiers give you even. If we can't tip for counter service at a fast food restaurant, why should we tip for a beer that takes LESS WORK? How is that fair or right to tip someone that does less work, but not the one that does more work? Shouldn't the person that works the HARDEST get more? Don't you feel like a waitress for instance that got you extra ranch and mayo as well as 4 sets of refills deserves MORE money than a waitress that hands you 2 pasta dishes with no refills? Don't you feel like you EARNED more when you went ALL OUT for customers vs. times when you hardly had to do much for the customers? Don't you think you deserve MORE MONEY when you do MORE WORK? If you do, then this is EXACTLY THE SAME THEN.

"You can't go behind the bar and get it yourself."

I can't get my coke at most Wendy's by myself either, can I?

"Them getting it for you, even if it is a few seconds and not that hard, it's still service and if you can afford to eat out as much as it seems you do then you can afford to give them a tip."

Affording to tip has ZERO to do with the AMOUNT OF WORK you have done for a tip. NOT EVERYONE gets tips for their services. Look at MCDONALD'S for example. They can't get tips, but that cashier ALWAYS DOES MORE WORK than flipping a cap and grabbing a beer along with ringing you up as well as giving you change. You know that is the GOD'S TRUTH, so if they can't get tipped for more work, WHY should you get tipped for less? You haven't done anything "TIPPABLE" to get a tip for flipping a cap and grabbing a beer. WHOOPIE DO, that's not much work there to get tipped for. A cashier at Wal-Mart does more work. That is the truth for no tip even.

"Do you think you are the only one being served?"

NO ONE bases their tip on someone else's service, so this is IRRELEVANT. My husband and I tip on our service.

"Don't you think it would be rude for the server or bartender to just ignore everyone else until you get what you asked for?"

If I wasn't first it would OF COURSE, be VERY RUDE, but if I was first, OF COURSE NOT. If I wasn't first, it would be rude that the bartender would let MY TURN **CUT** in front of someone else's turn that was before me. My time is just as important as the next person's so if I was second, don't ask what I want first. I have even told bartenders before if someone was before me "He was before me" or something like that. It would be doing the "RIGHT THING" by going in order in which people's TURNS came in just as when you are a line.

"To me, you are being selfish."

HOW, I am waiting MY TURN? If it's my turn, don't give me a half-turn or ignore me, that is what is MORALLY WRONG and SELFISH.

9:41 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"As for the bartender getting someone elses beer before your mixed drink; as you said it takes no time to take a bottle cap off of a beer. In the serving world it makes more sense to pop a cap off a beer bottle and serve that customer than to make them wait a few minutes while they make your drink. So you had to stand there a few more seconds. Lighten up lady."

You are forgetting a lot of times, especially at nightclubs, the guys(usually guys) pay for their beer, therefore, I have to also wait for them to be rung up and get change. I also once had to wait for a bartender to find a certain beer and then wait for her to figure out the register(this woman didn't work the bar a lot at this restaurant).

YOU LIGHTEN UP BITCH!!! SO MY TIME HAS TO BE COMPROMISED? WHY? WHY not the person that is second just as when you are in a line at a store for example?

If the lady in front of me has 40 items and I have 3 items. Let's say there are no other registers open due to lack of staff and it's in the early morning(usually aren't many cashiers in the mornings). I have to wait ***MY TURN** in front of this lady with 40 items to be checked out, while I wait for my only 3 items to be check out. MY TIME is compromised as it should be, because that lady WAS FIRST. It would be UNFAIR and be CUTTING if I went in front of her.

So WHY taking TURNS can't be the same EVERYWHERE in terms of serving people(NOT COUNTING HOSPITALS since they go by priority of course)?

I think it's VERY, EXTREMELY RUDE to start fixing my let's say white russian, then take another customer's order for a beer, making ME wait when it was MY TURN, NOT HIS, HIS TIME should be compromised since he was SECOND and I was first.

If it was the other way around where he ordered a white russian and I ordered a beer to fix my beer first, because he was FIRST. I SHOULD WAIT until the bartender finishes COMPLETELY with the FIRST CUSTOMER. That's the way it is in LINES you go by turn by turn basis, WHY be UNFAIR when it comes to bartending?

WHY compromise the FIRST PERSON'S TIME just because the second person's order takes less time? So you feel that the guy that ordered a beer's time is somehow MORE IMPORTANT than MY TIME? That's the way you come off as being SELFISH thinking like that. If it was MY TURN, then it's ONLY MY TURN, NOT HIS ***YET***!!

Just as I couldn't ask the cashier "Can you interrupt checking this lady out to check out 1 item?" That would be RUDE. Can you imagine doing that? It's the same thing you are condoning to doing.

Wouldn't be rude of the cashier to say "let's interrupt this transaction to ring up the second person's order?" If you don't see the rudeness in that, you are MEAN and STUPID.

Think about if you are in line at customer service at as Wal-mart and someone in front of you(this use to happen all the time), a person has the western union papers that take forever(thankfully they moved that section to a separate one at our stores around here), while I only had like ONE ITEM to bring back. It sucked, but it's only fair that the person in front of me was FIRST and his time is JUST AS IMPORTANT as mine was. I couldn't CUT in front of him. His time is important too. Why just because I had one item, HIS TIME should be compromised? That's UNFAIR to compromise his time for me since he was first. WHY can't you see that?

You disrespect my turn; I disrespect your tip by STIFFING your ass. You let someone CUT, you get your tip cut.

If a guy orders a beer first and then I am second, so I order a white russian. It would be rude to fix my white russian first. While the white russian takes more time, that's not the issue, it's the fact that you LET SOMEONE CUT that would be the issue.

9:42 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"You want an excuse not to tip so you find anything "wrong" that you can so you can justify your poor tipping."

NO, I WISH ALL THE TIME we'd get PERFECT SERVICE AND NEVER, EVER, have problems. I'd rather ANYDAY tip 25% plus than to have problems. Saving money isn't worth it, believe me, we have been through all kind of shit. I'd rather just get the good service.

"Some people set themselves up for bad service by expecting perfection and you are one of them."

HOW? I don't have ANY CONTROL of the server or bartender, do I?

"Um... if the customer wants you to take the shot with them which means they are taking one too, the bartender "stopping immediately" what he is doing to serve you "first" would be interupting THEIR service by making them wait to take their shot. Now, wouldn't that be mean?"

NO, it wouldn't, because the bartender taking that shot is SERVING **THEMSELF***, NOT serving the customer when they are taking that shot. Serving the customer is giving a shot to be taken by the CUSTOMER.

It would be the "RIGHT THING" to serve the CUSTOMERS BEFORE HIS OR HERSELF!! When you drink as a bartender, you are serving YOURSELF the shot, NOT the customer.

You can drink the shot when you aren't SERVING customers.

Serving customers is not PLAYING on the job by DRINKING on the job. Serving customers is actually SERVING CUSTOMERS, NOT YOURSELF!!

When you drink even a coke, that's serving yourself as a bartender, NOT the customer.

If bartenders would worry about playing around all the time like that, they wouldn't make much money since they'd only be making the money off of the customer and the shot they paid for along with the tip IGNORING the other PAYING CUSTOMERS that would like to actually ORDER something instead of play.

Do you like it when you go to McDonald's, but the cashier wants to chit-chat instead? I bet you don't like that, don't do it to others then. GET THE PICTURE? You don't like being ignored over things that can wait for PERSONAL ISSUES such as DRINKING, then don't make the customers wait that want to actually ORDER something.

When I worked at the donut shop I worked at years ago, when a customer would come in, I was chatting with some regulars lots of times and said to them "hold that thought", then SERVED THE CUSTOMER. THAT IS HOW CUSTOMER SERVICE SHOULD BE. I wasn't interrupting someone's service by stopping chit-chatting, because service is SERVING things, that's why it's called SERVICE. It was my job to SELL THINGS and I think as a customer it would be rude for me to have continued to chat while the customers were waiting to order. I wouldn’t for sure want to wait for something that can wait like playing around like that(whether taking a shot with someone or chatting) when I am customer waiting to be served, so I wouldn't serve that way. If I were a bartender, NO WAY, no matter how much money they said they'd give me, I would still do things FAIRLY and serve the customers as I was supposed to do, because the drunk person that wants me to take a shot with them will tip me anyways, since they are drunk more than likely. Also, money isn't everything. I mean by that, having MORALS, treating people FAIRLY is more important than thinking just of my pocketbook.

"No where does it say you shouldn't tip on a beer. It just says a mixed drink should get a MORE sizeable tip meaning a beer should be tipped on even it's less than the mixed drink. BAM! What now biotch!?"

This is someone's opinion anyway, it's not a fact. No one has to tip for anything they don't want to unless you are in a large party or have a service/delivery charge or using a coupon that requires gratuity to be added. There is no law that states we have to tip for anything.

It doesn't say you should tip for a beer either. NOW WHAT BITCH?

It doesn't say "MEANING A BEER" ANYTHING about TIPPING. You obviously CANNOT READ, CAN YOU? You are reading things into words that AREN'T THERE.

9:42 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Getting an order wrong isn't "not being nice." It's a mistake, ever heard of it? It's not intentional and the server feels bad.A wrong order doesn't deserve an attitude."

If you can easily tell the server didn't TRY their best at all or you even noticed PROOF that they didn't such as when I saw a waiter not verify which entrée went with which of the 2 tables(ours and another table), he put the completely wrong food on ours as far as my husband's entrée went. I SAW he didn't take his written orders out to notice which entrée went with which table, so since it's a waiter like that didn't TRY his best, it's not a mistake, it's LAZINESS and being UNCARING about the customer. How is it being NICE not to "CARE" about if your customer's orders are right or wrong, huh? That's not nice to be not caring, is it? Yet, you expect customers to care about your money when it comes tip time. You don't see where I am coming from?

A wrong order deserves an attitude if it's an obvious, duh mistake like bringing me the completely wrong entrée in only a party of 2. I can see doing that if we were in a party of 4 or more maybe, but 2 people, NO, that should NEVER happen. You should be able to look at 2 plates before you bring it out. It's not that difficult if you TRY.

If you can tell the server didn't try their best or they don't apologize or both, YES it deserves an attitude. I don't give attitude most of the time due to WHY bother ruining our outing more, so we just leave a bad tip if we think it was deserved.

"There is no getting around it. You are just a tight wad. Plain and simple."

HOW can you say that when we have tipped 25% plus lots of times? It's all about the service. You get what you give. You give me shitty service, you get a shitty tip. You give me wonderful service, you get a wonderful tip. It's just that simple.

We are not tightwads. We tip well for the ones that deserve a tip. Flipping a cap off a beer and handing it to me as well as ringing me up, giving me change isn't much work. You really feel you have earned a tip when that McDonald's cashier did more for me getting me a cup with tartar sauce for my fish combo or getting me some butters and syrups for my hotcakes? They did more work, yet, NO TIP, so HOW can you say you deserve a tip for getting a beer?

"Why don't you listen to us when ALL of us tell you you're wrong?"

WRONG about what? I am not wrong at all. YOU ARE MORALLY WRONG LETTING PEOPLE *********CUT*********** IN FRONT OF SOMEONE ELSE'S TURN.

Do you like it when someone cuts in front of you? If you don't, don't treat others like that then.

"Psh! If those beers were $5 a pop and you only tipped me "a buck" on a $15 tab you can bet I wouldn't make any effort to serve you ever again."

Then, you'd just keep getting stiffed then. You don't appreciate a TIP at all of ANY KIND. I was happy when I had a quarter tip instead of zero at the donut shop. I'd rather SOME MONEY than none. I never was selfish like YOU ARE. You have the NERVE to call me selfish, LOOK IN THE MIRROR wanting more money for BARELY ANY WORK!!!

You are SELFISH to look at a buck as nothing, so I might as well stiff you then. You don't appreciate any money. I was happy when customers left even cents, because anything is better than zero.

The amount of EFFORT was the same no matter how much the beer is. The same amount of work goes in it. Back years ago, a margarita was $3.50 at the bowling alley, but I still tipped a buck. It's not about the PRICE, but about the AMOUNT OF WORK that goes into the item. That's more than 20%, it's actually around 28%-29% range. The amount of the bill is not always the way people should tip. I know if I put more work into something I'd want more money, wouldn't you and MOST people?

9:44 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Do you work for your employer out of the kindness of your heart? No, probably not. If you expect us to serve you out of the kindness of our hearts we expect you to tip the same way. "Treat others how you want to be treated." Replace that first treat with tip and you'll get the point."

You don't treat others as you'd like to be treated by you not wanting someone to CUT in front of YOUR TURN when it's YOUR TURN for something, don't do it to others then. Take your own advice "Treat others how you want to be treated."

While I don't work for my employer out the kindness of my heart, so don't bartenders, because they do make SOME TYPE of wage already from their employer.

Some bartenders make $4-$5 per hour plus tips even and some do still make $2.13/hr. So you aren't working for your employer out of the kindness of your heart, because you are getting SOME PAY from your employer, especially if you get $5/hr.

You have to treat us with kindness in order for us to TREAT you with kindness by tipping you by first RESPECTING OUR TURN when it's our turn and not giving us a HALF-TURN by letting someone else CUT in front of OUR TURN COMPROMISING OUR TIME IF WE WERE FIRST. You aren't treating us with kindness and certainly you wouldn't want to be treated like that with someone else cutting in front of YOU, so DON'T TREAT US LIKE THAT!!

As far as getting a beer goes, you are getting paid at least $2.13/hr for doing that. A lot of bartenders even that I know get paid more in some restaurants, at least $5/hr.Getting a beer is not doing much of anything, so WHY do you think you should get a tip for doing LESS WORK than a fast food cashier does for NO TIP for counter service?

It doesn't matter what you get paid an hour if you are doing almost nothing compared to someone else that gives me more service for no tip. I don't care if you made zero from your employer before tips just to get a beer. It takes LESS EFFORT to even get a beer on draft than it does to give a cup with ice and ROOT BEER at Wendy's to a customer that a cashier gets for you. You have to get ice at Wendy's in the cup which is less effort than filling a mug with beer. It's the TRUTH that the Wendy's cashier did MORE WORK than you did getting someone a draft beer or a bottle of beer for NO TIP, so WHY should I tip you? What you make per hour has ZERO to do with BEING FAIR TO ALL WORKERS IN THIS WORLD that does serve food and drinks to the public. If I don't tip them for more work, I am sure as hell not going to tip you for giving me less work. It's not fair of ME, THE CUSTOMER, if I would tip that way.

9:45 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

One more thing:
"As for the bartender getting someone elses beer before your mixed drink; as you said it takes no time to take a bottle cap off of a beer. In the serving world it makes more sense to pop a cap off a beer bottle and serve that customer than to make them wait a few minutes while they make your drink. So you had to stand there a few more seconds. Lighten up lady."

WHY do you feel the first person's time should be compromised just because the second person's order is shorter? The first person's time is JUST AS IMPORTANT as the second person's and it's unfair to make the first person stand there and wait longer just to serve the second person's order first just because it takes less time. THAT IS VERY UNFAIR.

WHY not say to the second customer "I'll be right with you" and finish the first customer? WHY not SERVE FAIRLY? The person getting the beer may not even tip you compared to the person that is truly MAKING a drink WILL if you SERVE FAIRLY that is and not be RUDE TO THEM. Some people don't tip for a beer or tip 50 cents. I'd tip you a buck for my white russian, but if you would be rude to do that as you said you would, you wouldn't get a penny from me.

WHY not just make the second person wait longer? While you may feel bad that this person has to stay longer, it's not my fault that person wants to order something that takes less time. WHY should my time be compromised because of it if I am first? WHY should the first person get to take the hit in the time? HOW is that fair when they waited longer to order and were there longer to begin with? THAT IS VERY UNFAIR and MORALLY VERY WRONG.

WHY do you condone CUTTING? Do you like when people cut in front of you? If you do, you are lying. You don't, so don't treat others like that.

You call me selfish, but then want more than a dollar for 3 beers, how is that not selfish? You are selfish. I am FAIR, NOT SELFISH. That is how I tip, FAIRLY. You are an UNFAIR person.

10:04 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"I don't care what you say even if you think it is the same "amount" of work."

It's not the same amount of work, it's LESS I said, NOT THE SAME, that's the point of NOT tipping someone that is doing LESS WORK.

"I couldn't. I had 3 tables today. At least two of them would get sat at the same time. This meant I went to one table, took drink orders, went to the next, took drink orders, then brought all the drinks out for these two tables."

I wouldn't have done things like that at all, because even us many of times have completely ordered our entrées and appetizers/salads at the time of greeting, so that doesn't always work that way. Customers have right to order when they want to.

What I would have done in that situation is:

First off, parties don't get seated at the same exact time. I would ask the hostess or host WHICH party was seated first. Then, from there, would greet the party that was seated first. Which let's say they ordered drinks and an appetizer when they were greeted. As I would be finishing taking the first table's order, I would go by the second table to do a 'MINI GREET" tell them I would be right with them. I would go put the first table's appetizer and drink orders into the computer. I would then go to greet the second table and get their drink orders. I would go put those into the computer. I would get all their drinks on one tray if I could and distribute them in order, meaning first table would get their drinks first and then hand the drinks to the second table, but as I am handing the second drinks to the second table BEFORE they can speak a word, I will tell them since the other table was seated first, that I will go get their food order first and then come back to get y'all's order. I would take the first table's order, then go IMMEDIATELY to the computer to put the order in. Then, go get the second table's food order and then put their order into the computer.

See, you probably wouldn't have thought of asking the hostess or host WHO was seated first, would you have you?

"This meant I went to one table, took drink orders, went to the next, took drink orders, then brought all the drinks out for these two tables."

WHY not go put the drink orders into the computer first so the bartender(assuming some customers ordered bar drinks) can start making the drinks or be NEXT or at least FASTER on the list to make and WHY not go put the orders into the computer for the appetizers and even entrées when the kitchen staff can have them faster on the list?

Did you deliver the drinks in the order in which they came in? I bet you that you didn't.

"Now, in your eyes this is the completely wrong way of doing things and I probably would have gotten a STIFF from you."

No, I wouldn't have stiffed you, I would have lowered your tip some depending on what would have happened exactly as to how low.

"Most of them are not on a "time" constraint and if they are let me know ahead of time."

WHO wants to wait longer for things though? I don't know ANYONE, even YOU, that likes waiting, so just admit the TRUTH here. Even if you don't mind waiting, do you really want to wait longer if you don't have to? MOST people WOULDN'T and YOU KNOW THAT IS THE GOD'S TRUTH.

As far as them letting you know ahead of time, you shouldn’t change your style of serving just because they are in a hurry. EVERYONE'S TIME is important, not just those particular customers. If I were a server that some customers would tell me they were in a hurry, I wouldn't change a thing except to ask them if they wanted their check as quickly as possible BEFORE the food arrives even. That way, I can get them paid and everything before they even get their food or if they choose to wait until they receive their food, they can get it rung up while they are eating. My time is just as important as someone else's time that is in the same situation(meaning not in the waiting area, but already seated already).

1:56 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"I may have even bussed a table after taking their order because we don't have bussers and it is part of my job and I am expected to do it as quickly as possible. Before you just to conclusions I was thinking about the customer who had been waiting 30 minutes to sit down. I know I know, they weren't "first" (so elementary school) but they are just as important as the ones already sitting."

The customers that are in the dining area take RANK, meaning they ARE more important than the people in the waiting area just like the people already in the doctor's office waiting for the doctor are more important AT THAT TIME than the people in the waiting area that have their appointments at a later time. Once the customers get seated, then those customers are just as important as the other dine in guest. It's not that anyone's time is more important, it's that the FIRST people get RANK. Just like when you are at a STORE, the FIRST PERSON gets to CHECK OUT FIRST so WHY would it be fair to do it your way if everywhere else besides hospitals they do it the way I am saying? It's NOT FAIR to do it YOUR WAY. It's UNFAIR to let the people in the waiting area CUT in front of the people that just asked for things. The people already seated take precedence over the people in the waiting area just as the people even in a doctor's office that are in the waiting area are SECOND to the people that are already in a room already waiting for their doctor, because they made an appointment earlier than the people in the waiting area. Their service has STARTED already the people that are already seated, so WHY think of service that hasn't started yet? You have to think about the people already there before anyone else. The people in the waiting area should WAIT THEIR TURN. This includes when that has been US PLENTY of times waiting for tables. That means the people in the doctor's office that are in the waiting area have later appointments for them to not be as important as the people that made earlier appointments. I and MOST people would rather wait longer for a table to get faster service when I sit than to sit longer during the service to think of people BEHIND the line per say. If those people came after us in the waiting area, that means they are AFTER OUR TURN, so OUR TURN becomes BEFORE thinking about their turn. Just as you do in a LINE EVERYWHERE ELSE YOU GO(besides hospitals).

By bussing a table before going put in an order, you are letting the customers that are waiting in the waiting area CUT in front of the current customer's order that just ordered. Cutting isn't nice and it is very rude as well as UNFAIR. WHY should the people in the waiting area be thought of at ALL by the servers if they have current request from the people that are already seated already?

I will ask this AGAIN: "WHY did we wait for a table in LINE per say to be next as far as what table they could put us in for example, if we were in a party of 10, well, that 2-seater booth just wouldn't work since it is impossible to fit 10 people, so the hostess would seat the couple after us, because there is no way to fit 10 people in a 2-seater booth?"

Continued next post:

1:57 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"I may have even bussed a table after taking their order because we don't have bussers and it is part of my job and I am expected to do it as quickly as possible. Before you just to conclusions I was thinking about the customer who had been waiting 30 minutes to sit down. I know I know, they weren't "first" (so elementary school) but they are just as important as the ones already sitting."

If it's just my husband and I second and another couple first, which neither of us have special request(such as booth, certain server, etc.), the couple in front of us gets seated BEFORE US. That is VERY FAIR and MORALLY CORRECT to do so. If the hostess would seat us first, that would be morally wrong to do so, don't you think and most people would think that way, so WHY is it ok for the SERVER to be UNFAIR by not going put in the order first instead of bussing a table first by letting the people in the waiting area get to CUT in FRONT of the customer's turn that just ordered? That IS UNFAIR. WHY do you want to be unfair to the FIRST PERSON? WHY everywhere else besides hospitals they go by who is FIRST if you are so right? Hospitals have a real reason, because lives are at stake, but no one will die if they wait 2-5 extra minutes in the waiting area at a restaurant will they?

Even when WE are the ones in the waiting area, WE are WILLING AND ALWAYS SHOULD WAIT OUR TURN, but when it is our turn, don't DIS our turn.

If it's so "ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" WHY everywhere else besides hospitals(due to people's lives are at stake, so they can't go in order of arrival due to they'd have people dying let's say from a heart attack that could have been saved over someone's broken arm that isn't life threatening is VERY DIFFERENT than to serve food and drinks or to be at a store). Plus, we know hospitals go by priority, not by order of arrival anyways, that's a known fact and it would be terrible if they did because LIVES are at stake. There's no one's life at stake if someone in the waiting area at a restaurant has to wait 2-5 extra minutes and no one is making that person dine there either unlike if they need medical help, they actually NEED that vs. someone WANTING to eat out. Get the difference here?

My point is, it's not elementary school when EVERYWHERE ELSE besides hospitals goes in order of request.

Even when WE are in the waiting area, we aren't as important as the people that were seated before us, because it's THEIR TURN and NOT OURS TO TAKE FROM THEM. We shouldn't take their turn away from them. That is CUTTING. It's THEIR TURN and we should wait until they are FULLY 100% READY(meaning NOBODY'S requests anything else that the server can do at that particular moment such as get refills or go put in orders) to go to buss that table. It's the RIGHT THING TO DO.

I have even told an example of a server not going put in orders and they considered it rude to, NOT just us. Both my husband and I considered it rude when a waitress at Chili's years ago once asked if we wanted a dessert, which we didn't, but I ordered a margarita as well as we ordered refills on our soft drinks. So instead of going to put the order into the computer for the margarita so the bartender could get it started(there was NO WAIT FOR A TABLE just to let you know at the time), NO she took our dirty entrée dishes and then brought them to the dirty table across from us to stack more dirty plates that were on that table, then proceeded to wipe the table. I so wanted to tell her "Can you please go get our drinks please, we are thirsty" or something like that, but I kept my mouth shut. Then, she had to go put all those dishes away wasting more time that we could have had our soft drinks quicker(there are 3 soft drink stations at this Chili's) and I could have received my margarita quicker as well. It's RUDE to put dirty dishes ahead of customer's time.

Continued next post:

1:57 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"I may have even bussed a table after taking their order because we don't have bussers and it is part of my job and I am expected to do it as quickly as possible. Before you just to conclusions I was thinking about the customer who had been waiting 30 minutes to sit down. I know I know, they weren't "first" (so elementary school) but they are just as important as the ones already sitting."

If I would have been her, I would have gone to put the order into the computer for the margarita, then gotten the soft drinks, THEN taken the dirty dishes OR I would have taken the 2 dirty dishes and put them on the table that had dirty dishes already since the table was dirty already anyways, then went to put the order into the computer for the margarita, and then gotten the soft drinks. I would have put my customer's THIRST OR HUNGER(let's say if we ordered food) FIRST over anyone that would have been in the waiting area even if there would have been some people. I couldn't fathom putting things that can wait first. Customers in the waiting area should wait their turn just as WE DID that time have to wait for a table when we arrived. It's only fair to let them wait THEIR TURN and give us our FULL TURN, NOT let them CUT in front of our turn completely as she did. She didn't even put the order into the computer first as she COULD and SHOULD have. The computer is not near the kitchen to waste time like that anyways.

Let me ask you then, WHY did we wait for a table in ORDER then? It still goes by order of arrival as far as if you don't have any special request(like a booth) or don't have a large party, the next person that is next goes next, so WHY go in ORDER OF ARRIVAL when getting seated(let's say a couple was before us, but seated us that didn't have any special request and they aren't meeting anyone else there), is that fair? OF COURSE NOT!! It was THEIR TURN, NOT OURS ***YET***!! WHY should this be ANY DIFFERENT if someone just ordered something to buss a table first? THAT IS SO FUCKING RUDE AS ALL HELL!!

What if there is no wait for a table, you'd still buss the table before putting in and if it's something in your control completely, getting the order(such as a couple of soft drinks)?

WHY did we wait in a LINE per say at the hostess's or host's stand? WHY didn't they just seat people not in order if people don't have TURNS?

"Bottom line is, you cannot tell us how to do our job if you have never done it."

I CAN TOO considering we get ALL KIND OF *((DUH))* mistakes to our table. When your server brings you the completely wrong food, doesn't that tell you they didn't compare their written order to the plate of food?

I can, because we have gone through so many stupid mistakes it's not funny. When you have servers forgetting your condiments a lot of the time, you see how stupid they are and how stupid they are not to apologize to get a better tip for FORGIVENESS since you can't forgive as much if you don't get an apology.

How can you say that when I see things my server could have caught ALL THE FUCKING TIME and how I would have done things so differently like bringing soft drinks before bar drinks if I wasn't double or triple sat that I would be able to do those things?

I don't need to do your job to know that my server could have caught the mistake BEFORE they brought it to me as far as things that are in their control. MOST mistakes are in the server's control in general. I didn't say all, because some things aren't, but in general, most mistakes ARE obvious to the server's eyes or they can prevent another server from forgetting condiments for example by offering to bring them themselves.

"Your money doesn't mean much to us because we don't make most of it from people like you."

You have the NERVE to call me selfish "don't be selfish,", yet you say this.

1:58 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"I do not want to read your way too long response that has nothing to do with what I said."

WHY did you bother writing on MY BLOG then? Secondly, I have written all about the things you have said. I cannot see ONE THING I talked about that had nothing to do with what you said.

"Take a hint from 99% of the people who post on your blog and realize that you are wrong about a lot of what you say."

NO, YOU take a hint that those 99% of people are UNCARING AND EXTREMELY LAZY ASS PEOPLE that don't want to work HARD AND SERVE FAIRLY for their money.

You see it as they are right, but NO, you are wrong. You know I am right and don't just want to admit it. How can I be wrong about what is fair?

"We may be the "waitstaff" and our opinion may not matter much to you but you wouldn't go to the chevy dealership to ask about a honda right?"

NOT THE SAME AT ALL considering that no one in that analogy is a customer that receives things done wrong in their service to tell a person how to do their job better when they get crappy service. When YOU personally get your food to you with VERY OBVIOUS things wrong that you can tell before the server even leaves the table or even takes it off the tray, YOU see what NOT TO DO and HOW TO DO THEIR JOB by COMPARING THE WRITTEN ORDERS TO THE PLATES OF FOOD INSTEAD OF BEING LAZY as A LOT OF THEM ARE OUT THERE THAT DO THAT TO US!!

I could ask about a honda in comparison to a chevrolet if I wanted to.

"You may want to read a few of these:"

If you would have "READ" the RESPONSES, you would have noticed that I already not only KNOW about these for YEARS, but that I RESPONDED to a lot of these. WHY are you sending me stuff I responded to? Are you that STUPID?

"One last thing, you can't judge me as a person because I don't agree with your opinion."

But it's not an "OPINION", it's FACT that people wait THEIR TURN when they go places, even bars, which some bartenders DO serve fairly unlike the ones like you. They do the "RIGHT THING" by going in the order in which people come in.

"I am not an unfair person"

You are, because you make the first person wait longer to let someone else CUT. HOW is that "FAIR" to the FIRST PERSON'S TIME? It's not, it's not fair and it's VERY RUDE.

You didn't answer my question about would you find it rude if a McDonald's cashier decided to chit chat instead of ask what you wanted to order? Would you like waiting unnecessarily? Do you think most people like waiting in general? I don't know too many people that like waiting for ANYTHING.

"Morals and service have nothing to do with one another unless your server is cursing at you, being predjudice or racist, or being well, immoral. Not doing things the way you want them done is not immoral. Check your online dictionary."

"morals, principles or habits with respect to right or wrong conduct."

Do you notice where it states "RIGHT OR WRONG CONDUCT?" It's WRONG to CUT in front of someone in the MORAL sense, YES IT IS.

"not conforming to the patterns of conduct usually accepted"

It is usually accepted that people wait their TURNS and the person that takes the order is normally supposed to finish with their turn FIRST, then the next person gets their turn that is behind that person.

"The act of cutting is generally frowned upon by most people. However, it has developed a set of rules to allow for "fair" cutting."

Do you see how this has to do with service if the person that is serving the customers decides to take the person's order behind the first person in line and even fixes it?

You also never answered my question about WHY we wait for a table in the order in which we came in if we didn't ask for a booth or something like that or we aren't in a large party?

1:59 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Tipping fairly is not done by comparing a bartenders service to a Wendy's employee."

How can you say that? If I don't tip one person, WHY is it fair to tip another for LESS WORK? If you do more work, shouldn't you get MORE PAY from the CUSTOMER serving you? WHY should the person that sits on their ass get more than me? THAT'S UNFAIR, YES IT SURE IS!!!

"Tipping fairly would be leaving the customary (which means it is what most (sane) people do) 18-20% on all good service rendered in a restuarant."

NO, tipping fairly would be to TREAT ALL EMPLOYEES THE SAME REGARDLESS OF WHAT IS "THE NORM OR CUSTOMARY", because we can't tip a Wendy's cashier for giving us a cup with coke and ice as well as ringing us up, then giving us change, so WHY should we tip someone for doing LESS WORK? THAT IS UNFAIR TO NOT BE ABLE TO TIP BOTH PEOPLE IF WE ARE GOING TO TIP IN THIS SITUATION. Since we CAN'T LEGALLY TIP THOSE CASHIERS AT FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS(excluding Sonic since they bring it to your car, which delivery IS service, so I have tipped at Sonic before), it would only be fair to not tip ANYONE ELSE that does LESS WORK, NO MATTER WHAT YOU MAKE, NO MATTER WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE, and NO MATTER WHAT IS THE NORM.

What is FAIR means that things are EQUALLY distributed between people.



So, tipping "FAIRLY" would have to be "EQUAL" to ALL EMPLOYEES that serve FOOD AND DRINKS at a COUNTER or drive-thru situation. For example, I would NEVER tip at Quiznos or Subway. I tip at ice cream shops a buck for example when they make me a shake, because that is the same amount of work that it takes to make a Pina Colada for example. I tip FAIRLY and EQUALLY. I wouldn't tip for a regular cup of coffee at Starbucks, but have tipped for a Frappacino. Even though now some of the fast food places have fancy coffees, there's not nearly as much work to do them compared to Starbucks. A lot of the stuff is pre-made at Wendy's for example. I bought a frosty-cino and all the cashier did was fill a cup with frosty, put some syrup on it and put it under a fast mixer, which he was done with it in literally under a minute. He actually did more work than a bartender would do to serve me a bottle of beer.

So YOU are PROVED WRONG. READ AND WEEP!! You said look up definitions on the web "Check your online dictionary", well I did, and I PROVED YOU THE FUCK WRONG BITCH!! How's that for ya?

Disproportionate means not equal, which means UNFAIR.

What is "CUSTOMARY" has ZERO to do with being FAIR. It's UNFAIR to tip people that do less work than the people that do more work for no tip.

Do you see anything about being fair? What "USUALLY" happens has ZERO to do with what is "FAIR".

"Yes, that includes getting a beer

NO, it doesn't include getting a beer.

"I don't care if you don't drink it, don't be selfish, it's not all about you."

It's not "SELFISH" to not tip for a beer, it's only FAIR not to tip a bartender for a beer.

."It's the principle of the matter)."

Exactly my point, it's the PRINCIPLE in the matter that it isn't fair to tip for a beer at a bar and not the fast food cashier at the counter.

"Tipping fairly is tipping based on how well the server, who is currently serving you, did their job."

I agree when you tip your server when you dine in, but NOT a bartender for COUNTER service.

1:59 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Now, in your twisted mind this requires bending over backwards while pouring your water (that you asked for because you don't know good service) and using our stretch armstrong limbs to get those condiments you asked for."

What does this have to do with anything? I NEVER ONCE said we didn't tip when we have good service when we dine inside. I said that when you get a beer at a bar, it is COUNTER service, so I treat that the same as fast food cashier service.

WHY mention condiments? This argument wasn't about tipping for service that you get from a server. This was about BEER, PERIOD, not about condiments. If anything, that cashier at McDonald's even yesterday went to get me a cup with special sauce in it. HE did more for me than a bartender does to serve a beer. It's the GOD'S TRUTH, it was MORE WORK for NO TIP.

"But, if they are a good server they have done all that, with their eyes closed, and with a smile. SO TIP THEM AND STOP MAKING EXCUSES!"

You are talking about servers. I am talking about bartenders since this is a BARTENDING BLOG. So STOP talking to me about servers. WE TIP SERVERS 20% plus for excellent service, so WHY are you bitching at me about servers? I am talking about serving you a beer at the BAR when YOU stand there ordering it and they aren't bringing it to you. If we EAT at the bar, then we are getting served like a server, so we tip then for beers. I am talking about for example, you are at a nightclub or in the line at the bowling alley(at the bowling alley around here, they actually have a line with a window to get customers that want to order things outside the bar so they don't have to actually sit at the bar, so it is a physical line), standing waiting to order. The bartender is right there and there is no walking involved basically. They ring you up and either flip a cap or fill a cup with beer. That is COUNTER SERVICE. I treat counter service the same as fast food cashier service or any counter service to tip FAIRLY.

"In our world (that would be servers and you're not invited) that is called bad service :o)"

HOW, if the customer decides to order something else? If anything, it's bad service to WASTE THE CURRENT CUSTOMER'S TIME THAT JUST ORDERED, YOUR TIME, and OTHER INNOCENT CUSTOMER'S TIME. So then that means you give bad service to another server when you waste your time getting an unwanted refill or refills by WASTING their time you could have been at THEIR TABLE GETTING SOMETHING TRULY WANTED instead of PLAYING A GUESSING GAME WITH THE CUSTOMER.

If you were a caring, good server, you would ask at the beginning of the service when you greet the customers "Would you all like refills without being asked throughout your service" if they order refillable drinks. A good server doesn't RISK WASTING TIME, nor do they overstep by ORDERING for their guest without their permission to do so. It's not your call to make. WE get a MENU for a reason, so WE CAN ORDER. WE ARE DRINKING IT, NOT YOU!! WE GET TO SAY WHAT WE WANT. WE CALL ALL THE SHOTS, NOT YOU!! You are there to write down WHAT WE SAY and take OUR ORDER. You are not there to order for us.

2:00 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

Correction, made an error, so reposting with it corrected:

So then that means you give bad service to another CUSTOMER when you waste your time getting an unwanted refill or refills by WASTING their time you could have been at THEIR TABLE GETTING SOMETHING TRULY WANTED instead of PLAYING A GUESSING GAME WITH THE CUSTOMER.

I meant customer, not server, sorry.

2:15 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...


One more thing:

WHY should I give a bartender a tip that handed me a bottle of beer if I can't tip the Wendy's cashier for filling a cup with ice and drink? It would be UNFAIR to tip one and not the other for good service. Let's say it was good service in both situations, what would be "FAIR" "EQUAL" as the definitions said would be to tip both employees the same exact amount or don't tip either employees at all. THAT IS WHAT WOULD BE TIPPING FAIRLY. YOU KNOW THAT IS THE GOD'S TRUTH. You know you made up stupid shit when you told me "Tipping fairly is not done by comparing a bartenders service to a Wendy's employee." That is FALSE what you said. Tipping fairly is treating all human beings the same as far as what job they provided you. THAT is what FAIR means, EQUALLY DISTRIBUTED. Either we tip both or don't tip them at all. THAT IS WHAT TIPPING FAIRLY IS. It's the GOD'S TRUTH and YOU KNOW IT!!

2:23 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"So you have to wait 15 seconds for me to bus a table or grab another drink order before I put in yours. It's not called lazy it's called being efficient."

I never said it was lazy. You still will have to buss the table at some point, so HOW can that be called lazy?

15 seconds MY ASS. That bitch waitress at Chili's was doing all of that around a minute or so for REAL. Then she had to go put all of that in the kitchen. By the time then, probably a minute and a half to 2 minutes at least. You have NO CLUE of WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

Seconds do matter anyway. It's unfair for you to think of objects before real live human beings that have feelings and to only think about those human beings that are in the waiting area.

It's not efficient, because the customer's orders can be done faster if you put in the order faster. Just 15 seconds can make the difference even between Jane Doe server beating the order you were going to put in to the punch per say by getting Jane Doe's ticket in the kitchen before your ticket. Let's say it's the same appetizer for example made the same way. Guess whose food comes out first unfairly so by your method?

"You can't take a drink order, put it in, get the drinks, take the food order, put in then go to the next table. It doesn't work that way, no one would get fast and prompt service,"

You can. We have had servers go STRAIGHT to that computer terminal after taking food and drink orders. You have NO CLUE of WHAT the hell you are talking about. I have WATCHED servers DO IT. They don't hold a party's order in their hand making customers wait for their food longer by PURPOSELY DELAYING putting in orders like you and the servers like you.

"except for you (who is all you seem to care about)."

No, I care about being served FAIRLY, which means, if I have to wait longer for my turn, please let us wait longer as we should, so when it is our turn, we can have a FULL TURN by putting in our orders after you take them.

"My manager would beg to differ."

That's because your manager only cares about MAKING MONEY. They don't want the customers to leave, because they had to wait too long for a table. They would lose customers, which that is all they care about. They don't care about people's turns.

Also, it is more efficient in situations like if customers just asked for their check to get their check instead of buss a table. WHY you say:

1. Benefits the server from getting that table almost out of there faster so that table also can be bussed to make more money from the next customers faster.

2. Benefits the restaurant so that the new customers can be seated quicker as well by having 2 open tables that need bussing instead of making customers wait to leave, so they can't even pay or get their check until the server gets back from bringing dirty dishes.

By making us wait longer to leave, you make yourself not get more customers to make more money. By making us wait longer to leave, you make the customers wait longer in the waiting area. THAT IS TRUE.

For example if someone got their check, but you saw a table to buss, you would be better off ringing them up so then you could have 2 tables that much quicker more than likely vacant to be able to buss to get 2 new parties instead of just one party seated.

By you delaying putting in the order, you are making us stay longer as well. You don't realize that, do you? Sometimes it's the server's fault as to why we are sitting so long, because they PURPOSELY DELAYED getting what we ordered or asked for to buss a table of all things that can wait until after the order is put into the computer or wait until the person gets their check.

8:41 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"No one said you couldn't tip the Wendy's employee. If there is a rule against it, fine, those are the rules Wendy's made for Wendy's (not the bar down the street). You are allowed to tip the bartender and you should, period."

My mom tried to tip at McDonald's 2 times even and the cashiers said they weren't allowed to accept tips, that they could lose their jobs, but the cashier did offer if she wanted to put it in the Ronald McDonald Charity container she could. The cashiers can't accept tips at fast food restaurants(excluding Sonic, because they bring you your food to your car, which they can accept tips, which is NOT counter service what they are doing, that's DELIVERY, which gets tipped."

"You are allowed to tip the bartender and you should, period."

I tip for mixed drinks, not for beers unless I am actually being SERVED at the bar such as we order food or we actually are sitting. If we are just standing getting the stuff and no one is bringing the beer to us, WHY should we tip? You don't tip for the Wendy's cashier to fill a cup with coke and ice, WHY for less work? The Wendy's cashier didn't walk far just as if I am at a Nightclub or standing at the bar ordering a beer, I am not getting sit-down type of service as a lot of people call "A SIT-DOWN RESTAURANT", well I am not getting sit-down type of service to tip the same way that you do when you do dine in.

I shouldn't tip for less work than a cashier does. Even at a store, the cashier does more work than a bartender for no tip. We can't tip them either, can we? I am not talking about people that bring groceries to your car. That is delivery which gets tipped. I am talking about you bringing your own groceries or items to your car.

For a mixed drink, I tip if I get good, respectable, and fair service. If the bartender does what you do "Gives me a HALF-TURN" interrupting my turn for someone else's turn that was after me, they get a complete stiff for that drink.

"not the bar down the street)."

Just because a bar accepts tips, doesn't mean all bartenders deserve tips for every task they do. WHERE do you get they do? NO ONE is required to tip a bartender, PERIOD!!

"Not possible when the host stand is surround by twenty people."

I don't care if they had 50 people, it's possible, because you can MAKE IT POSSIBLE IF YOU CARED AND TRIED at least. You have an answer for everything don't you? IT IS POSSIBLE. You do it if you don't know who got seated first. It's a simple as that.

"Just because they were sat two seconds after your table doesn't mean they should wait an extra five minutes."

It should if we fully order when greeted or the customers ask questions, YES, people should get their FULL TURN and if that means the first table was HIGH MAINTENANCE.

You should make them wait 5 minutes if their turn isn't there yet. Just because they got seated 2 seconds after shouldn't mean you should delay customers orders 3 minutes or so getting their FULL ORDER and questions as well. THAT IS UNFAIR to do so. It's RUDE. If we were in the building first, we get pull rank before the second people that were seated 2 seconds after us.

"In the time I could tell them I would be right with them I could have gotten a drink order. There, two birds killed with one stone and only a few seconds longer."

NO, that's untrue even if they said just 2 cokes, a simple order. Also, what if they asked you questions, ordered an appetizer or appetizers, or even fully ordered?

No, it's not killing 2 birds with one stone. When we were at Outback years ago when a waiter was triple sat, which we happened to be first out the group of 3, the second table had 4 or 5 people, meaning, the more people, the LONGER they take to order more than likely. You are delaying the first people's stuff for unfairly. WHY should the first people take a hit in their time when they waited the longest to get seated?

8:42 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"I have now made the first table wait longer for their drinks because I had to make two trips to put in orders instead of one."

The first table gets their appetizer order quicker though, so delaying their drinks 30 seconds they would be willing to wait that if they were hungry. If you are so worried about people waiting longer for their drinks why suggest "This meant I went to one table, took drink orders, went to the next, took drink orders,then brought all the drinks out for these two tables."

Obviously, you aren't concerned with delaying the first table's drinks by actually FIXING the SECOND table's drinks nor are you concerned with it by getting their drink orders or even food orders or even questions they may ask you delaying the time it takes to get the drinks to the first table, but yet, you say this now, so what is up with that?

It would be more efficient to get the customers getting their food quicker to get the hell out of their faster to make YOU and the restaurant more money by putting in the order quicker. Getting the soft drinks or tea isn't going to get them out faster and it's going to delay their food from getting to them. I would rather personally have my food order put in so they can get started quicker on the food. An extra 30 seconds delay of my drink would be worth it. You would fix all those drinks and by the time then, you would have spent several MINUTES not putting in the appetizer order. The longer you wait to put in that order, the longer the customer waits for their food. The longer the kitchen staff has no clue to start making this particular order.

"Wouldn't you be upset if I took your dirnk order, went to put it in and came back out without your drinks to greet another table and didn't brings your drinks out until I brought theirs?"

But you said that is what you would do, here it is:

"This meant I went to one table, took drink orders, went to the next, took drink orders,then brought all the drinks out for these two tables."

You are saying you would do this, so WHAT is the problem here? You said you would do this, so WHY question me about something YOU DO?

"Wouldn't you prefer I stop at their table on the way to putting your drink order in and come back out with both?"

NO, because you would be delaying let's say a margarita from being made quicker by not putting that order in or an appetizer or if we fully ordered except for dessert).

WHY would I want you to delay my food and bar drinks from being made so you can greet another table? That makes NO SENSE. I would want you to put the order into the computer so your other staff members that make the food or mixed drinks/get beer can get started on their part faster. Meanwhile, after you put the order into the computer, you greeted the next table, then got all of the customer's drinks on the tray for both tables, handing them out in the order in which they ordered in.

"This is where it is better to drop of the second tables drinks first and tell them you will be back to take their order after dropping off the other drinks (this includes taking the first tables order). While dropping of the first tables drinks you take their order and everyone is happy and less time was wasted going back and forth. Remember, it's not being lazy it's being efficient."

No, it's being UNFAIR is what it is. Everyone isn't happy. Only the people that receive their drinks first that ordered second are. The first people are PISSED that they didn't get their drinks handed to them FIRST since they were first that their server was UNFAIR to their TURN.

It's not about time wasting when it comes to being fair, because the FIRST TABLE'S TIME IS WASTED GIVING THE SECOND TABLE THEIR DRINKS FIRST. We have wait seconds more unfairly so for our drinks. That IS wasting TIME FOR THE FIRST TABLE.

8:42 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"It makes more sense to grab both orders then put them into the computer in the order taken"

HOW? We have had real situations where our food/bar drink orders got delayed from being put into the computer several minutes with larger parties. A good example, ordered a dessert at Outback, then the waiter greeted a table of 9. The waiter at Outback COULD have done a mini-greet "I'll be right with you all" and go put that dessert order into the computer, but NO, delaying our dessert for 9 people is RUDE. That's almost like having several small parties cut in front of our turn. At some restaurants the servers make the desserts, so by him doing that, no server knew to start making our dessert, meanwhile making us wait longer to receive our dessert.

It makes more sense to get those orders STARTED or NEXT on the list so I could make more money if I were a server, because the longer the food or drinks take, the LONGER the customers sit, eating up MY MONEY I could be getting with more customers faster by getting them out quicker(of course talking about most people that do leave when they are finished).

It makes more sense to make the customers get their food/bar drinks that much quicker by putting in the orders quicker. It makes NO SENSE to HOLD their order in my hand and purposely delay their orders. WHY would you want to do that? That is MEAN.

That means also if you think about it, let's say I just ordered a margarita with salt on the rocks. A minute earlier, no one was sitting at the bar, now 2 ladies just arrived, guess what? They want margaritas too the same way, so now 2 orders are in front of my order all because of waiting that extra minute. See what I am saying? Waiting to put in the orders delays orders, therefore HOW can it make more sense to delay someone's order? Just because you can make one trip vs. 2 doesn't mean it's a QUICKER way when you think about it. It's not quicker for the first table to get their orders by doing it your way.

"which means the "first" table would still get ther order "first")."

NO, it depends on what and how they ordered their food. A person that orders a chicken sandwich with fries will most likely get their food before a person's well done steak. That's just common sense.

Let's say even if they would, SO WHAT? What does that have to do with making the first table wait unnecessarily longer? It's not the point that the customer will get their food first, but that they won't get as quickly as they SHOULD have. That is the point. 2 minutes is 2 more minutes you know?

"Taking more than one order before we put it in."

WHY delay the first party's order or if you are triple sat, even the second party's order? That's not efficient. Efficient is getting the customers their stuff as quickly as you can control, which putting in the order as soon as you can is something you can control unless obviously other people's orders that were ordered beforehand were ready or someone else asked for something before the order that was just given.

"We care about our customers"

If that were so, you'd care about their wait time for their food and bar drinks then. The longer you wait to put the orders in, the longer the people wait for their items.

"we care about our tip"

Obviously you don't, because if you did, you would rather get the customer their check faster, so you can make more money with a new set of customers quicker before another server gets seated with those customers all because of a couple of minutes of bussing a table, you lost out on another party you could have just had that tips very well for example.

"Things are not 100% in your control."

I know that, but things are in the server's control that can alter how long you wait for your food and bar drinks.

8:43 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"I wasn't talking about a table of nine. Of course I would put in an order for a table of two before taking a drink order for a large party. Since we were talking about smaller tables such as 2 or 4, it makes sense to just grab both orders and put them in the computer."

I was also talking about any amount of people in a party as well.

It doesn't make ANY SENSE to grab both orders, because I have personally seen this myself where a waitress goes to greet a couple once, she stayed there literally maybe 6 or 7 minutes answering questions, which we waited 9 mins. to get greeted altogether. It makes MORE sense not to RISK delaying someone's food and drinks that much time like that, because you have NO CLUE of WHAT THE HECK the customers are going to be asking you or telling you. You don't know. We have ordered completely when greeted before once when we waited 40 minutes for a table at Macaroni Grill. My husband ordered a wine, I ordered a margarita and a coke(don't like water when I go out to eat, because I drink enough water at home). We ordered an appetizer, side salads(I had to ask what came in their side salads, because there was no listing as MOST restaurant menus don't ever list what comes in side salads.) I am glad I did, because I found out they had olives, which I hate olives. I asked for 4 sides of ranch and she asked if a bowl was ok, I said yes. I added onions, because I don't think their salad comes with onions. This was our first time there. Anyway, we ordered entrées as well. Think of the TIME it took to take just a party of 2's orders like that. If she would have been double or triple sat, she wouldn't have greeted the next table until probably 3-4 minutes later at least and who knows if she would have gotten to us quickly if that would have been the case. In that case, I would do a mini-greet, go put all those orders into the computer so they can get started and go to the next table(let's say she would have been double sat). I would apologize for it taking so long and they'd probably want to fully order as well by the time I got to them more than likely.

My point is, even if you are in a small party, you can take up a LONG TIME, not just 20 seconds taking 2 coke orders. It's not always like that. You cannot guess that it will be very quickly. You have NO CLUE WHAT the customers will ask you or say.


7:50 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"It makes sense because it saves time (whether you chose to believe that or not) and it is not mean, it is smart. Oh, sorry, forgot you lacked that gene."

It doesn't save the FIRST PARTY'S TIME. THAT IS 100% FALSE. It takes MORE TIME to get the first party's food and bar drinks doing it your way. If the server is triple sat, it's only faster for the second and third tables. The FIRST TABLE GETS THE SHAFT!! They get the wait the longest for everything unnecessarily. WHY do that just because it may take less TIME in general for the other parties? WHAT ABOUT THE FIRST PARTY? WHY you don't ***CARE*** about THEIR TIME AND WAIT?

It IS MEAN, because if let's say Jane Doe served you and a significant other hypothetically, you all order an appetizer(mozzarella sticks) and 2 margaritas to start off with. She goes greet us. Let's say we do the same thing we did at Macaroni Grill. Guess what? Your 2 margaritas just got delayed big time from getting made since the bartender has NO FUCKING CLUE to START MAKING THEM OR EVEN NEXT ON THE LIST. Your appetizer just got delayed several minutes, due to questions, ordering a bunch of things at once, and some modifications. It makes MORE sense for me to have put in YOUR 2 margaritas and appetizer order. Then, go put in the order for that our table. Then, go check on the margaritas and get the second table's coke(I ordered a coke and margarita, my husband ordered a glass of wine). If the margarita for us wasn't ready yet, Jane Doe would bring out the 2 margaritas of y'all's and my coke, handing them out in the order in which they were taken in. I wouldn't hand the coke first. That would be UNFAIR. You both ordered first, so you should get your margaritas first. I would go right back to y'all's table and take y'all's food order. I would put your orders into the computer and check on y'all's appetizer. Bring that appetizer to you all. Ask if you need anything else. Then, check on the margarita and wine for our table. They were ready, so Jane Doe brings them. So on and so on….

"But we all know that if you had the steak and someone else who sat down after you got their chicken and fries you'd flip your lid because "YOU WERE FIRST!"

NO, because COOKING TIMES VARY. I usually order my bacon extra, extra crispy. Guess what? In order for it to be EXTRA, EXTRA CRISPY, they have to COOK IT LONGER. Same thing with a well done steak. I would NOT flip out about that. I would be made about something with the timing of my food if I know my server didn't put the order in right after they took it(not counting if someone else's food or request was ordered before us OF COURSE).

"Unnecessarily longer would be 5-10 minutes. We are talking about a few seconds maybe a minute. Like I said, if you are on such a time constraint that 1 minute means so much then you need to go to a fast food joint."

NO, unnecessarily longer is even 2-5 SECONDS even. If you have 2 parties drinks on a tray, even just a simple 2 seconds is UNNECESSARILY LONGER I don't have my drink. HOW can you not count SECONDS? When you are thirsty SECONDS COUNT.

Once, at Outback, we were first out of 3 tables. We ordered 2 cokes. Second table had like 4 or 5 people, third table had 2. He already took 3 minutes just to get to us. It took 10-11 minutes to get 2 cokes. He had all 3 table's drinks on a tray. Here's the thing that bugged me the most: He had the GALL to hand a lady at the SECOND TABLE HERS FIRST. It's the PRINCIPLE OF IT, NOT THE SECONDS AS MUCH. Seconds do count, but it's more about that WE WERE FIRST, WE WAITING THE LONGEST, SO GIVE US OUR SHIT FIRST out of COMMON DECENCY and RESPECT from one human being to another not letting the SECOND TABLE'S ORDER CUT in front of ours. Thankfully it was only one drink, but still, "HOW RUDE" as the one of Full House would say. It was rude. That bugged me with the fact that we waited 10-11 minutes for only 2 cokes with no appetizer ordered either nor even bar drinks.

7:50 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Like I said, if you are on such a time constraint that 1 minute means so much then you need to go to a fast food joint."

It's not about TIME CONSTRAINTS, it's all about treating us FAIRLY. I bet you don't like it when YOU get CUT IN FRONT OF IN A LINE, WHY DO IT TO SOMEONE ELSE? MOST people don't like to be CUT in front of or wait LONGER for ANYTHING.

"And sometimes this means greeting more than one table and getting more than one order before going to the back. Every situation is different so this may not be the right way to do it all the time but sometimes it is. Deal with it."

While I agree every situation is different such as when we fully ordered all that stuff at greeting time for example, that shouldn't mean you should treat your customers UNFAIRLY by not **CARING*** about their TIME since THEY WAITED THE VERY LONGEST DOING THINGS YOUR WAY.

"I do care, but I care about all my guests; not just who got sat first."

I NEVER said to not care about the other customers. I said to go in order. That means to not make the FIRST set of people wait the longest considering they were FIRST, they should wait the SHORTEST amount of time to get their orders into the computer. You shouldn't take 3 parties orders, even if they are only 2 people at each party without once going to the computer. What if we were the third table ordering like we did at Macaroni Grill. The first party of 2 would be waiting a long time for their appetizer(let's say they ordered that) and their bar drinks(let's say they ordered some). They waited LONGER than the other tables as far as how long you waited to put their orders in after taking them. The third table gets to get their order in almost immediately after taking their order. WHY is that FAIR or MORALLY RIGHT? It's NOT. It's CUTTING.

"In my eyes they are all spending money and all deserve fast efficient service"

If they all deserve fast service, WHY you giving the SHAFT to the FIRST party? That isn't FAST service if you are HOLDING IN YOUR HANDS their order until the other table or tables order their stuff. Especially, if a table or even 2 tables want to order FULLY, asking questions. You could be at 2 tables for 6-8 minutes, meanwhile, our appetizer and margarita orders for example would not be in the computer ALL THAT TIME 6-8 minutes worth. The bartender could have FINISHED my margarita in that amount of time possible depending on how many orders they had before me to fix.

In my eyes, you are ONLY CARING about the SECOND AND THIRD TABLES. You aren't giving efficient service to the first table. The first table gets the shit. Even the second table out of you being triple sat, gets some of the shaft due to the third table's time that was taken up that you could have put their order into the computer even.

The only people that gain time they UNFAIRLY shouldn’t have had doing things your way is the third table and partially the second table. The people that gain the most time is the third table.

"If you get your food in a timely manner, no matter how I did it, why do you care?"

Because I *****COULD HAVE RECEIVED IT MINUTES SOONER, EVEN SECONDS SOONER*** YOU IDIOT!! Are you stupid or what? If I can get my food or bar drinks 2 minutes faster, OF COURSE I WOULD,ANYONE WOULD. You are dumb to ask such as STUPID ASS QUESTION.

"and if we all did it your way that wait time would be waaaaay longer."

NO it wouldn't. How can you possible say that? If you went in order, the people would get their orders put into the computer right after taking it(assuming no other people's orders are ready or no one asked for anything before the current orders you just took).

HOW? It would be WAYYYY THE FUCK SHORTER. I would receive my margarita minutes sooner. If you would hand the drinks off the tray in the correct order, I could get my drinks SECONDS SOONER.

I have had more times where the servers didn't go in order than did. Sometimes, we were the ones getting the items unfairly, but I cannot control what they do.

7:51 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"The only person I've ever heard of who would be pissed off about this is you. I've served tables for 5 years and have never had a complaint or a deduction in my tip because of the order in which I dropped off drinks."

HOW do you know what reasons they deducted from your tip? You don't know.

I am pissed about that, because it's RUDE when it's YOUR stuff getting delayed, especially if you waited a long time(once waited 16 minutes from getting seated to get a coke and a margarita for me, then a tea for my husband from being seated.) Not only did she have PLENTY of time that could have gotten the coke and tea way before that time, because she wasn't double or triple sat nor was she in the bathroom(she did have time to pick up dirty dishes may I ADD), but she had the GALL to hand the booth in front of us their drinks before ours when they weren't even there when we ordered or seated. That booth wasn't even bussed yet when we had gotten seated. When you wait that long, I would think it would piss people off A LOT MORE than getting their drinks in a more timely fashion, wouldn't you say?

I would say I am pissed about it when I have waited a long time like 10 or more minutes to get drinks, especially soft drinks that in most restaurants are in the server's control to get.

"How much time? 15 seconds? Why is that such a big deal to you?"

When you wait a LONG TIME, it's a BIG DEAL a few seconds even. Also, it's a big deal that it's more about the PRINCIPLE of it that WE WERE FIRST, THEY WERE SECOND, so NO CUTTING if you want to have a respectable tip, RESPECT OUR TIME. WE WAITED LONGER THAN THE OTHER PEOPLE SO WHY SHOULDN'T WE GET OUR STUFF HANDING TO US OFF THE TRAY IN ORDER?

Once, waited about 45 minutes or so for our entrées at Red Lobster. This bitch waitress(which I know the servers make the side salads), she had on the tray OUR 2 entrées that we had beeennnnnn waiting for and another couple's side salads that weren’t even seated yet when we placed our entrée orders. Anyway, she had the GALL to not bypass their table and give them their side salads BEFORE our hot food. She got a dollar tip. THAT WAS FUCKING ASS RUDE AS ALL HELL WAITING ALL THAT TIME AND THEN DISING OUR TURN LIKE THAT, FUCK HER!! We waited from around 11:15 to around a little after 12. She sucked otherwise as well. I asked for a box, the check, and some containers for the condiments. What does she do? Gets the box and containers, making us wait to leave for around 5 minutes before getting the check, which during that time I saw she got 4 teas for another table making us wait longer to leave. People wonder why they have a shitty tip, well look at HOW YOU TREATED US. IT WAS OUR TURN to get our entrées and our check. She should have just delivered the check with the boxes and container, which would have been more efficient anyways making one trip. I couldn't have FATHOMED giving customers side salads before someone's hot food. Even if the servers didn't make the side salads, it's common sense it takes longer to get hot food than to make a side salad, that anyone that had common sense would know WHO ordered FIRST.

Even though it was probably 10-15 seconds delay, it was RUDE. IT IS A BIG DEAL WHEN YOU WAIT LONG TIME FOR SOMETHING FOR A SERVER TO DO THAT TO YOU.

"therefore it is not unfair to tip the bar because you are allowed to."

NO, being ALLOWED to do something doesn't make something be FAIR all of a sudden. I am allowed to tip at Dominos and Pizza Hut when I go PICK UP my pizza order, yet, that doesn’t make it fair to tip them, but not the fast food cashier doing the same or less amount of work.

Just because you can ACCEPT tips doesn't make it FAIR that you get more money from a customer to flip a cap essentially. It's UNFAIR to ALL HUMAN BEINGS SERVING FOOD AND DRINKS TO TIP ONE, BUT NOT THE OTHER. Being allowed to do something has NOTHING to do with being FAIR. Fair means EQUALLY DISTRIBUTED. Remember the definitions I posted?

7:51 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"The bartender didn't get a job at wendy's or mcdonalds so why should their tips be affected because you can't tip the wendy's employee?"

Because it's not fair to tip one human being and not the other for doing LESS OR THE SAME WORK. It doesn't matter if the bartender didn't get a job at the places they don't allow tips. That is MEANLINGLESS to TREATING ALL HUMAN BEINGS THAT SERVE FOOD AND DRINKS AS FAR AS COUNTER SERVICE GOES TO TREAT ALL OF THE, **********ALL*************** OF THEM EXACTLY THE *(*(*SAME***))) WAY. THAT WOULD BE FAIR TO TREAT THEM ALL THE SAME WAY. We can't tip a Wendy's cashier for filling a cup with ice and root beer, WHY should we tip a bartender at a nightclub for handing filling a cup with draft beer? The bartender did LESS WORK, because no ice was in involved and there is a lot of fizz in root beer as well. WHY would it be fair to tip the bartender, but not the Wendy's cashier for doing MORE WORK than that bartender did? WHY aren't you looking at it from ALL HUMAN BEINGS PROSPECTIVE THAT DOES THIS TYPE OF WORK(serving food and drinks at a counter essentially)?

"you aren't supposed to tip cashiers at stores but you are supposed to tip bartenders. You just dont' like playing by the rules I guess."

You don't have to tip ANYONE if you don't want to unless automatic gratuity is added or a service charge is added. NO LAW that states I have to tip a bartender EVER. It's not RULES. There are no TIPPING RULES. People tip what they want to tip.

"There you go talking about yourself again..."

NO, this is ANY party that orders fully when greeted or ask lots of questions when greeted. It's not just about us.

"Why do you go out to eat if you care so much about time?"

WHY do you think you idiot? FOOD, DRINKS(I like to drink), BEING OUT WITH MY HUSBAND, JUST BEING OUT SOMEWHERE, etc.

Some servers do go in order and that's the ones we like and some of the places we frequent, I request certain servers that are good to us and request not to have certain servers we don't like that aren't good to us.

"Not every moment or scenario can be treated the exact same way."

I do agree with that, but at the same time, you should TRY to go in order if you can.

:"No she cares about the guest too. You can't argue this because you don't know her or her motives. You lose :o)"

I wasn't just talking about HER per say, I was also taking about other managers as well.

"Of course. Any good server would know that."

Then WHY do they have servers that are stupid out there making you wait for your check and buss a table instead? They aren't even thinking about their money obviously.

7:51 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

Isn't funny you NEVER once answered my question about "WHY DO WE WAIT FOR A TABLE IN ORDER OF ARRIVAL(in the sense that it is possible(such as a party of 5 can't fit in a 2-seater booth or there are not special request) if people didn't go in order and not CUT, HUH? Obviously, EVERYWHERE except hospitals you go in order of arrival. WHY be the one to not be fair when it comes to serving customers and give the FIRST table the shaft ALL THE FUCKING TIME? It's enough that the first table has to endure waiting for the server to get all the drinks on the tray for all the tables, which that is because if the server didn't do things that way, the third table wouldn't be greeted until 15 minutes later or so probably, so that's why you have to do things like that, which is OUT OF ORDER, but at least have the fucking common decency to HAND the drinks out from the tray in the order in which they were taken in. That's not too much to ask. Honestly, we shouldn't have had to wait 10-11 minutes for 2 cokes, but we did due to the waiter had to serve 3 tables, which were all ready to be greeted at almost the same time, so in order for the customers not to leave, the server has to greet them in a timely fashion. I understand that, but I don't understand is handing out in the wrong order. While I know WHY, because the first table gets their last so they can order their food, but it's unfair. Each time this happened, we saw what was going on and that the server was triple sat. The other customers have a set of eyes too and can see that. The server just says right when they are handing the drinks out, that they were triple sat and they will take the customer's food order in the order in which they were seated. That way, no customers can say they want to order. It's unfair to make customers wait seconds more unfairly. I am pretty sure that Outback waiter by accident grabbed the lady at the second table's drink off the tray but he could have sat it back down on the tray once he saw what he did as **I** would have. I would and couldn't FATHOM handed out things off a tray in the wrong order. You know who ordered first, so don't DIS somebody's turn.

Just as it would be rude of a customer to interrupt a server taking an order to ask let's say for a refill, well that's the same thing to me. It's RUDE to CUT and that is what the customer would be doing if they went up to the server while taking another table's order to ask for a refill. It's rude to hand out things in the wrong order.

The times when servers did things in our favor as far as turns(in the wrong order in our favor), we gave bonus points in the tip. That's the only thing I can do to say "thank you" for giving us faster service than what we were supposed to have had.

A LOT of the time though, the servers don't do things in the order in which they came in.


WHY DO WE WAIT FOR A TABLE IN ORDER OF ARRIVAL IF WE DON'T JUST CARE ABOUT THE FIRST PARTY? Obviously, they care about the next party each time they seat people. It goes a turn by turn basis as it should as much as they possibly can(meaning no special request or larger party that can't fit into a small booth or at a small table).

"How much time? 15 seconds? Why is that such a big deal to you?"

I don't care if it's 2 seconds, it's a big deal when your server that you will be giving "GRATITUDE" to let's people CUT. That's to me a stab in the back; kind of like giving you the middle finger when you haven't done anything wrong to them.

8:51 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"The world doesn't revolve around you."

The world doesn't revolve around bartenders TIPS!! GOT THAT ASSHOLE?

The world doesn't revolve around you bartenders.


"Bartending is much harder work than working at a fucking McDonalds."

I agree with you on only as far as certain things they do such as making a mixed drink(such as a margarita on the rocks with salt or a pina colada). I DO NOT agree on EVERY scenario. You grab a beer and flip a cap, well that's LESS work than a MCDONALD'S CASHIER DOES!! THAT IS THE GOD'S TRUTH!!

Also, some McDonald's cashiers have given me BETTER customer service than bartenders by serving in the order in which people came in to be fair and MORALLY RIGHT!!

Tell me if you honestly think grabbing a beer from the refridgerator and flipping the cap is a lot of work? Also, filling a plastic cup at a nightclub with draft beer is EXACTLY like filling it with a root beer(comparing a more fizzer soft drink than coke) without ice, so in actuality, a root beer is MORE WORK to fill it with ice and root beer vs. a beer with no ice.

So quit trying to act like they much harder workers when sometimes they TRULY AREN'T YOU IDIOTIC STUPID FOOL!! FUCK YOU BITCH!! FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOU!!

"Being the customer does not always make you right."

That is 100% true, being a customer doesn't make me be right. I have been wrong before. I never said I was perfect, NO ONE IS!!

What makes me right is if I can PROVE being right.

A good example, a price on a menu vs. the computer price. The menu is what I order from, so that is the one that is correct, not the computer price. I would have physical proof of the wrong price to show I am right.

"your children (if you have any)."

Don't have any children, don't want any. I like my freedom to be able to do what I want, when I want.

"I hope you get cancer."

In all honestly, that one might bite you on the ass one day. Honestly, I don't hope even my worst enemy gets cancer. I am not evil like you are. You are REALLY AN EVIL PERSON!! You have a mental issue that you think people should die, get raped, and have cancer.

7:55 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"The world doesn't revolve around you."

The world doesn't revolve around bartenders TIPS!! GOT THAT ASSHOLE?

The world doesn't revolve around you bartenders.


"Bartending is much harder work than working at a fucking McDonalds."

I agree with you on only as far as certain things they do such as making a mixed drink(such as a margarita on the rocks with salt or a pina colada). I DO NOT agree on EVERY scenario. You grab a beer and flip a cap, well that's LESS work than a MCDONALD'S CASHIER DOES!! THAT IS THE GOD'S TRUTH!!

Also, some McDonald's cashiers have given me BETTER customer service than bartenders by serving in the order in which people came in to be fair and MORALLY RIGHT!!

Tell me if you honestly think grabbing a beer from the refridgerator and flipping the cap is a lot of work? Also, filling a plastic cup at a nightclub with draft beer is EXACTLY like filling it with a root beer(comparing a more fizzer soft drink than coke) without ice, so in actuality, a root beer is MORE WORK to fill it with ice and root beer vs. a beer with no ice.

So quit trying to act like they much harder workers when sometimes they TRULY AREN'T YOU IDIOTIC STUPID FOOL!! FUCK YOU BITCH!! FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOU!!

"Being the customer does not always make you right."

That is 100% true, being a customer doesn't make me be right. I have been wrong before. I never said I was perfect, NO ONE IS!!

What makes me right is if I can PROVE being right.

A good example, a price on a menu vs. the computer price. The menu is what I order from, so that is the one that is correct, not the computer price. I would have physical proof of the wrong price to show I am right.

"your children (if you have any)."

Don't have any children, don't want any. I like my freedom to be able to do what I want, when I want.

"I hope you get cancer."

In all honestly, that one might bite you on the ass one day. Honestly, I don't hope even my worst enemy gets cancer. I am not evil like you are. You are REALLY AN EVIL PERSON!! You have a mental issue that you think people should die, get raped, and have cancer.

7:55 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"The world doesn't revolve around you."

The world doesn't revolve around bartenders TIPS!! GOT THAT ASSHOLE?

The world doesn't revolve around you bartenders.


"Bartending is much harder work than working at a fucking McDonalds."

I agree with you on only as far as certain things they do such as making a mixed drink(such as a margarita on the rocks with salt or a pina colada). I DO NOT agree on EVERY scenario. You grab a beer and flip a cap, well that's LESS work than a MCDONALD'S CASHIER DOES!! THAT IS THE GOD'S TRUTH!!

Also, some McDonald's cashiers have given me BETTER customer service than bartenders by serving in the order in which people came in to be fair and MORALLY RIGHT!!

Tell me if you honestly think grabbing a beer from the refrigerator and flipping the cap is a lot of work? Also, filling a plastic cup at a nightclub with draft beer is EXACTLY like filling it with a root beer(comparing a more fizzer soft drink than coke) without ice, so in actuality, a root beer is MORE WORK to fill it with ice and root beer vs. a beer with no ice.

So quit trying to act like they much harder workers when sometimes they TRULY AREN'T YOU IDIOTIC STUPID FOOL!! FUCK YOU BITCH!! FUCK YOU!! FUCK YOU!!

"Being the customer does not always make you right."

That is 100% true, being a customer doesn't make me be right. I have been wrong before. I never said I was perfect, NO ONE IS!!

What makes me right is if I can PROVE being right.

A good example, a price on a menu vs. the computer price. The menu is what I order from, so that is the one that is correct, not the computer price. I would have physical proof of the wrong price to show I am right.

"your children (if you have any)."

Don't have any children, don't want any. I like my freedom to be able to do what I want, when I want.

"I hope you get cancer."

In all honestly, that one might bite you on the ass one day. Honestly, I don't hope even my worst enemy gets cancer. I am not evil like you are. You are REALLY AN EVIL PERSON!! You have a mental issue that you think people should die, get raped, and have cancer.

7:57 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"I hate you."

WHY? You don't even know me. Is it because you want to be unfair and lazy?

"You know absolutely nothing about customer service. It's to please the customers within corporate/company policies."

NO, YOU DON'T, because customer service is to please *YOU* as a customer if you want a GOOD TIP and if the company wants the customers to come back.

"Also, service, it's not free. You want free, stay home."

Actually, it's OPTIONAL as far as the LAW is concerned unless you are in a large party where automatic gratuity is added.

I don't want it free. WHOEVER said I did? I am willing to pay you well, but you have to be willing to serve me well and be fair.

"I read most of your blogs, realized that you're an uneducated lazy. If you can't cook, learn how to cook."

You are. If you are saying you hate me, it seems you are lazy, not me to tell me that. I really don't know of a reason why you are saying you hate me?

As far as cooking, what does this have to do with a bartender if I am not ordering food?

Yes, I am lazy with cooking, but not on my job I sure am not. At the donut shop/diner I worked for in 1998, I got a raise within a month and a half of working there. You don't call that lazy to have a 35 cent raise on your very first job that quickly, do you?

I am not lazy with my jobs that I am getting PAID for though. I am also no lazy with housework either such as cleaning or laundry or grocery shopping.

"That's not something to brag about, its unhealthy."

So are YOU that healthy? Just curious as to if you are a hypocrite or not?

"Please, do not follow up with a comment."

I can write what I want, it's MY BLOG, NOT YOURS!!

"make sure it's a fact shared BY the majority, because no one cares about the minority of bullshits."

Then you won't please all, just some. Why not please all? Are you too lazy to ask questions? I guess you don't want to make good tips from ALL, do you? Obviously, they do care about minorities since there are people out there that feel like me, there are and YOU KNOW THAT IS THE GOD'S TRUTH!!

6:18 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Ding, Ding, Ding we have a winner. Basically, you just want free food. You're an asshole."


I can't make them not send me money IDIOT. I have turned down MANY TIMES MONEY if you must know Ms. KNOW-IT-ALL!!

7:53 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"You don't seem to be very understanding."

You don't, because EVERYONE has problems. Some worst than others. The thing is, do *YOU* care about your customer's personal financial issues in that if they couldn't afford to tip you? I sure as hell don't think you do, do you?

"My husband died in combat, I have two children (my youngest never met her father), I returned. To college so I could better our futures. I have worked nights at a bar for three years."

So? Do you care about our personal issues? You don't, so SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

This is NOT a PERSONAL ISSUE, it's a ****JOB******, so putting your PERSONAL ISSUES into it has NOTHING, ZERO to do with the AMOUNT OF WORK you put into the job for example grabbing a beer and flipping a cap.

WHY you keep mentioning personal issues when you aren't concerned about the CUSTOMER'S PERSONAL ISSUES, ARE YOU?

"If the phone rings it takes priority over all else because I have children at home"


First off, the phone rings for personal issues, that should be the LAST thing you should be dealing with your JOB is the first thing you should be dealing with, NOT that. You are on a JOB, NOT PLAYTIME.

"My youngest has a rare disease with many complications so believe me when I say that I don't want a phone call in the middle of making a drink for you my the sacred customer anymore then you do."

Don't take this job then if you can't do it "MORALLY RIGHT!!"

You want someone's money, but put them LAST, WTF???? You make NO SENSE at all, NONE!!

"Bartenders do not usually make minimum wage."

A lot do make at least $5 an hour. I know, I have had some tell me.

That's more than a server makes and actually is about what I started making at the donut shop/diner I worked back in 1998 as counter help I started at $5.15/hr plus tips.

"McDonalds employees do."

If the amount of work was less, SO FUCKING WHAT? The work I received was LESS than I was tipping the McDonald's person, ZERO when that person did MORE for me for NO TIP, HOW THE FUCK IS THAT *FAIR* OR *MORALLY RIGHT FOR ME TO TIP YOU FOR FLIPPING A CAP, BUT NOT TIP THEM, HUH?

"I didnt just open a beer for you. I took inventory, I made orders, I stocked the coolers in the front (carrying cases of beer with arthritis in both wrist is very painful), I opened the beer, handled payment of the beer."

I didn't receive a tip at the donut shop/diner for restocking or taking king cake inventory during king cake season or taking payment. That's all stuff that's not part of tipping. Inventory and restocking can be done without************ANY************* customer around, meaning, HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU CALL THAT "SERVICE" if you aren't doing anything for that person, huh? You would be restocking anyway for the business itself.

Flipping a cap is NOT service, that's less work than a fast food worker does for NO tip. That's UNFAIR for you to get a tip for less work and them to buss their ass putting my sandwich together or even bagging my food or filling coke at the mall with ice is more work. They did more and I can't tip them, WHY the hell is it FAIR to tip you for such LITTLE effort? Your employer is not paying you enough, go work somewhere else.

You say "I stay because the money is usually great", well if that's the case WTF ARE YOU *******COMPLAINING********** THEN? You don't need my damn dollar then, do you SELFISH BITCH!!

Continued next posts:

8:07 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Proper etiquette would be one dolar per drink."

PER MIXED DRINK, NOT FLIPPING A CAP, something you actually have ******LABOR******* IN. Grabbing a beer and flipping a cap is NOT much labor at all.

Even on a draft beer, that's just as much work as giving me a ROOT beer at McDonald's in the mall when they have to put ICE(an extra step) and deal with more fizz than than coke.

"I've accidently been knocked out during a bar fight, almost raped, sexually harassed, and wake up in pain every morning."

If the pay is worth all of that, stay. I personally don't think my life would be worth all of that to stay. Obviously, you don't need my money to withstand that crap. I don't feel ANY amount of money would be worth all of that.
"Tipping a dollar may mean the difference between great service the rest of the night and shitty service."

HOW, you are just flipping a cap? There's not much service.

"More times then not this is a direct result of a custumers attitude."

NO, most of the time the bartenders will go OUT OF ORDER.

A good example, a bartender was in the middle of making my white russian(all she had to do was shake it), which a guy comes in and instead of saying as I would(ANY DECENT HUMAN BEING WOULD) "I'll be right with you", NO she takes his order, gets his beer and even rings it up, which she has a hard to finding the buttons(seems new to the register). Btw, we left a tab and I had a drink right before that one so I didn't get to tip yet and no one knew us at this bar.

My point is, I don't get why bartenders want a good tip, but don't want to go in the order in which people came in? Do you like it when someone cuts in front of YOUR TURN? Don't do it to us then, then expect a tip. I tipped a dollar for the one drink I had and nothing for the second by just tipping a dollar instead of $2 or $3 on my credit card. WHY? She let my drink sit and served him completely before serving me when I asked for what I asked for BEFORE he walked in even. You want a fair tip, you have to be fair to us. Treat us as if that were your turn. I doubt you want to be cut in front of. Everyone has turns.

8:07 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"My husband died in combat, I have two children (my youngest never met her father), I returned. To college so I could better our futures. I have worked nights at a bar for three years."

Another thing, you CHOSE to have kids. No one made you have any.

You also chose to have a husband that was in the service. You chose to date and marry a person in the service that can get hurt or killed more likely.

These are ALL YOUR OWN CHOICES. Don't punish customers for YOUR CHOICES!!

8:12 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

b or Becca whichever person you decide to be:

"you are a horrible person."


"I hope I never see your face in a restaurant."

The feeling is MUTUAL I hope I NEVER get served by a CUTTER LIKE YOU that wants the tip, but doesn't want to be *FAIR* with their customers.

"you really need to take some time and actually be a server or bartender to know what it's like to do our job."

I know that being *FAIR* is the "MORALLY RIGHT" thing to do and I couldn't "EXPECT" a TIP OR A GOOD TIP if I let cutting happen.

"It's a lot harder than you think"

I know it's HARD, I NEVER SAID IT WASN'T BY A LONG SHOT! The thing is, with bartenders, they actually get to chit chat with customers, which is LESS WORK than servers do honestly. Most servers do NOT have TIME to chit chat much with their customers. THAT IS THE GOD'S TRUTH AND YOU KNOW IT!!

That doesn't mean CUTTING is the right way to do things when EVERYWHERE ELSE except ER(a real reason, because of life or death) you have to wait *YOUR TURN*.

"when we have to deal with bitches like you,"

HOW am I a bitch just because I want good service for my money, huh? HOW am "I" the bitch when *YOU* think CUTTING IS OK to do, huh? THAT IS *YOU* that's the bitch, NOT ME. I HOPE you get cut in front of, I really REALLY do.

"you become our lowest priority, so that's probably why you're getting "bad" service."

HOW when I am NICE? If anything, I am MUCH NICER to the servers and bartenders than they are to me. I tell them "thank you" when they don't say they are sorry when they mess up.

"also, there is nothing wrong with a lot of the things you're saying"


Like what in your opinion, huh?

"you have high, unrealistic standards when you go out."

HOW is it "unrealistic" when I have PERFECT SERVICE LOTS AND LOTS OF TIMES, huh? It's because the servers are HARD WORKERS, that's why.

"1. don't go to applebee's and outback because they're chains that ultimately don't give a shit about you,"

You don't get it, do you? We have been to FINE DINING restaurants that had given us MUCH ****WORSE*** service than places like that. We have had 30% type of service from Outback and Applebee's before. It all depends on the *SERVER* serving you STUPID IDIOT. YOU ARE STUPID, YOU REALLY ARE. It all depends on if the person is HARD WORKER AND CARING OR NOT. Sometimes things can go wrong, it's all about HOW YOU HANDLE the issue that makes or breaks the experience as well as the tip.

"2. if you're so picky and demanding, you should just stay home and make your own drinks since apparently no one out there is good enough to do it for you."

I don't have access to the sour mixes that the RESTAURANTS use for example(I am a margarita person). I have also tried to make my own white russians using half & half and following different recipes, I can't make it the way the bartenders do. Not every bartender makes it good either.

I also like just being out and about. I like having conversation with my bartender WHEN they have the time to when there are no new orders.

Continued next posts:

4:41 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

b or Becca whichever person you decide to be:

"if the bartender gets a beer for someone before your white russian, it's because you're white russian takes a hell lot longer to make. they're doing things in a timely fashion to keep customers happy. the 15 seconds, if that, it takes to open a bottle isn't really taking the "precious" time away from making your white russian. it's one thing if they make a martini, pour shots, etc in front of your order. but if you're really going to leave zero tip next time you have to wait an extra 10 seconds, then fuck you. next time you won't get served at all."

If I wait in line at Wendy's in front of someone that orders 4 combos, I have to wait MY TURN to even PLACE my order to get a frosty that takes MUCH LESS TIME. WHY is this ***ANY*** FUCKING ASS DIFFERENT THAN THAT, HUH?

It's *********NOT***************!!

WHY do you feel that the person that orders the beer is *MORE* IMPORTANT than my order just because it takes less time, huh?

Also, WHY should **MY** 15-30 seconds be COMPROMISED FOR someone that came *AFTER* me that waited LESS TIME to place their order, huh? THAT'S NOT FAIR, IT'S NOT!!

It IS VERY MUCH FAIR to make that person wait their turn just as i have to do at Wendy's to place my order for my frosty as it is for the person at the bar to wait "THEIR TURN" to get their beer *AFTER* my white russian.

We have to do it EVERYWHERE ELSE except for the ER(for good reason), WHY should this be *ANY* different that I *RESPECT* more at a place I don't tip than a place I do tip, huh? That makes NO SENSE what-so-ever. If you expect a tip, don't you think you have to be ************FAIR**************, huh? Cutting is NOT NICE, IT'S NOT. I don't know WHERE you get that it's NICE to think about the next person that is waiting their turn when the first person just ordered? WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE YOU to think cutting is fair, huh?

WHY should I have to wait longer just because someone after me wants something that takes less time, huh? Even if I am the person only ordering a beer, I should wait *********MY FUCKING ASS TURN LIKE EVERYWHERE ELSE(except for ER). WHY should it be "DIFFERENT" when it's bartending, but if I go to ANYWHERE, a store like Wal-mart they don't go out of order, they take you as you go even if the second person in line has 2 items, the first person in line has 20 items, the second person has to wait their turn as it ***********SHOULD**************** be and it ***********IS********** VERY MUCH FAIR since that person that has 20 items shouldn't have their time *COMPROMISED* when they were first. WHY is the person that has less get to act like they are GOD OR SOMETHING like they are more important when EVERYWHERE ELSE(besides ER) it's not like that?



"you need to stop posting entries to your blog until you work in the restaurant industry."

I don't need to work in the industry to KNOW how to do the job better than most servers. I have ***PROVED*** it to managers and servers things like how to do the job better so they wouldn't mess up such as knowing the menu BETTER than they did or bringing out DUH mistakes to the table that I didn't have to touch to notice they were wrong.



"you have become the laughing stock to all servers and bartenders."



4:42 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

b or Becca whichever person you decide to be:

Why should someone get "BETTER" service at Wendy's or Wal-mart for NO TIPPING as far as the first person goes than someone that is tipping, huh?

That makes NO SENSE that if you expect a tip, you shouldn't do something morally wrong like cutting. You don't see that, huh?

Cutting is wrong.

There have been PLENTY of times where it was *ME* waiting such as I remember all I wanted was a coke, but the people in front of me at Burger King ordered a bunch of kids meals and such. I waited a good 4-5 minutes at LEAST. The thing is, WHY should that family have their time *COMPROMISED* when my time is not any more important than theirs that they shouldn't have to wait longer since they were first?

WHY should people get to cut when they don't anywhere else that doesn't involve emergencies, huh?

I wait for a table even in order in which I came in, in terms of what I ask for such as obviously I can't go to a 2-seater booth if I have a party of 6, so that person would be able to be seated before me, but that's only because my party is to large to fit in a 2-seater booth. So that's fair. What would be unfair would be if I had a party of 2, but the people that were in the back of me would be seated before us, which it doesn't go that way even there. It goes in the ORDER in which people came in. Even if it's not a physical literally line. Even at the DMV, you take a number, they go in order in which thing you need such as license renewal you have to wait for that line. There is no cutting *******ANYWHERE*********** ELSE(except for ER) with NO tipping involved, which gets MORE RESPECT than tipping.

It's only the second person that benefits from it and it's UNFAIR. If someone is first, someone is first. That's *THEIR* TURN, THEIR PERSONAL TIME. WHY THE FUCK SHOULD IT BE COMPROMISED?

Why you said: "but if you're really going to leave zero tip next time you have to wait an extra 10 seconds, then fuck you."

WHY should I have to wait 15 or so more seconds huh? Also, it's the **********PRINCIPLE*********** of it. I don't care if it took one more second, it's the PRINCIPLE of it that it is CUTTING and that it is UNFAIR to do that.

I have tipped a dollar to a Red Lobster waitress that decided to hand out 2 side salads off the *SAME TRAY* as our entrées, when we ordered our entrées WAYYYY *******BEFORE****** those people even were in the building even. That was only approx. 10-15 seconds at the most. That was **********OUR************** 10-15 seconds, NOT THEIRS. I saw those people weren't there. We were there early like 11:15a.m., so it was easy to see who was there and who wasn't. Plus, common sense would tell you DUH entrées take MUCH MORE TIME to prepare than side salads, DUHH.

The fact that she was *LETTING THEM CUT IN FRONT OF OUR TURN* is 100% TOTAL ********DISRESPECT********** and is WRONG. I bet she wouldn't like it if someone cut in front of her at a store or when she was hungry. Most people WOULD speak up. I have seen it once at Walgreens even where this lady told another lady she cut.

WE ALL HAVE **********TURNS*********!!

I don't care if it takes ONE extra second, cutting is ********WRONG******** is the entire thing about it that pisses me the fuck off. I have to wait my turn sometimes much longer than what it takes to get what I need, but we ALL have to do it, so why should I get better service when I am first everywhere else, but when I tip, I should get worst service in your opinion? WHY is that, huh?

Continued next posts:

5:05 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

b or Becca or whatever you go by:

That person is going to tip for the damn beer or not tip anyways most likely no matter how fast you are. I have even told a bartender once that it was that person's turn in front of me, because I have a ********HEART**********, you don't. You think cutting is OK when it's *NOT*!! NO ONE wants to be cut in front of, NOBODY!!

We all wait our turn and that's how it's SUPPOSED TO BE, unless you are in the ER, because that has to do with life or death, but everywhere else we all have TURNS. WHY do you feel it should go SOOOO FUCKING DIFFERENT than the rest of SOCIETY'S PLACES WE GO HUH? What makes bartenders not act like it's a line that people have turns, huh? It is SELFISHNESS that you only think about YOUR PRECIOUS tip when most people don't tip for beers compared to mixed drinks because they are MUCH MORE WORK mixed drinks. Get a dollar for a beer when I can give you $2 or $3 for that mixed drink that took more work. WHY would you cater to the person that came after me to make less, huh? That's just stupid. You act like the person that is first that asked for a mixed drink is supposed to have to wait longer when they aren't supposed to have to. That's wrong, it's WRONG, IT'S ******WRONG*********!! WHY can't you just admit you are wrong, huh?


5:06 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

b or Becca whichever person you decide to be:

One question:

WHY don't you have *******RESPECT******* for the FIRST PERSON'S TIME, huh? WHY the SECOND person's time should be altered even a second when the first person's time matters too, NOT just the second person?

WHY should the first person's time be altered by 15 seconds, huh? WHY do you feel that's OK and that the SECOND person's time is somehow MORE IMPORTANT than the first person's time, huh?

This is how I would bartend: First person orders a white russian. I am in the middle of making it pouring the kahlua, didn't get the vodka yet. Another customer walks up. I'd tell them "I will be with you in a moment." I'd finish making the white russian. If the person wanted to pay then, I'd ring them up too. If they were just sitting at the bar keeping a tab, then I'd still ring it in so I wouldn't forget to charge the customer, but I wouldn't have to fully charge them yet since they wouldn't be ready. THEN, I would say "May I help you" to the second person that only wanted a beer.

I'd do the right thing. WHY you wouldn't? It's only fair that he waits his turn even if his turn takes less time, because I have to do it ****************EVERYWHERE ELSE**********, SO WHY at a place that we don't tip, it's OK for you to DISRESPECT THE FIRST PERSON'S turn by doing something morally wrong which is cutting, huh?

If your way was the "right" way, EVERYWHERE ELSE(except ER) would be like that, but it's not. DMV is not, STORES are not, Fast food is not, WAITING for a TABLE is not, etc.

YOUR WAY IS THE MORALLY WRONG WAY!! Also, it isn't fair even if everywhere else did it your way, because the first person's time would be "PUNISHED" for the second person. WHY is that fair, huh?

It's NOT!! The thing is, it's NOT everywhere like your way, it's the way I am saying that you wait your turn. How about that, I am right, you are wrong, how about that, huh?

5:14 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

b or Becca:

"they're doing things in a timely fashion to keep customers happy. the 15 seconds"

HOW does that make the ***********FIRST********* person happy, huh? IT DOESN'T IDIOT!! FUCK YOU!!

"if that, it takes to open a bottle isn't really taking the "precious" time away from making your white russian.


"if the bartender gets a beer for someone before your white russian, it's because you're white russian takes a hell lot longer to make."

I don't see WHY that matters when EVERYWHERE ELSE THAT DOESN'T MATTER?

5:18 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

b or Becca
"if the bartender gets a beer for someone before your white russian, it's because you're white russian takes a hell lot longer to make."

If Jane Doe is at a store with 40 items in her grocery basket, I have 3, I have to wait behind her. I have to wait for "MY" turn if she doesn't invite me to get in front of her.

That's another good example of how it's "FAIR" when someone has to wait A LOT LONGER in line for their 3 items.

As I said before, ******EVERYWHERE ELSE(besides ER) you have to wait YOUR TURN even though you have something that takes LESS TIME to make if you are second or third in line.

5:24 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"That's probably how u survive is. By going out & complaining to get free shit."

NO, I have actually *TURNED DOWN* at times free stuff. All I truly want is to have ******PERFECT SERVICE***** with ******NO PROBLEMS AT ALL OR IF I DO, it's TINY PROBLEMS.

You don't understand all I want is to be *HAPPY* in my service, that's all.

I'd rather pay for EVERY SINGLE THING and give you 30% plus than to stiff you and get free meals just to save money.

"That beer is still being rang into the til under their name so at the end of the day they are being taxed for that sale and automatically they assume u got so much of a tip and will tax u for it."

May I ask what does what the GOVERNMENT DOES have to do with the "SERVICE" the customer is getting, huh? We can't control the government. That means if you do the less service than people that do more for no tip, it's *VERY UNFAIR* to tip you, but not them and you KNOW THAT *IS* THE GOD'S TRUTH!!

"So it's not about how hard it was to make that drink or open the beer but the service that came along with it."

Yes it is, because what the government does has ****NOTHING******* to do with the ***SERVICE**** the customer is receiving AND it has ***NOTHING**** to do with it being less work than a McDonald's cashier does for NO TIP.

WHY do you feel the government has to do with service, huh? If you don't like it, don't be a bartender or a server then, it's that simple.

"How rude of you to assume all bartenders make hourly wages. U really have no idea how much they are being paid."

Actually, I **DO**, because I have ***ASKED*** YOU IDIOT. One bartender that serves sometimes too at a restaurant, she makes $5/hr. Some restaurants only pay their bartenders $2.13/hr.

"So yes opening your damn beer isn't just about how hard it was but if they were prompt and friendly in doing so."

NO, the only time I tip on a beer is if I am sitting there. If I am getting a beer at a nightclub, I am standing and not being "SERVED" SITTING which means they aren't really bringing it to me, I am getting it from them. So opening a beer isn't service to tip on when we can't tip the McDonald's cashier putting special sauce or tartar sauce in a cup for me that was *****MUCH MORE WORK******. It would be UNFAIR of me to tip on that, it just would and you KNOW THAT IS THE GOD'S TRUTH!!

"to lazy to even ask if u want dessert which is the case alot of times."

If they are, their tip would show it as it would be *DESERVED* since they were lazy and uncaring.

"And if a secret shopper comes in and they don't do it they get written up and can lose their damn job!"

I don't mind when they upsell me *BEFORE* I order, but changing my order *AFTER* I order(which has literally only happened around 5 times in my lifetime EVER) is not morally right to do that.

We have had servers ask "Would you like to start off with our top shelf margarita", but doing it *AFTER* you have asked me what I wanted is stupid and morally wrong to try to change my mind, understand? Imagine if you were at McDonald's, you said you wanted a Big Mac, they would say "Would you like to try our delicious chicken sandwich combo for only $4.99." Do you see where I am coming from that would be AGGRAVATING they'd try to change your order entirely even there doing it AFTER? Do it *BEFOREHAND*, which most people are fine with that.

"And some of these things u complain about forgetting items, silverware etc is common mistakes but little miss perfect over here apparently doesnt make mistakes!"

Do you say you are ********SORRY******** when you make those mistakes? If you don't, WTF should I forgive you even a little in the tip for it, huh?

These mistakes should still be taken off though, sorry, but if you want a PERFECT SCORE TIP, you have to do a PERFECT SCORE JOB!!

7:51 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"write up all these bs complaints."


"Why does it bother u if your server sees your glass 1/2 empty and brings u another?"

Do you not have ***COMMON SENSE*** OR WHAT?

If I don't want the drink, it ***********WASTED MY TIME************ IDIOT. HOW STUPID ARE YOU DUMBASS!!

Also, even if I do want the drink, I hate CONTROL FREAKS LIKE YOURSELF, HATE THEM!! It's not your job to decide what *I* want in *MY* SERVICE that *I* am **PAYING YOU** FOR. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO DECIDE WHAT THE FUCK I WANT, HUH?

"Whether u want a sprite or dr pepper it's not hard for u to say actually I rather have a sprite this time."

But you stupid idiot, in that time, you just *********WASTED********* **MY** TIME GETTING ME THAT UNWANTED ITEM INSTEAD OF WHAT I DID WANT. It may not even be a refill, it could be I want my check instead and you got my a fucking ass refill DUMMY!! IT'S CALLED *********TIME WASTING DUMMY*********!!

It's *OUR* TIME, NOT YOURS TO DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH IT SINCE YOU WANT OUR MONEY. If you were paying us, we'd gladly do things your way, but it's the other way around.

"It's actually more work for the server so that's their problem."



At Red Lobster once, this waiter brought out another dr. pepper and my husband's refill without permission. I asked him "Can I have a coke instead?" He didn't APOLOGIZE for ASSUMING WRONG(getting the order wrong) and I had to ******************WAIT************* to get the drink I did want. If he would have came to *ASK* by being CONSIDERATE(could have asked if we wanted this type of service at the GREETING("Some people like refills without being asked throughout your service, is this something you all would be interested in"), he would have known that I wanted a coke not to bring another dr. pepper wasting ********EVERYONE'S TIME THAT HE SERVED BY DOING A TASK FOR ***************NOTHING*********!!

"Same as bringing ur ticket before ur finished doesnt mean u still can't order more they will print a new ticket."

NO it's NOT THE SAME DUMMY. You just spent time printing out the check when you have to print it again ******WASTING TIME******** AGAIN.

Also, it's not the same in that you are showing you are ***********CONTROLLING*********** the customer's dining experience and that's not your job since you aren't the person *******PAYING********* the customer. The customer is **PAYING** YOU. You are at their mercy if you want their money to do as ONLY *********THEY PERSONALLY DESIRE, NOT WHAT *YOU* WANT, but what the ************CUSTOMER WANTS***********!!

Do you say you are sorry when they tell you that you were wrong in assuming that they wanted their check, huh? That's a mistake as well, because you are ASSUMING WRONG.

DO NOT ASSUME *********EVER******* in anyone's dining experience, because you can be wrong. You aren't GOD that knows what the future holds. You are just another person like everyone else.

7:52 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Secondly if they typically serve the appetizer for first which most cases restaurants do so then maybe u should have specified that u would also like your salad right away your server is not a mind reader they are also not told to ask if you'd like it right away considering they have a process in how they run the kitchen and their business just like any other business does."

They aren't told they can't ask this. Also, Macaroni Grill did it without me having to tell my waiter. Seriously, this is out of COMMON SENSE that not everyone wants things the same way, so your server should be nice enough to *ASK*.

It doesn't matter what they are told even if your manager would make you not. You are working for the *CUSTOMER* if you want their money. That means pleasing them, NOT the manager, THEM if you expect more than $2.13/hr. That means you'd be better off not working for a manager that is uncaring even if he fires you, because I seriously couldn't work for a CONTROL FREAK manager like that. I would REFUSE to do that. The *CUSTOMER* RULES EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY THING IN THEIR SERVICE SINCE IT'S *THEIR* MONEY.

"So unless specified then it's obvious they'd bring the salad later."

THEN WHY at Macaroni Grill the waiter brought my side salad first BEFORE the appetizer where I had wayyy finished it even before the appetizer came, huh?

"not talk to you other than asking what u need what u want how u want it"

ONLY BEFORE putting in my orders or getting the things I ask for since that has to do with how LONG I am waiting for my things. If all I am doing is waiting for my stuff and it's going to be a while, I don't mind and *ENJOY* chit chatting with servers. You are WRONG ABOUT THAT. If they have time though. I don't do this if they are busy since it would alter OTHER CUSTOMER'S TIME.

"All this makes your server sound like your slave not your waitress."

But they aren't your best bud. They are doing a *JOB*, that's it. So they *ARE* your slave. They are at your beck and call what you ask for.

"Why can't your server try to make light conversation"

I don't mind that as long as it is ***AFTER**** we have placed our orders. That's what's called being *CONSIDERATE* when you think about someone's hunger and thirst.

"tell u that meal is their favorite it's engaging in a conversation with their customers which in many cases makes a great service and brings repeat customers which most restaurants stay open b/c of their regular customers."

Telling you that something is your favorite is actually *****PURPOSELY ****DELAYING**** YOU GETTING YOUR FOOD OR DRINKS. That's NOT VERY CONSIDERATE, IS IT?


It doesn't matter if it's "YOUR" FAVORITE", because you aren't *PAYING* for that item, so STFU and TAKE OUR ORDER!! QUIT PUTTING YOUR 2 CENTS IN WHERE IT DOESN'T BELONG! It's *NOT* YOUR BUSINESS!! Don't you rather have more tables and get more tips by HURRYING UP MORE? The LONGER you are taking to take the customer's order, the LONGER they are there and it's through *YOUR FAULT*.

7:52 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Sounds like being a server means they are not good enough for u to communicate with unless if the communication is an order for u needing something which makes them more like a slave!"

It's a **JOB***!! I don't understand why you think it has to be the way **YOU*** desire when YOU WANT ***OUR MONEY***, so it goes by what ***WE WANT****, NOT WHAT ***YOU**** WANT!! OUR OPINION COUNTS ONLY UNLESS WE ASK FOR YOURS!!

It should be like a slave. This is a job. If you want a friendship, you have to be a slave first to show that you *CARE* about the customer's time and what *THEY* want, what makes *THEM* happy, NOT what *YOUR FAVORITE* is. Service is not about you, it’s about the *CUSTOMER* IDIOT!!

"Sometimes it's easier to drop things off in order of which table is closest to u and then go down the line of which table is next closest til u make it all the way thru your section. Dropping off items to 4 different tables literally takes about 15 seconds at each is 45 seconds that big of a deal to U."

YOU ARE AN UNCARING ASSHOLE FUCKING ASS BITCH! It’s important to me, because it our 45 seconds and if you want us to do right by you, you have to do right by us. It’s called being *FAIR* when you expect a tip or a good tip at the end. Because it has to do with cutting and cutting is WRONG. I hope someone cuts in front of you, I really do.

If you cannot do things in the order in which they came in, make MULTIPLE TRIPS IDIOT!!

It's called having *MORALS* and doing the "RIGHT THING" is what it's called.

Do you like when someone CUTS in front of you? I bet you don't, well don't do it to others then.

Do you like when someone is unfair to you? Then don't do it to others.

That's *OUR* 45 seconds you took away from us UNCARING BITCH! FUCK YOU!!

Did you notice how you said it was "EASIER" that means you are TOO LAZY TO MAKE MORE THAN ONE TRIP AND YOU ONLY CARE ABOUT ********YOUR SELFISH SELF********!!

It doesn't matter what's easier for *YOU*, it matters what is ****************FAIR***************** to the customer since you want their money. If you were paying us, you could gladly take the easier way since it would be your money we'd want so we'd be at YOUR MERCY of what we got, but it's the OPPOSITE that you are at our mercy, so you have to do the right thing for *US* that means NO CUTTING in front of other people's turns to get a good tip. People watch you more than you think. It's not just me.

If you can't carry all of the items without going out of order on 1 tray, then you need to bring *LESS* and QUIT BEING SO GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING ASS LAZY. The tables that asked for things later **********DESERVE************* TO WAIT LONGER SINCE THEY ARE LATER IN THE LINE PER SAY. It doesn't have to be a physical line to go in order and do the "RIGHT THING" and you know it.

That means when a Red Lobster waitress once had 2 sides salads for another couple that wasn't even in the BUILDING when we placed our entrée orders had on the SAME TRAY as our entrées were on, she should have made 2 SEPARATE TRIPS to not even take the seconds to put their side salads on the tray even. Since she did, if she felt should couldn't hand it out in the correct order, she should have *******BYPASSED********* their table and brought ours first since we did *ORDER* WELL BEFORE THEY DID since they weren't even there when we ordered.

If she couldn't do it the "MORALLY RIGHT WAY", she should have made 2 TRIPS.

See you are thinking about what is easier for *********YOU************, YOU SELFISH BITCH? YOU ARE VERY UNCARING, VERY and VERY LAZY to not make more than one trip. If you have to make 3 trips to bring stuff, you should make 3 trips.

7:53 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...


"Also sometimes if u have multiple items on a tray u have to arrange them"

NO ONE MAKES YOU USE A TRAY. A waitress we knew that worked at a TGIFriday's told us that trays make her drop stuff more so she doesn't use them. USING A TRAY IS A **********CHOICE********** IDIOT!!

If you have to rearrange them, you can still hand them out in the correct order. There's no excuse you can come up with to be unfair, **********NONE***********!!

"To make them all fit and maybe yours though u asked for it first may not be convenient to take off the tray first. Ever think of that?"

NO, because I don't care about that. I care about the server being ***********FAIR************ if they want our money DUMMY!!

WHY would I think about that when they could make 2 trips to do the same thing but do it in a ******FAIR AND RIGHT MANNER*******, HUH? EVER THINK OF THAT?

If you can't hand things off a tray in the correct order, you might want to consider bringing less on a tray(making another trip) or not using a tray at all. YOU ARE AN INCONSIDERATE, LAZY ASS IDIOT!!

The tip doesn't come from what's "EASIER" FOR ((((((((((((YOU))))))))), it's what's the *****RIGHT THING FOR THE ((((((((((((CUSTOMER)))))))))))) since you want their money, you have to do right by them, NOT BY YOURSELF. You don't get to make things easier on yourself, you get to do the right thing for the *CUSTOMER* if you expect their money.

7:54 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"Same as bringing ur ticket before ur finished doesnt mean u still can't order more they will print a new ticket."

At times, we have decided to not get something else that we could have because our server PUSHED US OUT by doing that. Your job is to *******SELL********** IDIOT!!

Also, WHY do you feel it's in YOUR RIGHT to make the *CUSTOMER'S* decisions for them, huh?



They can print another ticket, but you have chosen to risks getting something wrong, WHY? You can't read minds as *YOUR WORDS* REMEMBER:

"your server is not a mind reader"


You have ZERO RIGHTS to make decisions that aren't yours. WHY do you feel you have rights when it's not "YOUR" money paying for this right, that it's *OUR* money paying for this right to decide, huh?

8:17 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

It doesn't matter what decision it is, it's ******OURS**********since it's our money you want, so let it be *OURS* and quit being a fucking ass control freak. Let *US* make every single decision by you asking *US* what's OK to do and what's not.

8:19 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...


"your server is not a mind reader"


Customers should be served by *************INDIVIDUALITY************* at each table.

For example, let's say I'd have a party of 5, they'd order all soft drinks or tea or water. I'd ask to ALL of them AFTER I'd get their drink orders "Some people like refills without being asked throughout their service, is this something you all would be interested in?" Who knows, 2 people at the table may say "NO, we'd rather be asked", while the other 3 people may say they do want it.

INDIVIDUAL things people want at each table. Not even the same party they may want the same things is my point.

If customers want their check without ordering dessert, *THEY* should speak up to say they are in such a hurry. Customers shouldn't have to tell their servers "PLEASE DO NOT ASSUME WE ARE IN A HURRY BY BRINGING THE CHECK OUT BEFORE YOU OFFER US DESSERT", because that is COMMON SENSE we don't have to do that.

It's not our job to tell you NOT TO ASSUME THINGS. It's common sense that everyone likes different things, different ways NOT to assume. I shouldn't have to tell you don't bring me ketchup, because I don't like ketchup, but you can *ASK* if I want ketchup if it's not on the table, understand?

It's not our job to tell you don't assume this, don't assume that. It's OUR MONEY, so we shouldn't have to waste it on telling you what not to assume or assume they you will assume everything when most servers DON'T ASSUME. A LOT of servers are thoughtful and nice enough to *ASK* PERMISSION for each thing they do for us and that's how it *SHOULD* BE. The customers that don't want to be asked all the time honestly should tell their server this such as "Can I get refills automatically that you don't have to ask me" or something like that. Since a lot of customers are stuck up and don't want to do this, the SERVER should be asking the customer if it's OK to do that type of service.


8:43 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"That beer is still being rang into the til under their name so at the end of the day they are being taxed for that sale and automatically they assume u got so much of a tip and will tax u for it."

But WE'RE receiving the *SAME* SERVICE though whether you are taxed on that sale or not. To the customer, the service remains the same, so that doesn't count in the tip IDIOT. I don't get WHY you think it should?

8:52 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"It's actually more work for the server so that's their problem."

It's actually our problem more than yours since it's *OUR MONEY* paying you. The only thing you suffer with is extra work you created yourself. You are actually taking more time for your other customers SELFISH BITCH that you could have been at *THEIR* TABLE FASTER instead of doing a tasks for NOTHING. YOU ARE AN IDIOT to think that it only affects you. DO YOU NOT HAVE ANY ** COMMON SENSE ** TO SPEAK OF? It affects ******ALL********* YOUR CUSTOMERS when you can't be at their table because you are doing tasks for nothing. Even if you have no other customers at the time that need something, you can be doing some side work instead of wasting time like that IDIOT!!

8:55 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...


QUIT TRYING TO BE A CONTROL FREAK!! Serve with *INDIVIDUALITY* in your head when you serve by thinking about every single time you go to a table, each person at each table may want things differently.

If you have time to chit chat as you claim you want to do and do, you have the time to ask questions to your customers instead of assume. You also have time that you assume wrong since you have to go back to do the correct thing you should have done. If you have time to waste, you have time to ask questions.

8:57 AM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

Oliver Jaimeson
"The bartender opened a beer first because it takes 3 seconds and your damn white Russian takes 3 minutes"



So when you are at McDonald's, I can say well I can cut in front of you because I only want a coke and you were first wanting 3 combos to-go. That doesn't work there or *******ANYWHERE ELSE******(besides ER since that has to do with saving lives), SO WHY A BAR SHOULD BE **********ANY************ DIFFERENTLY TREATED HUH?


So when you say "This is one of the most moronic things I've ever heard", THAT'S *******YOU********** that is an UNFAIR ASSHOLE!!

I couldn't FATHOM going out of order. That's cutting and cutting is *****************MORALLY WRONG********** AND YOU KNOW IT!


"I'm willing to bet the bar was busy"

NO, it wasn't. Doesn't matter though. I don't care if they have 20 people, you wait your turn. If you order a white russian, which you were first and I order a beer, I should wait until your white russian is finished to get to even order my beer. That's how turns go IDIOT!


Once, I only wanted a frosty at Wendy's, which I stood in the back of a couple that ordered 2 combos, which at the time, they didn't have the self-serve soft drinks either(they still do at malls though). My point is, I didn't act like I was queen and decided to cut. I waited my turn as it is SUPPOSED TO BE IDIOT!

"not to mention you have no idea how long that person waited to be seen,"

I sure do when I *******SEE******** THEM WALK IN OR WALK UP IDIOT! I WATCH THINGS IDIOT!! I watch my surroundings unlike an idiot like yourself.

"perhaps they waited longer and the bartender just happened to be closer to you first."

NO, this one time for example, me and my husband was already sitting at the bar for a while, which I was on my second drink, which I ordered a white russian. As she was getting ready to shake it, a guy walks in.(remember it's really slow as I said). She takes his order which she should only say "I'll be right with you", but she not only took his beer order, but then looked for it and she seemed new in that she didn't know which button at first to press on the register, meanwhile my white russian sat in the back of the bar. She got ZERO TIP for that drink. She CUT. There was NOOOOOO REASON to make mine wait when *********I*********** ORDERED ************WAYYYYYY THE FUCK BEFORE THAT GUY******** and she knows it considering he wasn't even in the bar when I placed my order.

"perhaps they waited longer and the bartender just happened to be closer to you first."

SO WHAT if I don't get sick. You will care if I stiff you though.

7:44 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...


Neither, you are stupid though.

"Every thing you talk about is complete bullshit."

NO, it's not and you know it. It's being *FAIR* is what I am ALL FOR. You are for CUTTING, which you have NO MORALS to speak of.

"Comparing a bar to a fast food place is just stupid, because they are nothing alike."

Yes they are because people wait in line. Also, it's *EVERYWHERE* except for ER since that's because of life or death, but otherwise, when you are in a line a store, the person before you has 40 items, you have 5, you have to wait BEHIND THEIR TURN IDIOT.

So YES, ALL OF THESE are 100% ALIKE because people wait their ****************TURNS**************** IDIOT! YOU ARE DUMB!

"If bartenders did things the way YOU want them done, they would never make any money."


"It's not always about who came in first, as it is how can I get everyone satisfied in the least amount of time."

Yes it is about who came in first. If you disrespect someone's turn, you lose your tip or get less of one, it's that simple. So you are the MORON THAT DOESN'T QUITE UNDERSTAND THAT, DO YOU?

"If that means opening or pouring a beer before making a mixed drink, then so be it. I'm not gonna have 5 people wait for me to make one mixed drink when all they wanted was beer. I can get all 6 drinks done in the matter of a minute, but 5 of them I can get done in about 5 seconds."

Actually that's not true just 5 seconds, because you also have to at times ring people up as well and maybe the keg is empty or problems arise at times. Also, WHY should Jane Doe's minute or seconds be taken up for 5 other people that came in *AFTER* her? WHY should she wait longer for her drink when she was FIRST? That's UNFAIR to HER TIME. DON'T YOU GET THAT IT'S CUTTING AND VERY DISRESPECTFUL?

It's UNFAIR, it IS. If you are in line as I said at a store, you are first have 50 items, the person behind you has 10, and the person behind them has 1, are you going to ask the 3rd person to cut? NO, you aren't, so STFU STUPID NITWIT IDIOT, because you have NO CLUE OF WTF YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! CUTTING IS CUTTING. When I have bartenders do that shit, they get stiffed, PERIOD! FUCK YOU if you are going to CUT. I DON'T TIP CUTTERS! I TIP PEOPLE THAT RESPECT MY TIME, EVERY SECOND OF IT.

I don't care if the first person even the donut shop wanted 5 dozen donuts and the 2nd person only wanted large coffee to go, the first person got served FIRST, PERIOD and the 2nd person waited their turn as it is *****************EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THIS WORLD EXCEPT FOR ER.

If you expect a tip, you can't be a cutter.

"You are just a dumb bitch who has no concept of what it takes to be a bartender, or much less a server."

You are just a dumb ASSHOLE who doesn't understand that CUTTING IS MORALLY WRONG! If you expect a tip, you have to have morals.

"you don not deserve the half ass service you get."

Doesn't make sense?

"I really hope karma takes you for a ride!"


8:17 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"The majority of the dining population doesn't think this way and this person"


4:36 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

"You are either a: an idiot b:an entitled idiot c: a troll to get hits on your webpage or d: a downright jackass"


I am not a troll, you are though!

5:09 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

Not worth a tip?

"Did I just greet you? Did I use my voice to ask you what you wanted to drink? Did I just have to look at yourface and hear your voice tell me what you wanted? Did I not just turn around, get a beer, take the cap off, hand it to you(hopefully with a cocktail napkin), ask if that was all you wanted, ring you up and take some sort of payment? No, it's not a lot of work. Not as much as, say, time traveling back to 1979 when white russians were a socially acceptable beverage and then transporting them back to modern day to serve to your rude ass. No, not as much work as that. BUT IT IS MY FUCKING JOB. I work for tips. THAT IS ALL. If you want a bottle of beer at no extra cost, go to the store and stay home with a sixer. You're paying for my time and attention, and the fact that I just served you. Not for you to determine how complicated that order made my life."

Didn't I just say if I am *STANDING* at a NIGHTCLUB getting a beer? You aren't giving me a napkin. I am ordering a bottle of beer as if I were at McDonald's ordering a coke. You give me a cup for my coke just as if I got a beer. They do more work fixing me my shake or frappacino or iced coffee for NO TIP. That's the truth and not fair.

I tip *FAIRLY* if that person gave me more service than you HOW THE FUCK HELL is it *FAIR* to tip you but not them, HUH? Please explain??? HOW IS IT *FAIR* the *CUSTOMER* pays you more for doing LESS WORK than a MCDONALD'S CASHIER DOES FOR NO TIP REGARDLESS OF WHAT THEY GET PAID PER HOUR OR NOT, DOESN'T MATTER SINCE THE *****************AMOUNT OF ********************************PHYSICAL LABOR********************************************* IS ACTUALLY MORE AT MCDONALD'S THAN GRABBING A BEER AND FLIPPING THE CAP OFF THE BEER, RINGING ME UP, GIVING ME CHANGE OR CREDIT CARD RECEIPT.

Continued next post:

11:10 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

Felicia - Continued:

"The guy who ordered a bottle beer would be totally fine waiting for me to make your white russian. The people on the phone would stop calling because they would know I was too busy. But that's not real life and that's not how restaurants work. Stay home."

In real life, people have *TURNS* that's why people wait in line or take a number. They don't expect to be cut in front of in real life MORON!

You go to Walmart. The person behind me has 10 items, I have 30, the cashier doesn't say "Hey you with the 10 items, you get to go in front of the person that has 30 items." While yes, they do have express lines, let's say those are long lines and some are delayed(like once I got delayed due to someone that didn't get the right item on their welfare card so they had to call a manager and hold up the line). So you see, people have turns in real life.

I once went to Burger King, people in front of me got some combos, I just wanted a freaking coke, that's it. I know I could have gone through drive-thru, but yes, I have had times where it has been quicker and doesn't burn up excess gas to not go through drive-thru. So anyway I waited my turn. I didn't be like "Hey I just want a coke, can I cut?" WHY? Because I am not an unfair asshole, that's why. I am not above them because I have less and that's what you are trying to say that because the beer customer takes less time they can cut even seconds before me, NO, they can't and that's just not right morally and you know it.

The way to real world works is we all have turns and you *CAN* serve MORALLY RIGHT by turns if you *WANTED* TO. You may have to answer the phone so they don't hang up and say "please hold", but they should wait their turn after that though. Also, you can make a drink and talk at the same time. I have seen bartenders do that before many of times. That's why it's called multi-tasking. The thing is, if I had 3 drinks on order, I would let the phone ring and ring hoping maybe someone else in the place could help me out, because why should the 3 people that are THERE take priority over a customer that may be calling just to find out our hours and decide not to ever stop by even? So I just made 3 people have longer waits so I could answer the phone for a person that won't be giving the company business? That makes ZERO SENSE.

My point is, YES that's the way the real world works. While even you can take the other guy's drink order, that doesn't mean you have to FIX IT BEFORE my white russian. You can ask what he needs, but still do things in order of people's turns.

Don't be that asshole that cuts and then expect me to give you a tip for respect. You disrespected me, FUCK YOUR TIP, it's that simple. You treated me like SHIT, I TREATED YOU BACK AT YA the SAME FUCKING WAY! HOW CAN YOU EXPECT ANYTHING ELSE, HUH???

Continued next post:

11:11 PM  
Blogger Springs1 said...

Felicia - Continued:

"I work for tips."

Then you should *CARE* about people's turns to be *FAIR* if you expect that back. It's kind of like you expect a tip for services, I expect you to respect me as a person that I have feelings too and the beer customer is not ABOVE me and my time. I am waiting for my drink, now, he just got his drink INSTANTLY. HOW THE FUCK IS THAT MORALLY RIGHT OR FAIR? IT'S NOT. He's not a king just because he ordered a simpler faster drink. As I said, I go to a store or fast food place, I have to wait even though mine takes less than minute I have to wait behind somneone else's 5-10 minutes. Once, literally this REALLY did happen, I was on my hour lunch break at the nearby I can walk it's so-close Wendy's by my work across the street, so I walk there and there's a lady and someone else, they order literally like 20 such-n-such sandwiches, 8 such-n-such sandwiches, etc. Meanwhile I waited probably 10 plus minutes to order my ONE combo. It's FAIR, because hey they beat me to the line. No cashier said to them "Can I take the next person's order because yours is so large." NO, they went in order of turns. I waited and waited to order. It sooooo sucked, but that's life. I was beating myself up inside thinking "I just wish I didn't use the bathroom first and wanted to wash my hands before I ate before I decided to go or I wouldn't have had these ladies in front of me, but it was too late, they beat me to the line, so it was only fair and morally right they were first even if their turn took a zillion times longer than mine did.

So stop acting like it's not the way it really works in real life. YOU ARE FULL OF BS that you can serve in the correct morally right way if you want to, it's up to you and you know it. Please stop lying!

11:11 PM  

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